Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results

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Plan Title Plan Stage Plan Lead Region (FWS) Plan Lead Office (FWS) Species Common Name Species Scientific Name Action Priority Action Number Action Description Action Status Estimated Initiation Date Estimated Completion Date Action Lead Agencies Responsible Parties Work Types Labor Types Comments Implementation Activity Number Implementation Activity Description Implementation Activity Status Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date Implementation Activity Labor Types Implementation Activity Work Types Implementation Activity Responsible Parties Implementation Activity Comments Implementation Activity Species
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 1.1 Describe and delineate recovery areas Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hawaii Forest Bird Recovery Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 1.3.27 Secure recovery area: Ko`olau Forest Reserve, TMKs 224016003 224016004 228008001 228008007 Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other Alexander & Baldwin, East Maui Irrigation Company, East Maui Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Alexander & Baldwin, East Maui Irrigation. Additional measures may be needed to ensure forest bird recovery. By partnership, safe harbor agreement, easement, change of land use designation to protective subzone of conservation, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 1.3.30 Secure recovery area: Kipahulu Forest Reserve, TMKs 216001005 217001033 217002035 217004006 218001007 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, East Maui Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Isolated; secure access for management needed. By continuing partnership with LHWRP.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 1.3.35 Secure recovery area: Kahikinui Forest Reserve, TMKs 218001006 218001005 218001009 Ongoing Current Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, East Maui Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Isolated; secure better access for management. Degraded former forest land in need of active management. By continuing partnership with LHWRP.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 1.3.36 Secure recovery area: Kahikinui Homelands, TMKs 219001003 219001007 219001008 219001011 Ongoing Current Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DHHL. Degraded former forest land in active forest stewardship program with FWS. By continuing partnership with LHWRP.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 1.3.44 Secure recovery area: Haleakala Ranch (Pýlehu Nui /Kalialinui), TMK 223005003 Not Started Other Haleakala Ranch Co., East Maui Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Haleakal~ Ranch Co. Degraded former forest in need of active management. By continuing partnership with LHWRP, conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, change of land use designation, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 1.3.45 Secure recovery area: Waikamoi Preserve, TMK 223005004 Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Haleakala Ranch Co., East Maui Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Haleakal~ Ranch Co. Under active management by The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i through conservation easement. In EMWP and NAPS. Support continued management by TNCH, or by purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.1.33 Reforest areas of Haleakala National Park, TMK 218001007 Not Started Other Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected National Park Service. Restore montane mesic forest in Kaupo Gap.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.1.37 Reforest areas of Kahikinui Forest Reserve, TMKs 218001006, 218001005, 218001009 Unknown U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation Contract
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.1.38 Reforest areas of Kahikinui Homelands, TMKs 219001003 219001007 219001008 219001011 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DHHL. Support ongoing restoration of montane mesic forest and shrubland.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.1.46 Reforest areas of Haleakal~ Ranch (Pýlehu Nui/Kalialinui), TMK 223005003 Not Started Other Haleakala Ranch Co. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Haleakala Ranch Co. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.1.47 Reforest areas of Waikamoi Preserve, TMK 223005004 Not Started Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Haleakala Ranch Co. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Haleakala Ranch Co., The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland at high elevation. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.2.24 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Ko`olau Forest Reserve, TMKs 224016003 224016004 228008001 228008007 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Alexander & Baldwin, East Maui Irrigation Company, East Maui Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Alexander & Baldwin, East Maui Irrigation. EMWP fence protects lower boundary in east; TNCH protects upper boundary. Remove ungulates from protected areas. Additional ungulate removal needed from unprotected areas.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.2.25 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Ko`olau Forest Reserve, TMKs 211002002 212004005 229014001 211001050 211001044 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, East Maui Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. EMWP fencing underway to protect forest above about 3,600 ft. Remove ungulates above fence. Additional ungulate control needed from unprotected areas below fence. Proposed additions to Hanawi NAR would support forest bird recovery.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.2.26 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Hanawi NAR and Ko`olau Forest Reserve, TMK 212004007 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DLNR. NAR fencing protects 1,734 acres, ungulate-free, above 5,400 ft. Fence and remove ungulates from remain portions of NAR (above 2,500 ft. for bird management).
