Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results

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Plan Title Plan Stage Plan Lead Region (FWS) Plan Lead Office (FWS) Species Common Name Species Scientific Name Action Priority Action Number Action Description Action Status Estimated Initiation Date Estimated Completion Date Action Lead Agencies Responsible Parties Work Types Labor Types Comments Implementation Activity Number Implementation Activity Description Implementation Activity Status Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date Implementation Activity Labor Types Implementation Activity Work Types Implementation Activity Responsible Parties Implementation Activity Comments Implementation Activity Species
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 1.1 Develop standardized vernal pool habitat site assessment guidance. Ongoing Not Current Other California Native Plant Society, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game Other Internal Technical Assistance 1.1-1 Documenting and predicting presence of vernal pool plants. Complete 2008 2012 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Grant was provided by CVPCP to several vp specialists: Bob Holland, Steven Rae, Michael Barbour. 3 methods were compared: whole pool, transect, and community. Community-based sampling was the most accurate.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 1.2 Conduct data analysis using Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing, and other techniques to facilitate vernal pool habitat protection efforts. Ongoing Not Current FY 2064 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Research: Other Information Internal Field Assistance Assumes 58 years for delisting or downlisting 1.2-1 Publication of Vollmar et al. 2023, Conservation of California's Great Valley Vernal Pool Landscapes Complete 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Vollmar, J., E. Smith, H. Hwang, and A. Bokisch. 2023. Conservation of California's Great Valley Vernal Pool Landscapes. Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting , Inc. Berkley California and Backcountry Press, Humboldt County Ca.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 1.3.12 Conduct standardized vernal pool habitat site assessments for Solano-Colusa vernal pool region Not Started Other County governments, California Native Plant Society, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, The Nature Conservancy, Landowners and Managers Research: Habitat Status Internal Field Assistance Cost estimate for 25,475 hectares ( 62,948 acres)
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 1.3.7 Conduct standardized vernal pool habitat site assessments for Modoc vernal pool region Not Started Other County governments, California Native Plant Society, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Forest Service, Contractor, Landowners and Managers Research: Habitat Status Contract Cost estimate for 1,521 hectares( 3,760 acres)
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 1.3.8 Conduct standardized vernal pool habitat site assessments for Northeastern Sacramento Valley vernal pool region Not Started Other California Department of Parks and Recreation, County governments, California Native Plant Society, Conservation Organizations, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy, Contractor, Landowners and Managers Research: Habitat Status Contract Cost estimate for 36,707 hectares ( 90,704 acres)
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 1.3.9 Conduct standardized vernal pool habitat site assessments for Northwestern Sacramento Valley vernal pool region Not Started Other California Department of Parks and Recreation, County governments, Conservation Organizations, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, Contractor, Landowners and Managers Research: Habitat Status Contract Cost estimate for 26,549 hectares ( 65,602 acres)
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Ensure State and local agencies use their authority to protect species occurrences and their vernal pool habitat in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Current FY 2005 Other County governments Acquisition: Easement Internal Field Assistance permitted South Sacramento HCP Complete 1995 2019 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected HCP also cover Valley elderberry longhorn beetle, California tiger salamander, and giant garter snake, which have separate Recovery Plans.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Ensure State and local agencies use their authority to protect species occurrences and their vernal pool habitat in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Current FY 2005 Other County governments Acquisition: Easement Internal Field Assistance Butte County HCP Ongoing Not Current 2005 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected To implement section 10 and other obligations. Butte County is currently developing an HCP/NRCCP to cover Butte County meadowfoam, shrimp, and other federal and state listed species and habitat. Finalization of the HCP was suspended by the applicants in 2020
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Ensure existing conservation areas on private lands are managed to protect vernal pool species and habitat in Zone 1 core areas. Unknown Conservation Organizations, The Nature Conservancy, Landowners and Managers Conservation Organizations, The Nature Conservancy, Landowners and Managers Acquisition: Easement Internal Field Assistance To implement section 10 and other obligations
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Protect vernal pool species and their habitat on Highway 41 in Madera Co. in a CalTrans mitigation bank. Complete Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected This bank was created only for mitigation of CalTrans projects that affect vernal pools. Opening date of the bank is unknown. Vernal pool habitat was created and restored.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Grant funding awarded for protection of 3 properties Complete 2023 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Section 6 Recovery Land Acquisition grant Protection of property must occur within 3 years of grant award.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Grant funding awarded for protection of 1 property Complete 2023 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Section 6 grant. Protection of property is required within 3 years of grant funding being awarded
