{"data":[{"id":"f2t2mbuo","attributes":{"profile":"org.adiwg.profile.full","json":"{\"schema\":{\"name\":\"mdJson\",\"version\":\"2.8.1\"},\"contact\":[],\"metadata\":{\"metadataInfo\":{\"metadataIdentifier\":{\"identifier\":\"87e6bee2-6b6e-4e4c-a675-a54fbe73483b\",\"namespace\":\"urn:uuid\"},\"metadataContact\":[{\"party\":[{\"contactId\":\"6492c6a3-575e-420d-9f95-a5929c8d639f\"}],\"role\":\"pointOfContact\"}],\"defaultMetadataLocale\":{\"language\":\"eng\",\"characterSet\":\"UTF-8\",\"country\":\"USA\"},\"metadataMaintenance\":{\"frequency\":\"annually\"},\"metadataStatus\":\"completed\"},\"resourceInfo\":{\"resourceType\":[{\"type\":\"tabularDataset\",\"name\":\"UMR Hydroacoustics\"}],\"citation\":{\"title\":\"Upper Mississippi River Hydroacoustics\",\"alternateTitle\":[\"Upper Mississippi River split-beam echosounder survey\"]},\"pointOfContact\":[{\"party\":[{\"contactId\":\"6492c6a3-575e-420d-9f95-a5929c8d639f\"}],\"role\":\"pointOfContact\"},{\"party\":[{\"contactId\":\"0ced73e8-a414-40e1-bec4-eb8500d7fffb\"}],\"role\":\"collaborator\"}],\"status\":[\"onGoing\"],\"defaultResourceLocale\":{\"language\":\"eng\",\"characterSet\":\"UTF-8\",\"country\":\"USA\"},\"timePeriod\":{\"timeInterval\":{\"interval\":1,\"units\":\"year\"},\"startDateTime\":\"2021-09-22T05:00:00.000Z\",\"endDateTime\":\"2023-09-28T05:00:00.000Z\"},\"extent\":[{\"description\":\"UMR Pools 18-21\",\"geographicExtent\":[{\"containsData\":true,\"boundingBox\":{\"northLatitude\":41.380930388318,\"southLatitude\":39.8928799002948,\"eastLongitude\":-90.8514404296875,\"westLongitude\":-91.658935546875},\"geographicElement\":[{\"type\":\"Feature\",\"properties\":{\"name\":\"UMR Hydroacoustics\"},\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"Polygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[-91.658935546875,39.8928799002948],[-91.658935546875,41.380930388318],[-90.8514404296875,41.380930388318],[-90.8514404296875,39.8928799002948],[-91.658935546875,39.8928799002948]]]},\"id\":\"7eef7df8-5c25-44e6-82af-217580db8e39\"}]}]}],\"keyword\":[{\"keyword\":[{\"identifier\":\"002\",\"keyword\":\"biota\",\"path\":[\"biota\"]},{\"identifier\":\"012\",\"keyword\":\"inlandWaters\",\"path\":[\"inlandWaters\"]},{\"identifier\":\"013\",\"keyword\":\"location\",\"path\":[\"location\"]}],\"keywordType\":\"isoTopicCategory\",\"thesaurus\":{\"date\":[{\"date\":\"2014-04\",\"dateType\":\"revision\"}],\"title\":\"ISO 19115 Topic Category\",\"edition\":\"ISO 19115-1:2014\",\"onlineResource\":[{\"uri\":\"https://doi.org/10.18123/D6RP4M\"}],\"identifier\":[{\"identifier\":\"ISO 19115 Topic Category\"}]},\"fullPath\":true}],\"abstract\":\"Silver Carp and Bighead Carp are invasive fishes whose presence and population expansion within U.S. waters are negatively impacting freshwater fisheries and aquatic resources. To help evaluate population control and migration deterent efforts, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducts mobile hydroacoustics surveys in the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) and other associated tributaries and water bodies, to obtain data on the relative abundance, size distribution, spatial distribution, and biomass of Bighead and Silver Carp. Data are collected with two horizontally oriented split-beam transducers (200 kHz; BioSonics, Inc.) offset in angle to maximize water column coverage. Surveys occur at main channel, side channel, backwater and tributary habitats. Hydroacoustic data are typically paired with physical capture data that are collected by the USFWS and/or partner agencies. A separate data management plan exists for hydroacoustic-related physical fish sampling.\",\"shortAbstract\":\"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducts mobile hydroacoustic surveys in the Upper Mississippi River to estimate relative abundance, size distribution, spatial distribution, and biomass of Bighead and Silver Carp. Surveys occur at main channel, side channel, backwater and tributary habitats. \",\"constraint\":[{\"useLimitation\":[\"none\"],\"responsibleParty\":[{\"party\":[{\"contactId\":\"6492c6a3-575e-420d-9f95-a5929c8d639f\"}],\"role\":\"pointOfContact\"}],\"security\":{\"classification\":\"unclassified\"},\"type\":\"use\"}]},\"resourceLineage\":[{\"processStep\":[{\"description\":\"Hydroacoustic data was processed using a custom processing template on Echoview software. Single targets were detected using parameter values from Parker-Stetter et al. (2009). Multiple targets from a single fish were grouped using Echoview’s fish tracking algorithm to reduce the potential of over counting fish targets. The size of fish targets (total length; cm) will be estimated from mean acoustic target strength (dB) using a function specific to side-looking hydroacoustics (Love 1971).