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.2.27 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Hana Forest Reserve, TMK 210001001 214001001 215001001 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DLNR. Fencing and ungulate control urgently needed. Proposed additions to Hanawi NAR would support forest bird recovery.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.2.28 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Haleakala National Park, TMK 213001003 216001002 216001001 216001003 217004016 216010001 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected NPS. Mostly protected by fencing, ungulate removal needs to be completed in some areas. Fence and remove ungulates from remaining areas, e.g., Ka`apahu.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.2.31 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Kipahulu Forest Reserve, TMKs 216001005 217001033 217002035 217004006 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DLNR. Fence and remove ungulates.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.2.36 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Kahikinui Forest Reserve, TMKs 218001006 218001005 218001009 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Fencing of portion underway. Complete fencing and ungulate removal from Forest Reserve above 4,000 ft. $960,000 was made available in 2010 to fence 2,750 acres, remove ungulates and begin habitat restoration.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.2.37 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Kahikinui Homelands, TMKs 219001003 219001007 219001008 219001011 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DHHL. Fencing of portions underway. Continue fencing through partnership programs. Ungulate removal above 4,000 ft.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.2.38 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Upper Auwahi, TMKs 219001006 221009001 222001001 222001034 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Ulupalakua Ranch Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected `Ulupalakua Ranch Inc. Some exclosures for plant protection in place or underway. Encourage fencing and ungulate removal above 4,000 ft.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.2.46 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Waikamoi Preserve, TMK 223005004 Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other Haleakala Ranch Co. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Haleakala Ranch Co., The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i. Strategic fencing and ungulate control protects the Preserve. Additional protection, especially from deer, may be warranted.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.2.47 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Makawao Forest Reserve, TMKs 224016001 224016002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Public hunting currently permitted. Fence and remove ungulates within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.3 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of exotic plants through mechanical, chemical, or biological means, as appropriate Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests] Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Ko`olau Forest Reserve, TMKs 224016003 224016004 228008001 228008007 Not Started Other Alexander & Baldwin, East Maui Irrigation Company Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Alexander & Baldwin, East Maui Irrigation. Portions supporting breeding habitat for endangered species, priority #1; remaining portions, priority #2 and tier #2.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Ko`olau Forest Reserve, TMKs 211002002 212004005 229014001 211001050 211001044 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Portions supporting breeding habitat for endangered species, priority #1; remaining portions, priority #2 and tier #2.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Hanawi NAR and Ko`olau Forest Reserve, TMK 212004007 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Portions supporting breeding habitat for endangered species, priority #1; remaining portions, priority #2 and tier #2.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Hana Forest Reserve, TMKs 210001001 214001001 215001001 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Portions supporting breeding habitat for endangered species, priority #1; remaining portions, priority #2 and tier #2.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Haleakala National Park, TMKs 213001003 216001002 216001001 216001003 217004016 216010001 218001007 Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected NPS. Portions supporting breeding habitat for endangered species, priority #1; remaining portions, priority #2 and tier #2.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Waikamoi Preserve, TMK 223005004 Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Haleakala Ranch Co. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Haleakal~ Ranch Co., The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i. Portions supporting breeding habitat for endangered species, priority #1; remaining portions, priority #2 and tier #2.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.4.2 Continue the public information campaign explaining the need for aerial broadcast of diphacinone for conservation purposes. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other State and Federal Agencies Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.4.3 Examine feasibility/ appropriateness of time/area closure of public use areas when using broadcast application of diphacinone Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other State and Federal Agencies Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Enforce existing quarantine laws for importation of pet birds Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Avian Disease Working Group, U.S. Department of Agriculture Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Total cost based on equivalent of one additional enforcement officer per year for 30 years.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Work with Postal Service and the State Department of Agriculture to ban shipments of day-old poultry and game birds to Hawai`i via first class mail Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Avian Disease Working Group, U.S. Postal Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Develop a list of priority diseases that should be screened for in all imported cage birds and poultry, and establish monitoring program for new diseases Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Avian Disease Working Group Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Respond to and determine causes of avian disease outbreaks Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Avian Disease Working Group Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Work to stop global warming Ongoing Current FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Forest Bird Recovery Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Initiate inspection programs for all interisland vessels, including ships, airplanes, and barges and their cargos, to intercept and kill mosquito larvae and adults Ongoing Not Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Avian Disease Working Group, U.S. Department of Agriculture Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Enforce and toughen existing laws that require health certificates for interisland movement of pet birds and poultry Ongoing Not Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Research Institutions, State and Federal Agencies Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Mosquito surveys between 2,500 and 5,000 ft. on Haleakala that include recovery area Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected East Maui Recovery area below the 5,000 ft. contour line.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Eliminate or treat mosquito breeding sites in recovery area and adjacent areas at elevations below 5,000 ft. with BTI (Dunk7) or other environmentally compatible pesticides that are safe for non-target organisms Ongoing Not Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests], State and Federal Agencies Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Cost approximate; will depend on findings of vector surveys to identify and prioritize areas for treatment and results of experimental treatments of efficiency and effects on non-target species.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Eliminate or treat mosquito breeding habitat associated with human development (e.g., residential areas, agricultural sites); coordinate efforts with the State Department of Health Ongoing Not Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Hawaii Department of Health, All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests], Hawaii Department of Education, State and Federal Agencies Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Cost approximate; will depend on findings of vector surveys to identify and prioritize areas for treatment and results of experimental treatments of efficiency and effects on non-target species.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Eliminate or treat cattle troughs and stock ponds Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other Hawaii Department of Health, All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests], Hawaii Department of Education Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Use findings from vector surveys to identify and prioritize areas for treatment.