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snippet: The Threatened and Endangered Species System (TESS) comprises 10 modules that manage and track data related to endangered species work in 10 functional areas.
summary: The Threatened and Endangered Species System (TESS) comprises 10 modules that manage and track data related to endangered species work in 10 functional areas.
extent: [[-180,-17.554994333],[180,74.7088400000001]]
accessInformation: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The Threatened & Endangered Species System (TESS) is a large amalgamation data set management utilities serving the Endangered Species program. These utilities typically capture meta-data (state) about species and thus serve as a compliment to other ECOS applications (i.e. TAILS, HabITS, FIS, PRIMR, ECDMS) which capture information about project work done to restore those species.
licenseInfo: The GIS files and their associated coordinates are not the legal source for determining the critical habitat boundaries of species described within this dataset. Inherent in any data set used to develop graphical representations, are limitations of accuracy as determined by, among others, the source, scale and resolution of the data. While the Service makes every effort to represent the critical habitat shown with this data as completely and accurately as possible (given existing time and resource constraints), the USFWS gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data. In addition, the USFWS shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Graphical representations provided by the use of this data do not represent a legal description of the critical habitat boundary. The user is referred to the critical habitat textual description in the appropriate final rule for this species as published in the Federal Register. These data are to be used only in the context of the definition and purpose of critical habitat. This primarily relates to Section 7 consultation under the Endangered Species Act. These data may be used for planning and land management purposes. They are not to be used for legal survey use.
title: S7_range_map
type: Map Service
tags: ["USFWS TESS","Threatened and Endangered Species System","ArcGIS","Service Definition",".sd"]
culture: en-US
name: RangeMapCached
guid: 55C3E945-A6F9-4801-A27B-4C39DADFB92B
spatialReference: GCS_North_American_1983