Operations at https://ecos.fws.gov/ServCatServices/v2/rest/unit

This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.

Uri Method Description
GET Gets the list of all Unit Profiles.
_schemas/ArrayOfUnitCollection GET Show the schema for a list of Unit Collections.
_schemas/ArrayOfUnitDesignation GET Show the schema for a list of Unit Designations.
_schemas/ArrayOfUnitGeography GET Show the schema for a list of Unit Geographies.
_schemas/ArrayOfUnitProfile GET Show the schema for a list of Unit Profiles.
_schemas/StateArray GET Show the schema for a list of State items.
_schemas/UnitNodeArray GET Show the schema for the Unit Control Content.
_urlOptions/format GET Show the list of response formats. These are valid strings for the optional '&format=' query parameter of any query. The default is 'xml'
{searchTerm} GET Searches for Unit Profiles matching the given 'searchTerm' in their code, name, lifecycle, designation or subtype. Multiple search terms can be submitted, but they must be separated by semicolons. If 'searchTerm' is one or more Unit Codes, the results are all matching units. However, any other set of terms result in an 'AND' search - each term further refining the query.
{searchTerm}/geography GET Searches for Units matching the given 'searchTerm' and returns a list of Unit Geographies, each providing a text representation of their WGS84 GIS coordinates. Multiple search terms can be submitted, but they must be separated by semicolons. Valid values for the 'detail' parameter (the level of geospatial detail) are 'envelope', 'convexhull', or 'feature'. Valid values for the 'dataformat' parameter (the text format of the coordinates) are 'wkt' and 'gml'. If not specified, the default detail is 'convexHull' and the default format is 'wkt'.
{unitcode}/linked GET Finds the Unit whose Code is 'code' and returns a Unit Profile list of any units linked to 'code'.
{unitcode}/linked/functional GET Finds the Unit whose Code is 'code' and returns a Unit Profile list of any functional units linked to 'code'.
{unitcode}/linked/logical GET Finds the Unit whose Code is 'code' and returns a Unit Profile list of any logical units linked to 'code'.
collections GET Gets the list of all Unit Collections and the Units belonging to each.
designations GET Gets the list of all Unit Designations and the Units belonging to each.
designations/{designation} GET Gets a single Unit Designation and its Units by code or name.
states GET Gets the Hierarchy of States, Counties, Parks.
states/{state} GET Gets the Hierarchy of States, Counties, Parks.
states/{state}/{county} GET Gets the Hierarchy of States, Counties, Parks.
subtypes GET Gets the list of all Unit SubTypes and the Units belonging to each.
subtypes/{subtype} GET Gets a single Unit SubType and its Units by code or name.
unitselector GET Gets the Hierarchy of Unit data suitable for a web selector control.