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Eliminate or treat game bird waterers in areas where they might impact native forest birds Ongoing Not Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests], State and Federal Agencies Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Use findings from vector surveys to identify and prioritize areas for treatment.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Repair rain gutters, cover catchment tanks, and eliminate containers that catch and hold rainwater around residential and agricultural sites near recovery area Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other Hawaii Department of Health, All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests], Hawaii Department of Education Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Use findings from vector surveys to identify and prioritize areas for treatment.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Initiate public outreach efforts to inform the public about potential human and animal diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and how source reduction can reduce those threats Ongoing Current FY 2005 Other Hawaii Department of Health, All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests], Hawaii Department of Education Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Identify and fence priority recovery areas at elevations below 5,000 ft. and control feral ungulates to prevent creation of new larval habitats Ongoing Not Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests], State and Federal Agencies Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Use findings from vector surveys to identify and prioritize areas for treatment.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Insure that existing low elevation native bird populations and habitats within current zones of disease transmission are protected to preserve disease tolerant genotypes Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Avian Disease Working Group, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Identify low elevation native bird populations through statewide surveys, monitor status and trends of those populations, and work to insure that habitat is protected.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Prevent inter-island expansion of established vertebrates of restricted range, including brown treesnake Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 2.6.2 Eradicate all incipient populations of new nonnative vertebrates Ongoing Not Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Prevent spread of Eleutherodactylus frogs to new areas Ongoing Not Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Eradicate/control populations of Eleutherodactylus where possible Ongoing Not Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 3 Develop captive propagation, translocation and related recovery strategies Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Forest Bird Recovery Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Annual and total costs for captive propagation program, which would implement all related recovery strategies.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 3.1 Periodically evaluate and identify the target species that will require captive propagation for recovery and the appropriate strategy to be used Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Forest Bird Recovery Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 3.11.1 Establish a cryogenic cell culture of germplasm of the endangered Hawaiian avifauna at two partner institutions willing to hold the cell line in perpetuity: In the case of the rarest species in the event of death, or if population is below 300 individuals Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Avian Disease Working Group, Veterinary Consortium (state/federal/private clinicians) [Hawaiian forest birds], U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 3.2 Develop captive propagation programs for target species, including both endangered and surrogate species Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Forest Bird Recovery Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 3.2.2 Continue habitat management, attempt to promote pairing and reproduction, in captivity if necessary, and collect eggs for captive propagation and reintroduction into managed habitat Ongoing Not Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Forest Bird Recovery Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Po`ouli.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 3.4 Acquire funding to build additional facilities to maintain, propagate, incubate and rear endangered species and if necessary, surrogate species Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Forest Bird Recovery Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Private Sector Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 3.5 Identify wild populations and/or individuals with potential natural disease resistance on a species by species basis Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 3.6.1 Develop and refine techniques for the release of captive-reared birds into managed habitat: Monitor dispersal, survival, and mortality of released birds to refine propagation and release techniques Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 4.10.8 Determine population response of endangered Maui forest birds to predator control efforts Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Maui. Species: `~kohekohe, Maui parrotbill, po`ouli
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Continue efforts to register hand and aerial broadcast methods for dispersing diphacinone toxicants for controlling predators Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Develop and evaluate improved methods for controlling predators such as more efficient traps, contraceptives, and predator-proof fences for critical areas Ongoing Current FY 2007 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected USFWS provided $45,000 in 2007 to the Hawai`i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife to implement on a management basis smart trap technology developed by the U.S. Geological Survey in order to protect the small breeding population of reintroduced palila (Loxioides bailleui) on the north slope of Mauna Kea, Hawai`i, from predation by cats.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 4.2.2 Rat study Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 4.2.3 Feral cat study Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 4.2.4 Mongoose study Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 4.2.5 Mosquito study Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 4.4.1 Address public health concerns regarding aerial broadcast of rodenticide and its effects on both game and non-game non-target species, and its persistence in watershed and sediments Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Develop molecular methods for identifying individuals who are more likely to survive pox and malaria infections or to resist them Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Refine diagnostic methods for identifying individuals who have survived acute disease and who have acquired immunity to reinfection Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 4.7.1 Evaluate effectiveness of translocations of both disease survivors and disease resistant forest birds for restoration of populations in areas with active disease transmission Not Started Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 4.8.5 Determine dispersal distances of adult mosquitoes from point sources outside of recovery area. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 5.1 Conduct systematic surveys of all forest bird habitat on Kaua`i, O`ahu, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Maui, and Hawai`i at least once every five years to determine changes in distribution and population size of all native and nonnative forest birds Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 5.3 Establish and support an interagency Forest Bird Monitoring Coordinator position to coordinate monitoring and provide regular reports on the status and trend of forest bird populations Ongoing Current FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Initiate and fund public outreach and information about the effect of rats and cats as vectors for human disease, agricultural pests, and their threats to native species as predators Partially Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hawaii Department of Health, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 1 Initiate public outreach efforts to inform the public about potential human and animal diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and how source reduction can reduce those threats Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hawaii Department of Health, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.2.2 Continue existing and develop new partnerships: Kahikinui Forest Partnership Working Group, Maui Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests] Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.2.3 Continue existing and develop new partnerships: East Maui Watershed Partnership Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests] Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.2.4 Continue existing and develop new partnerships: Leeward Haleakala Watershed Restoration Partnership, Maui Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests] Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.2.5 Continue existing and develop new partnerships: West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests] Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.2.6 Continue existing and develop new partnerships: East Moloka`i Watershed Partnership Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests] Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.32 Secure recovery area: Kipahulu Forest Reserve, TMK 217001024 Not Started Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, Kaupo Ranch Ltd. