Species Proposed for Listing

52 Records

  • Listing Statuses: Not Listed
When searching by State, please note that a species will show up in the report only if it has a spatial current range. State associations for a species are based on a spatial current range delineated by FWS biologists in TESS (and not all species have spatial current range delineated at the present time).

The current range of species entities consisting of one or more populations does not include states or countries outside those population boundaries, even though the species may occur there in a population not covered by the Endangered Species Act.
Scientific Name Common Name Lead Region Federal Listing Status Where Listed
Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Russian Sturgeon Foreign Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Acipenser nudiventris Ship Sturgeon Foreign Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Acipenser persicus Persian Sturgeon Foreign Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Acipenser schrenckii Amur Sturgeon Foreign Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Acipenser stellatus Stellate Sturgeon Foreign Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Actinemys marmorata Northwestern Pond Turtle 8 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Actinemys marmorata Western Pond Turtle 8 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Actinemys pallida Southwestern pond turtle 8 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Agalinis navasotensis Navasota False Foxglove 2 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Alasmidonta triangulata Southern elktoe 4 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Batrachoseps relictus Relictual slender salamander 8 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Batrachoseps simatus Kern Canyon slender salamander 8 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Bradypus pygmaeus Pygmy Three-toed Sloth Foreign Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Cambarus williami Brawleys Fork crayfish 4 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Castilleja ornata swale paintbrush 2 Proposed Endangered Entire
Centrocercus urophasianus Greater sage-grouse 8 Proposed Threatened Bi-State
Diadophis punctatus acricus Key ring-necked snake 4 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Dipodomys elator Texas kangaroo rat 2 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Eurytides lysithous harrisianus Harris' mimic swallowtail butterfly Foreign Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Gyrinophilus subterraneus West Virginia spring salamander 5 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Lasmigona subviridis Green floater 5 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Leptoxis compacta Oblong rocksnail 4 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Macrochelys temminckii Alligator snapping turtle 4 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Medionidus conradicus Cumberland moccasinshell 4 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Parides ascanius Fluminense swallowtail butterfly Foreign Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Parides hahneli Hahnel's Amazonian swallowtail butterfly Foreign Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Paronychia congesta Bushy whitlow-wort 2 Proposed Endangered Entire
Pauxi koepckeae Sira curassow Foreign Proposed Endangered Entire
Pauxi unicornis Southern-helmeted curassow Foreign Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Percina brevicauda Coal darter 4 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Perimyotis subflavus Tricolored bat 5 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Plestiodon egregius egregius Florida Keys mole skink 4 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Pleurobema oviforme Tennessee clubshell 4 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Pleurobema riddellii Louisiana Pigtoe 2 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Pleuronaia barnesiana Tennessee pigtoe 4 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Potamilus amphichaenus Texas heelsplitter 2 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Potamilus metnecktayi salina mucket 2 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Procambarus milleri Miami Cave crayfish 4 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Satan eurystomus Widemouth blindcat 2 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Scutellaria ocmulgee Ocmulgee skullcap 4 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Simpsonaias ambigua Salamander mussel 3 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Sousa chinensis taiwanensis Taiwanese humpback dolphin NMFS Proposed Endangered Entire
Spea hammondii Western spadefoot 8 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Spirinchus thaleichthys Longfin Smelt 8 Proposed Endangered San Francisco Bay-Delta Distinct Population Segment
Stilosoma extenuatum Short-tailed snake 4 Proposed Threatened Wherever found
Strix occidentalis occidentalis California Spotted Owl 8 Proposed Endangered All California spotted owls in the vicinity of the Coast, Transverse, and Peninsular mountain ranges from Monterey County in the north to San Diego County in the south, and south of the Tehachapi Pass within Kern County.
Strix occidentalis occidentalis California Spotted Owl 8 Proposed Threatened (All California spotted owls in the vicinity of the Sierra Nevada mountain range and the Sierra Nevada foothills from Shasta and Lassen Counties in the north, but north of the Tehachapi Pass, Kern County to the south, and east to Carson City, Douglas, and Washoe Counties in Nevada.
Tamias minimus atristriatus Penasco least chipmunk 2 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Tantilla oolitica rim rock crowned snake 4 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Trogloglanis pattersoni Toothless blindcat 2 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Truncilla cognata Mexican fawnsfoot 2 Proposed Endangered Wherever found
Tryonia quitobaquitae Quitobaquito tryonia 2 Proposed Endangered Wherever found