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Rio del Oro Onsite Preserve established Complete 2022 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lead agency is USACE
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Amoruso Ranch Preserve established Complete 2022 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lead agency is Placer Conservation Authority
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Redwing Ranch South Preserve Ongoing Current 2023 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lead agency (Placer Conservation Authority) has acquired land. Conservation easement expected in 1 - 2 years.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Arista del Sol preserve established Complete 2021 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lead agency is South Sacramento Conservation Agency
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Gill Ranch #2 preserve established Complete 2022 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lead agency is South Sacramento Conservation Agency
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Mahon Ranch preserve established Not Started 2022 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lead agency is South Sacramento Conservation Agency
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Rooney 2 preserve established Complete 2021 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lead agency is South Sacramento Conservation Agency
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) 5 Cordova Hills Project Preserves Complete 2007 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected The 5 preserves are two on-site preserves [Cordova Hills Onsite Preserve , Carson Creek East Preserve }, and three off-site preserves [Rooney Preserve, Shehadeh Preserve, and Chester Preserve} Preserve acreages are 602, 139, 143, 160, and 17 acres, respectively. The preserves also protect California Fairy shrimp, western spadefoot, legenere. The project site and all 5 preserves are within the Zone 1 Mather Core Area. Ownership and management of all 5 preserves will eventually transfer to the Sacramento HCP Implementing Entity. Each preserve monitoring plan was previously approved by SFWO as part of the Section 7 consultation on the Cordova Hills Project (all final monitoring plans are dated 01/18/2017, except Carson Creek East Preserve monitoring plan is dated 03-01-2022), and those Activities should be entered under Recovery Action .
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Porter Ranch Mitigation Bank Partially Complete Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Meridian Ranch Mitigation Bank Partially Complete Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) SMUD Nature Preserve Partially Complete Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Noonan Ranch Conservation Bank Partially Complete Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Sycamore Ranch Conservation Bank Partially Complete Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Altamont Creek Preserve management funding Complete 2019 2021 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lafferty Communities will fund the preservation and management of 59.14 acres of the VERFS 19C critical habitat unit containing 7.88 acres of seasonal wetland/swale habitat at the Altamont Creek Preserve north of the City of Livermore, Alameda County, as required mitigation in a February 3, 2021, biological opinion with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Garaventa Hills Residential Development Project. Conservation easement and long-term management plan are pending.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Bradley Preserve established Complete 2023 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2005 Other To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 234,256 hectares (578,838 acres) Ellis Preserve established Complete 2023 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Ensure Federal agencies conduct interim habitat management on lands in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service Management Internal Field Assistance Assumes long term management plan is developed and implemented in 5 years
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Ensure State and local agencies conduct interim habitat management on lands in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other California Department of Parks and Recreation, California State Lands Commission, County governments, California Department of Fish and Game Management Internal Administrative Assumes long term management plan is developed and implemented in 5 years
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Ensure State and local agencies develop or improve existing management and monitoring plans. Partially Complete FY 2006 Other California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Water Resources, County governments, Flood control districts, Irrigation Districts, California Department of Fish and Game, Utilities Management: Planning Contract Concurrent with interim management Phoenix Field Preserve Management Plan Complete 2006 2007 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Funded with traditional section 6 grant