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kaupo Ranch Ltd. Small parcel at lower edge of recovery area. By partnership with LHWRP.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.37 Secure recovery area: Upper Auwahi, TMKs 219001006 221009001 222001001 222001034 Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other Ulupalakua Ranch, East Maui Watershed Partnership, Native Hawaiian Plant Society, U.S. Department of Interior Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected `Ulupalakua Ranch Inc. Pasture with ongoing restoration at selected sites in partnership with DOI and NHPS. By continuing partnership with LHWRP, conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, change in land use designation, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.38 Secure recovery area: Kula Forest Reserve, TMK 222007001 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, East Maui Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. By continuing partnership with LHWRP. Degraded forest dominated by alien species. Resolve conflicting management as game management area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.39 Secure recovery area: Keokea, TMK 222004033 Not Started Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, James Campbell Estate Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected James Campbell Est. Degraded former forest in need of active management. By partnership with LHWRP, conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, change in land use designation, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.40 Secure recovery area: Waiohuli, TMK 222005052 Not Started Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, James Campbell Estate Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected James Campbell Est. Degraded former forest in need of active management. By continuing partnership with LHWRP, conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, change in land use designation, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.41 Secure recovery area: Ka`ono`ulu, TMKs 222007002 222006009 222006032 222007010 Not Started Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, Ka`ono`ulu Ranch Co. Ltd. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Ka`ono`ulu Ranch Co. Ltd. Degraded former forest in need of active management. By continuing partnership with LHWRP, conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.42 Secure recovery area: Waiakoa, TMK 222008001 Not Started Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, Lucky Shoji USA Inc. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Lucky Shoji USA Inc. et al. Degraded former forest in need of active management. By partnership with LHWRP, conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, change of land use designation, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.43 Secure recovery area: Kamehame Nui/Kealahou, TMK 223005002 Not Started Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, John Zwaanstra Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected John Zwaanstra. Degraded former forest in need of active management. By continuing partnership with LHWRP, conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, change of land use designation, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.46 Secure recovery area: West Maui Forest Reserve, Wailuku, TMKs 233003003 235003001 236003001 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Wailuku Agriculture, West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Wailuku Agriculture. In West Maui Watershed Partnership (WMWP). By conservation easement or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.47 Secure recovery area: West Maui Forest Reserve, Launiupoko, TMK 247001002 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership, Amfac / JMB Hawai`i Co. (American Factors, Inc.) Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected American Factors (Amfac)/JMB Hawai`i Co. In WMWP. By conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.48 Secure recovery area: West Maui Forest Reserve, Kaua`ula, TMK 246025001 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership, Amfac / JMB Hawai`i Co. (American Factors, Inc.) Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected American Factors (Amfac)/JMB Hawai`i Co. In WMWP. By conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.49 Secure recovery area: West Maui Forest Reserve, Kahoma, TMK 245022001 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Kamehameha Schools, West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kamehameha Schools. In WMWP. By conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.50 Secure recovery area: West Maui Forest Reserve, Pu` u Ki/Haakea, TMKs 245022002 245022004 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership, Amfac / JMB Hawai`i Co. (American Factors, Inc.) Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected American Factors (Amfac)/JMB Hawai`i Co. In WMWP. By conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.51 Secure recovery area: Kapunakea Preserve, Amfac/ JMB Hawai`i Co., TNCH, TMK 244007001 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership, Amfac / JMB Hawai`i Co. (American Factors, Inc.), Natural Areas Partnership Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected American Factors (Amfac)/JMB Hawai`i Co. Currently managed by TNCH through conservation easement. In WMWP and NAPS. By purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.52 Secure recovery area: West Maui Forest Reserve, Kap~loa, TMK 244007007 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Unknown. In WMWP. By conservation easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.53 Secure recovery area: Pu`u Kukui Watershed Management Area, TMKs 242001001 241001017 Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership, Natural Areas Partnership Program, Maui Land and Pineapple Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Maui Land and Pineapple. In WMWP and NAPS. Support continued conservation management by Maui Land and Pine, or by purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.54 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kahanui, TMK 252014001 Not Started Other R. W. Myer Ltd., et al. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected R. W. Myer Ltd., et al. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.55 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Pelekunu Valley, TMK 259006011 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i. Support continued Management by TNCH.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.56 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Pelekunu Valley, Wawaeolepe, TMK 259008017 Not Started Other William Hitchcock, et al. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Wm. Hitchcock et al. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.57 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Pelekunu Valley, TMK 254003032 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i. Support continued Management by TNCH.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.58 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Wailau Valley and Oloku`i, TMK 259006004 Not Started Other G. Brown III et al. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected G. Brown III et al. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.59 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Laeokapuna, TMK 257005027 Not Started Other P. Hodgins Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected P. Hodgins. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.60 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Keanakoholua, TMK 257005001 Not Started Other M. Hustice Trust Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected M. Hustice Trust. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.61 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Manawai, TMK 256006013 Not Started Other P. Petro Trust Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected P. Petro Trust. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.62 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, West `Ohi`a Gulch, TMK 256006010 Not Started Other E. Wond Trust Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected E. Wond Trust. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.63 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Keawa Nui, TMK 256006007 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Kamehameha Schools Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kamehameha Schools. In EMOWP. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.64 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Pua`ahala, TMK 256006002 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other K&H Horizons Hawai`i Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected K&H Horizons Hawai`i. In EMOWP. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.65 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kumu`eli, TMK 256006001 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other D. Fairbanks III Trust Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected D. Fairbanks III Trust. In EMOWP. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.66 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kamalo, TMKs 255001016 255001006 255001017 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Kamehameha Schools Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kamehameha Schools. In EMOWP. