Listed Non-Flowering Plants

45 Records

  • Species Groups: Conifers and Cycads, Ferns and Allies, Lichens, Algae, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria
  • Listing Statuses: Endangered, Threatened, Emergency Listing, Endangered, Emergency Listing, Threatened, Similarity of Appearance (Endangered), Similarity of Appearance (Threatened)
  • Listed in the US
When searching by State, please note that a species will show up in the report only if it has a spatial current range. State associations for a species are based on a spatial current range delineated by FWS biologists in TESS (and not all species have spatial current range delineated at the present time).

The current range of species entities consisting of one or more populations does not include states or countries outside those population boundaries, even though the species may occur there in a population not covered by the Endangered Species Act.
Scientific Name Common Name Lead Region Federal Listing Status Where Listed
Adenophorus periens Palai la`au 1 Endangered Wherever found
Asplenium dielerectum No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Asplenium diellaciniatum No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Asplenium (=Diellia) dielfalcatum (=falcata) No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Asplenium dielmannii No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Asplenium dielpallidum No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Asplenium peruvianum var. insulare No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum American hart's-tongue fern 5 Threatened Wherever found
Asplenium unisorum No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Cladonia perforata Florida perforate cladonia 4 Endangered Entire
Ctenitis squamigera Pauoa 1 Endangered Wherever found
Cupressus abramsiana Santa Cruz cypress 8 Threatened Wherever found
Cupressus goveniana ssp. goveniana Gowen cypress 8 Threatened Wherever found
Cyathea dryopteroides Elfin tree fern 4 Endangered Wherever found
Cycas micronesica Fadang 1 Threatened Wherever found
Deparia kaalaana No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Diplazium molokaiense No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Donrichardsia macroneuron South Llano Springs moss 2 Endangered Wherever found
Doryopteris angelica No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Doryopteris takeuchii No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Dryopteris crinalis var. podosorus Palapalai aumakua 1 Endangered Wherever found
Dryopteris glabra var. pusilla Hohiu 1 Endangered Wherever found
Elaphoglossum serpens No common name 4 Endangered Wherever found
Gymnoderma lineare Rock gnome lichen 4 Endangered Wherever found
Hypolepis hawaiiensis var. mauiensis olua 1 Endangered Wherever found
Isoetes louisianensis Louisiana quillwort 4 Endangered Wherever found
Isoetes melanospora Black spored quillwort 4 Endangered Wherever found
Isoetes tegetiformans Mat-forming quillwort 4 Endangered Wherever found
Marsilea villosa Ihi`ihi 1 Endangered Wherever found
Menisciopsis boydiae Kupukupu makali`i 1 Endangered Wherever found
Microlepia strigosa var. mauiensis No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Phlegmariurus mannii Wawae`iole 1 Endangered Wherever found
Phlegmariurus nutans Wawae`iole 1 Endangered Wherever found
Phlegmariurus stemmermanniae No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Pinus albicaulis Whitebark pine 6 Threatened Wherever found
Polystichum aleuticum Aleutian shield fern 7 Endangered Wherever found
Polystichum calderonense No common name 4 Endangered Wherever found
Pteris lidgatei No common name 1 Endangered Wherever found
Tectaria estremerana No common name 4 Endangered Wherever found
Thelypteris inabonensis No common name 4 Endangered Wherever found
Thelypteris pilosa var. alabamensis Alabama streak-sorus fern 4 Threatened Wherever found
Thelypteris verecunda No common name 4 Endangered Wherever found
Thelypteris yaucoensis No common name 4 Endangered Wherever found
Torreya taxifolia Florida torreya 4 Endangered Entire
Trichomanes punctatum ssp. floridanum Florida bristle fern 4 Endangered Entire