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Ensure State and local agencies develop or improve existing management and monitoring plans. Partially Complete FY 2006 Other California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Water Resources, County governments, Flood control districts, Irrigation Districts, California Department of Fish and Game, Utilities Management: Planning Contract Concurrent with interim management Greater Jepson Prairie Ecosystem Regional Management Plan Complete 2003 2007 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Ensure State and local agencies implement long-term, comprehensive habitat management and monitoring plans on lands in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2006 Other California Department of Parks and Recreation, California State Lands Commission, County governments, California Department of Fish and Game Management: General Internal Field Assistance Based on assumed time in field to conduct habitat management each field season
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Ensure private land owners with existing conservation agreements implement long-term, comprehensive habitat management and monitoring plans on lands in Zone 1 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2006 Botanical Gardens, Conservation Organizations, The Nature Conservancy, To be decided, Landowners and Managers, Other California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Water Resources, California State Lands Commission, County governments, Flood control districts, Irrigation Districts, State of Oregon, Botanical Gardens, California Native Plant Society, Conservation Organizations, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy, Universities, Natural Resources Conservation Service , To be decided, Contractor, Utilities, Landowners and Managers, Vernal Pool Recovery Team, Other, University, Interagency Review Team for Mitigation Banks (USACE, USFWS, EPA, CDFG) Management: Monitor and Estimate Bycatch, Management: Reduce Bycatch, Management: International Cooperation, Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Reduce Threats in/to Marine Habitats, Management: Stranding Response, Management: General, Management: Propagation, Management: Reintroduction, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Predator and Competitor Control, Management: Other, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use, Management: Population Monitoring Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative Based on assumed time in field to conduct habitat management each field season Annual Colusa grass survey at Jepson Prairie 2024 Complete 2024 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Solano Land Trust owns and manages Jepson Prairie, and is Lead Agency.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Review existing seed bank collections, as needed, to determine need to collect seeds and the number of seeds necessary. Partially Complete FY 2007 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Botanical Gardens, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game Management: Land Use Internal Field Assistance
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Conduct Priority 1 reintroductions and introductions of plants as indicated in Table IV-5 and Table IV-6, respectively. Ongoing Current U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Management: Propagation Contract Assumes $25,000 x at least 2 sites. Initially successful reintroductions of Neostapfia colusana and Tuctoria greenei have taken place at Grasslands Park and Sacramento NWR Complex respectively. Carol Witham is propagating and reintroducing Solano grass into Olcott Lake at Jepson Prairie, and Sacramento Orcutt grass into several protected sites in the Mather Core Recovery Unit. Soil scarification in Olcott Lake to stimulate germination of Solano grass from the seedbank. Complete 2008 2010 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Project was unsuccessful. No germination of Solano grass was observed. Hand tools were used and were likely insufficient to break through hard clay soil. It is not known whether soil seed bank still exists. Soil samples were not collected.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 Conduct Priority 1 reintroductions and introductions of plants as indicated in Table IV-5 and Table IV-6, respectively. Ongoing Current U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Management: Propagation Contract Assumes $25,000 x at least 2 sites. Initially successful reintroductions of Neostapfia colusana and Tuctoria greenei have taken place at Grasslands Park and Sacramento NWR Complex respectively. Carol Witham is propagating and reintroducing Solano grass into Olcott Lake at Jepson Prairie, and Sacramento Orcutt grass into several protected sites in the Mather Core Recovery Unit. Introduction of Colusa grass and Greene's tuctoria in Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex Partially Complete 2010 2013 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Erin Gottschalk Fisher is conducting this introduction of NECO and TUGR. Funding was provided by No CA Botanists, CNPS, National Academy of Sciences - administered by Sigma XI, Garrett Gibson Memorial Bot Scholarship, Vesta Holt Award, Jim Jokerst Field Botany Award.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 3.1.1 Review existing species survey guidance to determine whether such guidance is adequate Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Other Internal Technical Assistance Assumes cost of one biologist for 1/4 time
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 3.1.2 If necessary, revise existing guidance or develop new standardized, scientifically based, and species-specific survey guidance. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Research: Habitat Status Contract Assumes cost of one biologist for 1/4 time
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 3.2.1 Identify and prioritize areas within each vernal pool region, starting with core areas, to conduct standardized status surveys. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service To be decided Other Contract Assumes cost of one biologist for 0.5 time