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.67 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Makolelau, TMK 255001015 Not Started Other Ashton Pitts Jr. Trust Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Ashton Pitts Jr. Trust. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.68 Secure recovery area: Kamakou Preserve, Kawela, TMK 2540003026 Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Molokai Ranch Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Moloka`i Ranch Ltd., The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i. In EMOWP. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.69 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kawela, TMKs 254003001 254003028 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Kawela Plantation Homes Association Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kawela Plantation Homes Association. By easement or purchase from willing seller. In EMOWP.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 1.3.70 Secure recovery area: Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kaunakakai, TMK 253003005 Not Started Other Molokai Ranch Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Moloka`i Ranch Ltd. By easement, safe harbor agreement, or purchase from willing seller.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.34 Reforest areas of Kipahulu Forest Reserve, TMK 217004006 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Restore montane mesic forest along cliffs and head of Manawainui Valley.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.39 Reforest areas of Upper Auwahi, TMKs 219001006 221009001 222001001 222001034 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Ulupalakua Ranch Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected `Ulupalakua Ranch Inc. Support ongoing restoration of montane mesic forest and shrubland.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.40 Reforest areas of Kula Forest Reserve, TMK 222007001 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.41 Reforest areas of Keokea, TMK 222004033 Not Started Other James Campbell Estate Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected James Campbell Est. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.42 Reforest areas of Waiohuli, TMK 222005052 Not Started Other James Campbell Estate Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected James Campbell Est. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.48 Reforest areas of Makawao Forest Reserve, TMK 224016001 224016002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.49 Reforest areas of West Maui NAR, Kahakuloa, TMK 231006001 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Restore montane wet forest and shrubland.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.50 Reforest areas of West Maui Forest Reserve, Kaheawa, TMK 248001001 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Restore montane wet forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.51 Reforest areas of West Maui Forest Reserve, Ukumehame/ Olowalu, West Maui NAR, Lihau, TMK 248001002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Restore montane wet forest and shrubland.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.52 Reforest areas of Pu`u Kukui Watershed Management Area, TMK 241001017 Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other Maui Land and Pineapple Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Maui Land and Pineapple. Restore montane wet forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.53 Reforest areas of Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kalamaula, TMK 252014003 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Restore montane wet forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.54 Reforest areas of Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kahanui, TMK 252014001 Not Started Other R. W. Myer Ltd., et al. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected R. W. Myer Ltd., et al. Restore montane wet forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.55 Reforest areas of Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kahanui, TMK 261001004 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Restore montane wet forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.56 Reforest areas of Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kamalo, TMKs 255001016 255001006 255001017 Not Started Other Kamehameha Schools Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kamehameha Schools. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.58 Reforest areas of Kamakou Preserve, Kawela, TMK 2540003026 Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Molokai Ranch Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Moloka`i Ranch Ltd, The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.1.60 Reforest areas of Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kamiloloa/Makakupaia, TMK 254003025 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.33 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Kipahulu Forest Reserve, TMK 217001024 Not Started Other Kaupo Ranch Ltd. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kaupo Ranch Ltd. Encourage ungulate control and fencing.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.39 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Kula Forest Reserve, TMK 222007001 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Currently a sustained yield game management area. For portions within forest bird recovery area, fence and remove ungulates to allow regeneration of native forest.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.40 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Keokea, TMK 222004033 Not Started Other James Campbell Estate Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected James Campbell Est. Fence and remove ungulates within forest bird recovery area, manage with Kula Forest Reserve.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.41 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Waiohuli, TMK 222005052 Not Started Other James Campbell Estate Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected James Campbell Est. Fence and remove ungulates within forest bird recovery area, manage with Kula Forest Reserve.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.42 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Ka`ono`ulu, TMKs 222007002 222006009 222007010 222006032 Not Started Other Ka`ono`ulu Ranch Co. Ltd. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Ka`ono`ulu Ranch Co. Ltd. Fence and remove ungulates within forest bird recovery area, manage with Kula Forest Reserve.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.43 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Waiakoa, TMK 222008001 Not Started Other Lucky Shoji USA Inc. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Lucky Shoji USA Inc. et al. Fence and remove ungulates within forest bird recovery area, manage with Kula Forest Reserve.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.44 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Kamehame Nui/Kealahou, TMK 223005002 Not Started Other John Zwaanstra Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected John Zwaanstra. Fence and remove ungulates within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.45 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Haleakal~ Ranch (Pýlehu Nui/Kalialinui), TMK 223005003 Planned Other Haleakala Ranch Co. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Haleakala Ranch Co. The ranch is formulating a conservation reforestation plan. Fence and remove ungulates within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.48 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui NAR, Kahakuloa, TMK 231006001 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DLNR. Protect with strategic fencing and remove ungulates within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.49 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Waihe`e, TMK 232014001 Not Started Other Maui Board of Water Supply Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Maui Board of Water Supply. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.50 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Kou, TMK 232014002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.51 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Wailuku, TMKs 233003003 235003001 236003001 Not Started Other Wailuku Agriculture Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Wailuku Agriculture. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.52 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, `Iao, TMK 233003004 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.53 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Kealaloloa, TMK 236001014 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.54 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Manawainui Plant Reserve, TMKs 236001052 248001010 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.55 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Kaheawa, TMK 248001001 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.56 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Ukumehame/Olowalu, West Maui NAR, Lihau, TMK 248001002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.57 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Launiupoko, TMK 247001002 Not Started Other Amfac / JMB Hawai`i Co. (American Factors, Inc.) Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected American Factors (Amfac)/JMB Hawai`i Co. