ECOS Data Services

ESA Species Critical Habitat Boundaries

Technology: ESRI ArcGIS Feature and Tile Services
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) designated Critical Habitat boundary polygons and lines.

FWS Species Data Explorer

Technology: Pull Reports / REST
Species managed by the U.S. FWS pursuant to its responsibilities under the Endangered Species Act. The service includes listing, taxonomy, and related Federal Register publication information.
Quick links:
  • Data Explorer: Use the data explorer to construct custom queries into the REST-API. The explorer permits joining data, adding filters, sorting, and changing the export format type (e.g HTML, XML, JSON, or CSV).
  • Example request: All ESA Threatened & Endangered species listings in html, json, xml, and csv.

Report of Petitions Sent to the U.S. FWS Regarding Listed Species

Technology: Pull Reports / REST

All U.S. FWS reported petitions.

Quick links:
  • Summary Report: A prepared report with the default columns for Petitions Received by the Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • Data Explorer: Use the data explorer to construct custom queries into the REST-API. The explorer permits joining data, adding filters, sorting, and changing the export format type (e.g HTML, XML, JSON, or CSV).
  • Example request: All reported Petitions in html, json, xml, and csv.

U.S. FWS Species With Recovery Documents

Technology: Pull Reports / REST

U.S. FWS Species with their associated recovery documents.

Quick links:
  • Data Explorer: Use the data explorer to construct custom queries into the REST-API. The explorer permits joining data, adding filters, sorting, and changing the export format type (e.g HTML, XML, JSON, or CSV).
  • Example request: All Species with Recovery Documents in html, json, xml, and csv.

IPaC Location API

Technology: REST
The IPaC Location API enables external applications to create and request data from IPaC projects through a REST-ful interface. The returned data includes information about ESA Threatened & Endangered Species, Migratory Birds, and sensitive wetlands in the given location.