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 3.2.2 Conduct standardized status surveys within each vernal pool region, starting with core areas. Partially Complete FY 2008 FY 2013 Other Contractor Research: Population Assessment Species Expert, Contract This action is linked to Action 1.3 so it should be completed and implemented concurrently. See 1.3.1-1.3.16 above. 3.2.2-1 Status surveys of 7 vernal pool plant species in Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. Partially Complete 2008 2013 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Species expert Carol Witham has been funded through CVPHRP to conduct plant surveys on 7 species in Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. Final report will be submitted to FWS in 2013
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 1 5.1 Form a single vernal pool recovery implementation team. Ongoing Not Current FY 2008 FY 2009 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Management: Planning Volunteer, Species Expert Original Team was formed in 2009. Member turnover has occurred and new member have joined. Chair position is generally for 2 years. Assumes staff time cost to organize implementation team meetings. In 2024, the Original Team has not met for more than 10 year, so status was changed from "Complete" to "Not Current"
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 Ensure Federal agencies use their authority to protect species occurrences and their vernal pool habitat in Zone 2 core areas. Ongoing Current FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service Acquisition: Easement Internal Field Assistance To implement 7(a)(1), 7(a)(2) and other obligations
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 2 core areas. Ongoing Current FY 2008 Other To be decided Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 259,434 hectares (641,052 acres) Toad Hill Ranch Mitigation Bank Partially Complete Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 2 core areas. Ongoing Current FY 2008 Other To be decided Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Maximum cost based on fee title acquisition for approximately 259,434 hectares (641,052 acres) Redwing property acquisition and protection Ongoing Current Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Awarded $5,244,0000 of Fiscal Year 2021 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund’s (CESCF) Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) Land Acquisition to state for W Placer HCP/NCCP to acquire ~573 acres of the Redwing property. "County governments" is Placer County Authority.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 2.2.2 Implement standardized monitoring to document ecosystem and species responses to interim habitat management activities. Ongoing Not Current FY 2006 Other To be decided Research: Population Surveys Internal Field Assistance Note: "interim management activities" are defined on pages III-13, IV-26, and IV-29 of the Plan. Action 2.2.2 on page IV-29 states that interim habitat monitoring is required for 8 rare plant species: Castilleja campestris ssp. succulenta, Chamaesyce hooveri, Lasthenia conjugens, Tuctoria mucronata, Neostapfia colusana, Tuctoria greenei, Astragalus tener var. ferrisiae, Astragalus tener var. tener, Navarretia, leucocephala ssp. pauciflora, and Legenere limosa; Action 2.2.2 does not seem to apply to other species -Bicknese 2024. 2.2.2-01 Tuctoria greenei surveys at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge core area, in the Solano-Colusa Vernal Pool Region Ongoing Current 2024 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected 2024 surveys were conducted in the Llano Seco Unit of the NWR. This survey activity was placed under Recovery Action 2.2.2 because page IV-29 of the Recovery Plan specifically states Tuctoria greenei requires interim monitoring at 13 different locations...because...monitoring and subsequent protection of these populations prior to completion of other species recovery actions is necessary...
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 Ensure State and local agencies implement long-term, comprehensive habitat management and monitoring plans on lands in Zone 2 core areas. Ongoing Not Current FY 2006 California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Water Resources, California State Lands Commission, County governments, Flood control districts, State of Oregon, California Department of Fish and Game, To be decided, Contractor, Other California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Water Resources, California State Lands Commission, County governments, Flood control districts, Irrigation Districts, State of Oregon, Botanical Gardens, California Native Plant Society, Conservation Organizations, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy, Universities, Natural Resources Conservation Service , To be decided, Contractor, Utilities, Landowners and Managers, Vernal Pool Recovery Team, Other, University, Interagency Review Team for Mitigation Banks (USACE, USFWS, EPA, CDFG) Research: Climate Change, Research: Population Assessment, Research: Ecosystem Studies, Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management, Management: General, Management: Propagation, Management: Reintroduction, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Predator and Competitor Control, Management: Depredation Control, Management: Disease Control, Management: Other, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use, Other, Other: Information and Education, Other: Law Enforcement, Other: Administration, Research, Research: General, Research: Population Surveys, Research: Habitat Status, Research: Habitat Requirements, Research: Management Techniques, Research: Taxonomic Studies, Research: Demographic Studies, Research: Propagation, Research: Migration, Research: Predation, Research: Competition, Research: Disease, Research: Environmental Contaminants, Research: Reintroduction, Research: Other Information, Research: Genetics, Management: Population Monitoring Internal Field Assistance Based on assumed time in field to conduct habitat management each field season Branchiopod surveys at Bufferlands Preserve 2024 Ongoing Current 2024 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Bufferlands Preserve is managed by the Sacramento Area Sewer District, which is the Lead Agency. Bufferlands Preserve is in the small Stone Lakes Core Area, which has a Zone 2 ranking in the Recovery Plan.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 Conduct Priority 2 seed collection and banking as identified in Table IV-3. Not Started Other Botanical Gardens Management: Land Use Internal Field Assistance Assumes $15,000 for collection in each region