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.58 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Pýehuehu, TMK 247001004 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.59 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Kaua`ula, TMK 246025001 Not Started Other Amfac / JMB Hawai`i Co. (American Factors, Inc.) Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected American Factors (Amfac)/JMB Hawai`i Co. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.60 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Pana`ewa, TMK 246025002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.61 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Kahoma, TMK 245022001 Not Started Other Kamehameha Schools Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kamehameha Schools. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.62 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Kahoma, TMK 245022005 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.63 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Kaua`ula/Haakea, TMKs 245022002 245022004 Not Started Other Amfac / JMB Hawai`i Co. (American Factors, Inc.) Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected American Factors (Amfac)/JMB Hawai`i Co. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.64 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Wahikuli, TMK 245022003 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.65 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Kapunakea Preserve, Amfac/JMB, TNCH, TMK 244007001 Not Started Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Amfac / JMB Hawai`i Co. (American Factors, Inc.) Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected American Factors (Amfac)/JMB Hawai`i Co., TNCH. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.66 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui Forest Reserve, Kapaloa, TMK 244007007 Not Started Other Unknown Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Unknown. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.67 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within West Maui NAR, Honokowai, TMK 244007004 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DLNR. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.68 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Pu`u Kukui Watershed Management Area, TMKs 242001001 241001017 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Maui Land and Pineapple Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Maui Land and Pineapple. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.69 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kalamaula, TMK 252014003 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.70 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kahanui, TMK 252014001 Not Started Other R. W. Myer Ltd., et al. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected R. W. Myer Ltd., et al. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.71 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kahanui, TMK 261001004 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.72 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Waikolu and Pu`u Ali`i NAR, TMK 261001002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Ungulate control currently ongoing at Pu`u Ali`i NAR. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.73 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Pelekunu Valley, TMK 259006011 Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i. Ungulate control currently ongoing. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.74 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Pelekunu Valley, Wawaeolepe, TMK 259008017 Not Started Other William Hitchcock, et al. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Wm. Hitchcock, et al. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.75 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Pelekunu Valley, TMK 254003032 Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i. Ungulate control currently ongoing. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.76 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Wailau Valley, TMK 259006002 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Naturally isolated but vulnerable to incursion. Ungulate control ongoing. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.77 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Wailau Valley and Oloku`i, TMK 259006004 Not Started Other G. Brown III et al. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected G. Brown III, et al. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.78 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Laeokapuna, TMK 257005027 Not Started Other P. Hodgins Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected P. Hodgins. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.79 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Keanakoholua, TMK 257005001 Not Started Other M. Hustice Trust Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected M. Hustice Trust. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.80 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, `Uala`pue, TMK 256006026 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.81 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kahananui, TMK 256006014 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.82 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Manawai, TMK 256006013 Not Started Other P. Petro Trust Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected P. Petro Trust. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.83 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, east `Ohi`a Gulch, TMK 256006011 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.84 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, West `Ohi`a Gulch, TMK 256006010 Not Started Other E. Wond Trust Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected E. Wond Trust. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.85 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Keawa Nui, TMK 256006007 Not Started Other Kamehameha Schools Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kamehameha Schools. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.86 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Pua`ahala, TMK 256006002 Not Started Other K&H Horizons Hawai`i Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected K&H Horizons Hawai`i. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.87 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kumu`eli, TMK 256006001 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other D. Fairbanks III Trust, East Molokai Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected D. Fairbanks III Trust, (Austin Estate?). In EMOWP; currently fencing portions and removing ungulates. Continue strategic fencing and remove ungulates within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.88 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kamalo, TMKs 255001016 255001006 255001017 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Kamehameha Schools, East Molokai Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kamehameha Schools. In EMOWP; currently fencing portions and removing ungulates. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.89 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Makolelau, TMK 255001015 Not Started Other Ashton Pitts Jr. Trust Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Ashton Pitts Jr. Trust. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.90 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Kamakou Preserve, Kawela, TMK 2540003026 Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Molokai Ranch, East Molokai Watershed Partnership Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Moloka`i Ranch Ltd., The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i. In EMOWP. Ungulate control currently ongoing. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.91 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kawela, TMKs 254003001 Not Started Other Kawela Plantation Homes Association Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kawela Plantation Homes Association. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.92 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kamiloloa/ Makakupaia, TMK 254003025 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i DOFAW. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.2.93 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kaunakakai, TMK 253003005 Not Started Other Molokai Ranch Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Moloka`i Ranch Ltd. Strategic fencing and ungulate removal within forest bird recovery area.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Kipahulu Forest Reserve, TMKs 216001005 217001033 217002035 217004006 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Adjacent to known populations of AKOH and MAPA. Potential for range expansion.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Kahikinui Forest Reserve, TMKs 218001006 218001005 218001009 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Potential long-term site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Kahikinui Homelands, TMKs 219001003 219001007 219001008 219001011 Not Started Other Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DHHL. Potential long-term site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Makawao Forest Reserve, TMKs 224016001 224016002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Likely site of near-term range expansion for AKOH and MAPA.