\"}],\"source\":[{\"description\":\"The processing template will identify the bottom lines and exclusion zones. The data processor then must manually review and edit the bottom lines to make sure the estimate is reasonable.\"},{\"description\":\"The data processor will identify fish tracks within the dataset, but can filter out targets of a certain size. We only look at targets estimated to be 254 mm TL or greater. The processor must manually review each fish track for accuracy after the tracks have been identified.\"},{\"description\":\"Data processor will export the data from each transect site, in 0.5 mile intervals.\"},{\"description\":\"For each transect, there will be an exported .csv file with fish track information, and a .csv file with information on the volume sampled. These files will be combined and quality checked using the program R studio, and a third file will be generated detailing the site information.\"}],\"statement\":\"Hydroacoustics surveys were conducted using two horizontally oriented split-beam transducers (200 kHz; BioSonics, Inc.) offset in angle to maximize water column coverage. Transducers are pointed towards the thalweg when sampling all habitat types, and are calibrated on-axis periodically throughout the survey time period. Main channel / main channel border habitats have their sampling area divided into either nearshore or offshore transects along each bank. The nearshore main channel sampling area occurs at the 1 to 1.5 m depth contour. The offshore main channel sampling area is located farther from shore, picking up where the beams from the first transect would have hit the bottom and viable data collection would have stopped. In areas where wing dams extended out into the channel, transects went over the top of the dams if water depths were sufficient, or data collection was paused at the dam, the survey vessel navigated around the dam, and then resumed data collection on the other side close to where collection had previously stopped. Side channel habitats have only nearshore transects available on each shoreline. Backwater lakes and other off-channel habitats are sampled with one or more transects on each shoreline (depending on size). Main channel and side channel habitats are subsampled using randomly selected 1/2 mile long transects. Data from backwater lakes or tributaries will also be reported in 1/2 mile increments, but for backwaters the entire shoreline is sampled, and for tributaries, when accessible up to 2 miles of tributary may be sampled. Please refer to the USFWS mobile hydroacoustics large river SOP for detailed data processing steps.\"}],\"resourceDistribution\":[{\"liabilityStatement\":\"The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. While the Service makes every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of data provided for distribution, it may not have the necessary accuracy or completeness required for every possible intended use. The Service recommends that data users consult the associated metadata record to understand the quality and possible limitations of the data. The Service creates metadata records in accordance with the standards endorsed by the Federal Geographic Data Committee.\\nAs a result of the above considerations, the Service gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the data. It is the responsibility of the data user to use the data in a manner consistent with any limitations. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the Service, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the utility of the data on another system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. This applies to the use of the data both along and in aggregate with other data and information.\",\"description\":\"This fisheries survey data does not contain any sensitive information and should be made publicly available. Please see the liability statement.\"}]},\"metadataRepository\":[],\"dataDictionary\":[],\"mdDictionary\":[\"91e5bb5b-a5f7-4c91-9ce3-cdff8af9c839\"]}","date-updated":"2024-06-11T16:23:23.478Z"},"type":"records"}]}