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 3.3.1 Compile most recent status reviews, or comparable evaluations, for each species and develop a prioritized list for status reviews of the species addressed in this recovery plan. Ongoing Current FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service To be decided Research: Population Surveys Contract Assumes data compilation can be completed for all species can be completed in 3 months
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 3.3.2 Conduct status reviews of listed species by vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Other: Regulations Contract Assumes 6 months review based on cost per species 3.3.2-01 Colusa grass 5-year review completed Ongoing Current 22 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 3.3.2 Conduct status reviews of listed species by vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Other: Regulations Contract Assumes 6 months review based on cost per species 3.3.2-01 Solano grass 5-year review completed Not Started 2022 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 3.3.2 Conduct status reviews of listed species by vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Other: Regulations Contract Assumes 6 months review based on cost per species 3.3.2-02 hairy Orcutt grass 5-year review completed Not Started 2022 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 Conduct genetics analysis on species slated for reintroductions and introductions, as listed in Tables IV-3 and IV-4 (i.e., species requiring seed or cyst banking). Ongoing Current FY 2017 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Contractor Research: Genetics Contract Assumes $ 100,000 per year per species
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 In conjunction with the priorities listed below for specific plant categories or species, develop a prioritized list, by species, of additional research needs on dispersal mechanisms. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Contractor Other Contract Based on collaboration between agency staff and researchers
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 Implement research on dispersal mechanisms of annual grasses (Table IV-7) Not Started Other Contractor Research: Migration Contract
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 Determine and prioritize biology and ecology research needed to inform management and habitat protection decisions. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, To be decided Other Internal Technical Assistance Assumes staff time costs to review and prioritize
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 Determine and prioritize research on effects of environmental factors needed to inform management and habitat protection decisions. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service To be decided Other Internal Technical Assistance Assumes staff time costs to review and prioritize
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 2 4.3.1 Research the effects of environmental contaminants on vernal pools, ecosystem function, and individual species. Partially Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Research: Management Techniques Contract Based on comprehensive contaminants research
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Ensure Federal agencies use their authority to protect species occurrences and their vernal pool habitat that do not occur within a core area, but do occur within a vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2005 Other U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service Acquisition: Easement Internal Field Assistance To implement 7(a)(1), 7(a)(2) and other obligations
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Ensure State and local agencies use their authority to protect species occurrences and their vernal pool habitat that do not occur within a core area, but do occur within a vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2005 Other California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Water Resources, California State Lands Commission, County governments, Flood control districts, Irrigation Districts, State of Oregon, California Department of Fish and Game, Utilities Acquisition: Easement Internal Field Assistance To implement section 10 and other obligations
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Ensure existing conservation areas on private lands are managed to protect vernal pool species and habitat that do not occur within a core area, but do occur within a vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Conservation Organizations, The Nature Conservancy, Landowners and Managers Acquisition: Easement Internal Field Assistance To implement section 10 and other obligations Kingsbridge Subdivision Preserve Long-term Management Plan Complete 2024 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected 17-acre preserve surrounded by development. In unincorporated Sacramento County near the city of Elk Grove. Preserve manager and owner is Southgate Recreation and Park District. Annual monitoring and management reports due to SFWO and USACE by March 1.