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in West Maui NAR, Kahakuloa, TMK 231006001 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Primary site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Kapunakea Preserve, Amfac/JMB Hawai`i Co., TNCH, TMK 244007001 Not Started Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Amfac / JMB Hawai`i Co. (American Factors, Inc.) Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected American Factors (Amfac)/JMB Hawai`i Co., TNCH. Primary site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in West Maui NAR, Honokowai, TMK 244007004 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Primary site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Pu`u Kukui Watershed Management Area, TMKs 242001001 241001017 Not Started Other Maui Land and Pineapple Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Maui Land and Pineapple. Primary site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Moloka`i Forest Reserve and Pu`u Ali`i NAR, Waikolu, TMK 261001002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Primary site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Moloka`i Forest Reserve and Oloku`i NAR, Wailau Valley, TMK 259006002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Primary site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Kamakou Preserve, Kawela, TMK 2540003026 Not Started Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Molokai Ranch Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Moloka`i Ranch Ltd, TNCH. Primary site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Establish disease monitoring protocols for captive native birds to assess presence of avian disease in captive held populations and risk of transfer of disease strains between avian captive holding facilities Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Avian Disease Working Group, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Develop a list of diseases of concern for which captive birds should be routinely tested before they can be transferred between avian captive holding facilities Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Avian Disease Working Group, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Manually drain feral pig-damaged tree ferns that hold water and fill or drain pig wallows in appropriate areas to reduce mosquito breeding sites Ongoing Not Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests], U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Use findings from vector surveys to identify and prioritize areas for treatment.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Identify natural sites (e.g., stream margins, tree holes) that serve as larval habitat and determine feasibility of treatment or elimination Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, All Land Managers [Hawaiian forests], U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Use findings from vector surveys to identify and prioritize areas for treatment.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Use birds that occur in areas with disease transmission as founders for translocations to establish new populations Planned FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Avian Disease Working Group, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.5.5 Monitor long-term changes in the prevalence and transmission of avian diseases in recovery forest bird habitats Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Avian Disease Working Group, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Identify priority areas for long-term monitoring in areas that will be intensively managed.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Encourage HDOA to modify import lists to exclude reptiles and amphibians from commercial sale Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Encourage HDOA to modify import lists to decrease the numbers of vertebrate species allowed into the state Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Assist HDOA obtain an enforcement branch to pursue smuggling and release violations Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Encourage USFWS to adopt state injurious species lists as part of federal injurious wildlife list under the Lacey Act Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Encourage HDOA, DLNR, USFWS, and county police departments to develop a task force to pursue smuggling and release violations Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, County Police Departments, Hawaii, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Provide single point-of-exit at airports Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, County Airports, Hawaii, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Increase the numbers of HDOA and USDA inspectors to better cover nursery cargo and passenger baggage/hand-carry Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Agriculture, County Airports, Hawaii, U.S. Department of Agriculture Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Secure congressional approval of USDA quarantine of mainland Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 2.6.3 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of vespulid wasps (yellow jackets) on forest birds within forest ecosystems Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 3.1 If egg collections fail, develop methods by which to bring nestling birds, juveniles, and/or adults into captivity with concomitant quarantine procedures Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected action number 3.10
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 3.12.1 Evaluate the Honolulu Zoo or other qualified institutions as repositories for those endangered species and/or individuals that are not contributing to the captive propagation program Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Diego Zoological Society, Honolulu Zoo, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Veterinary Consortium (state/federal/private clinicians) [Hawaiian forest birds], U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 3.3.1 Develop methods of evaluating, selecting, and preparing sites for release of endangered birds to ensure long-term persistence of birds reintroduced to West Maui and Moloka`i Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Forest Bird Recovery Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Maui forest birds.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 3.6.2 Develop and refine techniques for the release of captive-reared birds into managed habitat: Develop and refine release (hacking) procedures Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 3.7 For each of the species identified as candidates for captive propagation, it is important to establish demographic goals for captive propagation program, i.e. how many birds to produce using which demographic strategy over what period of time and released into how many sites Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 3.8 Develop species specific reintroduction guidelines based on risk assessments that consider the behavioral, disease, demographic and genetic needs of the species Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 3.9 Provide biological material from captive held birds to an agreed holding location or locations determined on a species by species basis Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other San Diego Zoological Society, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.10.14 Determine population response to experimental control of weeds (e.g., ginger) Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kaua`i. Species: Kaua`i creeper, Puaiohi
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.10.17 Document genetic population structure of species with single populations Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Maui. Species: po`ouli, Maui parrotbill, `akohekohe
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.10.18 Document source/sink metapopulation structure and dispersal characteristics in populations along lateral and elevational gradients of density Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i. Species: Hawai`i `akepa, Hawai`i creeper, `akiapola`au
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.1.1 Identify species-specific niche requirements and the role of habitat degradation and competition in reducing carrying capacity Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.2.10 Avian competitor study Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Investigate red-billed leiothrix as competitor and reservoir for disease for po`ouli and Maui parrotbill Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Investigate role of Japanese White-eye and newly appeared Japanese Bush-warbler as competitors and reservoirs of disease for Hawai`i `akepa, Hawai`i creeper, and `akiapola`au Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.2.11 Determine best ways of conducting reforestation efforts Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.2.12 Investigate nonnative invertebrates in forest habitats to determine distribution, direct and indirect interactions with native invertebrates, role as a prey base for nonnative birds and mammals, and effects on flora. Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Evaluate the efficacy of other toxicants than diphacinone for controlling mammalian predators and take the steps needed for their registration Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.2.6 Ungulate exclusion and control study Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Experimental tests are needed of alternative methods for controlling and/or excluding feral pigs, goats, sheep, mouflon, and axis deer.