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Ensure existing conservation areas on private lands are managed to protect vernal pool species and habitat that do not occur within a core area, but do occur within a vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Conservation Organizations, The Nature Conservancy, Landowners and Managers Acquisition: Easement Internal Field Assistance To implement section 10 and other obligations Cypress Preserve management plan Not Started 2023 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected They have completed the habitat restoration/creation phase and will now be following an approved management plan that is incorporated into the conservation easement (to be recorded in 2022) so this site will be managed in perpetuity. "Other" is East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Ensure existing conservation areas on private lands are managed to protect vernal pool species and habitat that do not occur within a core area, but do occur within a vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Conservation Organizations, The Nature Conservancy, Landowners and Managers Acquisition: Easement Internal Field Assistance To implement section 10 and other obligations Knightson Property management plan Ongoing Current Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected ~645 ac property acquired in 2016 will be restored to grassland and wetlands. 2021: Soil characterization studies and interim groundwater investigations were completed; neighbor and community meetings held about design alternatives; conversion from irrigated cropland to rangeland initiated. "Other" is East Contra Costa Count Habitat Conservancy. East Bay Regional Park District also involved.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Ensure existing conservation areas on private lands are managed to protect vernal pool species and habitat that do not occur within a core area, but do occur within a vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Conservation Organizations, The Nature Conservancy, Landowners and Managers Acquisition: Easement Internal Field Assistance To implement section 10 and other obligations Acquisition and restoration of Skover and Sheridan Properties Ongoing Current Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Received agency approval (CDFW, USFWS, USACE. NMFS) for acquisition of the Skover (~140ac farmed rice to be restored/enhanced and Sheridan (~297 ac vernal pool/grassland) properties for inclusion in the PCCP Reserve System. "County government" is Placer County Authority.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 3 core areas. Ongoing Current FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost- based on fee title acquisition for approximately 15,256 hectares (37,698 acres) Markham Ravine Ranch preserve Complete 2023 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lead agency is Placer Conservation Authority
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 3 core areas. Ongoing Current FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost- based on fee title acquisition for approximately 15,256 hectares (37,698 acres) East Sheridan preserve Ongoing Current 2023 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lead agency (Placer Conservation Authority) has acquired property. Conservation easement expected within 1 to 2 years.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 3 core areas. Ongoing Current FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost- based on fee title acquisition for approximately 15,256 hectares (37,698 acres) Van Vleck #1 preserve established Complete 2021 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lead agency is South Sacramento Conservation Agency
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Protect remaining species occurrences and habitat, not currently protected on private land in Zone 3 core areas. Ongoing Current FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service To be decided Acquisition: General Contract Maximum cost- based on fee title acquisition for approximately 15,256 hectares (37,698 acres) Van Vleck 32 preserve established Complete 2021 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Lead agency is South Sacramento Conservation Agency
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Protect species occurrences and their vernal pool habitat that do not occur within a core area, but do occur within a vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service To be decided Acquisition: General, Management: General, Management: Other, Other: Administration Contract, Internal Technical Assistance Kingsbridge Subdivision Project on-site preserve Not Started 2004 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Southeastern Sacramento Vernal Pool Region. A 17-acre on-site preserve in Sacramento County by Elk Grove. Protected by a permanent deed restriction, and the title to preserve is held by the Southgate Recreation and Park District. Has 2.53 acres of natural vernal pools and swales and 1.76 acres of restored vernal pool habitat. Revised preserve management plan completed in 2024
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Protect species occurrences and their vernal pool habitat that do not occur within a core area, but do occur within a vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service To be decided Acquisition: General, Management: General, Management: Other, Other: Administration Contract, Internal Technical Assistance Locust Road Mitigation Bank Partially Complete Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Protect species occurrences and their vernal pool habitat that do not occur within a core area, but do occur within a vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service To be decided Acquisition: General, Management: General, Management: Other, Other: Administration Contract, Internal Technical Assistance Creation of Cypress Preserve Ongoing Current Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Habitat creation for GGS and VPFS completed very near Dutch Slough. They have completed the habitat restoration/creation phase and will now be following an approved management plan that is incorporated into the conservation easement so this site will be managed in perpetuity.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Protect species occurrences and their vernal pool habitat that do not occur within a core area, but do occur within a vernal pool region. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service To be decided Acquisition: General, Management: General, Management: Other, Other: Administration Contract, Internal Technical Assistance Knightson Property restoration and preservation Ongoing Current Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected ~645 ac property acquired in 2016 will be restored to grassland and wetlands. 2021: Soil characterization studies and interim groundwater investigations were completed; neighbor and community meetings held about design alternatives; conversion from irrigated cropland to rangeland initiated. "Other" is East Contra Costa Count Habitat Conservancy. East Bay Regional Park District also involved.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Ensure Federal agencies implement long-term, comprehensive habitat management and monitoring plans on lands that do not occur within a core area, but do occur within a vernal pool region. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service Management: General Internal Field Assistance
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Prepare a controlled propagation plan for Priority 3 reintroductions and introductions of plants indicated in Table IV-5 and Table IV-6, respectively. Ongoing Not Current U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game Management: Planning Contract Assumes ý of year to develop controlled propagation plan for the collective priority 3 plants CC Goldfields propagation plan Complete 2022 2022 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected The project will reintroduce three populations of Contra Costa goldfields within Contra Costa County using habitat models developed from populations in Contra Costa and Solano Counties. Seed sources will come from Contra Costa and Solano Counties. ... Implementation Strategy task 2.5.3 and (developing plan). Will start reintroduction and monitoring next FY ... Funded in FY21. Project started in FY22. Anticipated completion date end of FY26. ... "Other" is Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting through cooperative agreement with USFWS.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Propagate plants for Priority 3 reintroductions and introductions indicated in Table IV-5 and Table IV-6, respectively. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Botanical Gardens, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Management: Propagation Contract Assumes $2,000 x 6 species
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Conduct Priority 3 reintroductions and introductions as indicated in Table IV-5 and Table IV-6, respectively. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Management: Propagation Contract Assumes $25,000 x at least 26 sites
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Monitor Priority 3 reintroductions and/or introductions of plants. Ongoing Not Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, To be decided Research: Population Surveys Labor type not yet selected Assumes 24 days of monitoring per year per site Annual survey of Solano grass at Jepson Prairie Preserve Ongoing Current 2024 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected Solano Land Trust owns and manages the Jepson Prairie and is Lead Agency.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 3.4 Conduct post-delisting monitoring for recovered species. Not Started Other To be decided Other: Regulations Contract Value depends on number of monitoring points for each species
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 4.2.1 Conduct research to determine minimum reserve size in order to maintain ecosystem function and population viability of vernal pool species. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Contractor Research: Habitat Requirements Contract Assumes combined cost for researcher, equipment, etc.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 Develop hydrologic models to predict effects of hydrologic modifications in various situations. Ongoing Current U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Contractor Research: Other Information Graduate Student Assumes costs for data collection and modeling. FWS is partially funding a grad student to study subsurface water flow in natural and created vernal pools. Project will be complete in approximately 2013.
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 5.3.1 Periodically review progress toward recovery of all listed species and identify those species that require a change in status (downlisting, delisting, uplisting) or emergency actions. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Management: Reintroduction Contract, Internal Technical Assistance Cost assumes review every five years until recovery. 5.3.1-2 5-Year Review Contra Costa goldfields Not Started 2021 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 5.3.1 Periodically review progress toward recovery of all listed species and identify those species that require a change in status (downlisting, delisting, uplisting) or emergency actions. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Management: Reintroduction Contract, Internal Technical Assistance Cost assumes review every five years until recovery. 5.3.1-3 5-year Review Slender Orcutt grass Complete 2021 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for Vernal Pool Ecosystems of California and Southern Oregon F 8 Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office (916) 414-6600 Greene's tuctoria Tuctoria greenei 3 5.3.1 Periodically review progress toward recovery of all listed species and identify those species that require a change in status (downlisting, delisting, uplisting) or emergency actions. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Management: Reintroduction Contract, Internal Technical Assistance Cost assumes review every five years until recovery. 5.5.1-1 5-YEAR REVIEW Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi), Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp (Lepidurus packardi), and Conservancy Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta conservatio). Complete 2021 2024 Labor type not yet selected Work type not yet selected