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.2.7 Weed study/control Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.2.8 Yellow-jacket wasp study Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.2.9 Barn owl and pueo study Partially Complete Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.3.1 Examine response of populations to habitat restoration, including the provisioning of food, foraging substrates, nest-sites, and roost sites, as well as the effects of habitat restoration on threats such as mosquitoes, predators, and competitors Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Determine if sleeping habits may reduce exposure to mosquitoes and predators Not Started Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Determine if nest structure and location may provide protection from high winds, rain and cold, and predators Partially Complete FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.6.1 Investigate ways to enhance resource availability for particular species within existing habitat. Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Determine if application of fertilizer to host plants increases growth, and productivity of flowers and arthropods Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Develop effective techniques for restoration of degraded and deforested lands Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Develop a comprehensive library of microsatellite loci Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other San Diego Zoological Society, University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Document genetic population structure of species with single populations Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Document source/sink metapopulation structure along gradients in density, particularly elevational gradients Partially Complete Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Document genetic relationships among individuals in isolated populations such as may be found on different volcanoes or in different areas of a fragmented population Partially Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Determine patterns of dispersal by age and sex Partially Complete Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Determine seasonal patterns of movement by age and sex Partially Complete Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.6.3 Conduct population and metapopulation viability analyses Partially Complete Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Conduct trend analysis using count data Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Use demographic data for estimating lambda Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.6.4 Investigate naturally occurring and alien species induced native plant species die-back phenomena affecting forest bird habitats Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.7.2 Determine optimal parameters for translocation efforts Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.8.1 Special research considerations for disease and parasitism: Determine the effects of land use changes on disease transmission Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.8.2 Special research considerations for disease and parasitism: Determine effects of long-term climate change on disease transmission Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.8.3 Conduct research on the feasibility of vaccines for avian pox and malaria, methods for their delivery, and possible effects on host-parasite coevolutionary adaptations Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other San Diego Zoological Society, University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.8.4 Conduct research on genetic variability, virulence, and interactions between avian pox virus and malarial parasites and how these variants interact with susceptible and resistant host genotypes Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Use molecular methods to identify specific markers that correlate with phenotypic differences in virulence Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Determine whether concomitant infections with pox and malaria affect virulence and transmissibility Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.8.6 Determine the feasibility of decreasing malarial transmission through genetic manipulation of vector populations Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.8.7 Determine the role that ectoparasites play in transmission of avian pox, particularly during the nesting cycle when adults may pass infections to offspring Planned Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.8.8 Determine the role that endoparasites such as Coccidea play in demography of birds Planned Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.8.9 Monitor long-term changes in the prevalence and transmission of avian diseases in recovery forest bird habitats Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 4.9 Develop and test improved survey and monitoring techniques in recovery area for extremely rare species and species difficult to monitor using standard methods Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 5.2.10 Conduct systematic surveys of Waikamoi Preserve, Maui, to determine annual and seasonal changes in distribution and population size Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Annual survey. Total cost based on annual cost for 30 years.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 5.2.11 Conduct systematic surveys of Kipahulu Valley, Maui, to determine annual and seasonal changes in distribution and population size Planned Other Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Annual survey. Total cost based on annual cost for 30 years.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 5.2.9 Conduct systematic surveys of Hanawi NAR, Maui, to determine annual and seasonal changes in distribution and population size Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Annual survey. Total cost based on annual cost for 30 years.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Expand visitor use with a loop trail and interpretive displays at Hakalau Forest NWR, Hawai`i Partially Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Expand visitor awareness with development of visitor centers, displays and facilities, and public services interpretive programs: O`ahu, Honolulu Zoo Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Honolulu Zoo Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 6.1.4 Promote the opening of State Forest reserve trails to the general public for nature walks and birding on all islands Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Institute core curriculum programs at the university level emphasizing Hawaii's native species for elementary and high school education programs Planned FY 2006 Other University of Hawaii Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Develop an interpretation internship program for university students specializing in the field of forest bird information and education Not Started Other University of Hawaii Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Provide permanent funding for programs such as Imi Pono No Ka Aina, an Environmental Educator program at Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park that educates teachers through accredited workshops in environmental and native species issues Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Fund and support programs for school children on each island that provide a hands on approach to learning about Hawaii's native species: Keokeolani Outdoor Education Program on the Big Island; Maui Outdoor Education Center on Maui; Hawai`i Nature Center on O`ahu; The Discovery Outdoor Education Center on Kaua`i; and funding for the establishment of a Moloka`i Outdoor Education Center Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Hawai`i Outdoor Education Centers Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Fund and support organizations such as `Ohi`a Productions and Keauhou Bird Conservation Center that provide environmental educational programs to Hawaii's school children Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Provide funding for `Ohi`a Productions to perform on other islands and to produce videos of previous performances for distribution to schools throughout Hawai`i Ongoing Current FY 2005 Other Ohia Productions Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Develop and support programs such as Malama Hawai`i, that encourage widespread awareness of conservation goals through a diverse coalition of traditional and non-traditional partnerships Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Fund, create and support continuous maintenance of an informational website focused on native species, their habitats, as well as alien species and their effects on native species, and provide up to date information that can be utilized and copied onto other web sites to spread the information Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Inform the public as to the value of feral ungulate and weed control in native forests by providing film and video footage of the harmful effects of alien weeds and ungulates on native species and agriculture Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hawaii Department of Health, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 6.3.1 Conduct market research on the public's knowledge of native species and attitudes towards conservation, to provide the information to develop the most direct ways to educate the public and gain support for native species Partially Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Assist in the development of public service announcements about native species by providing local television stations with footage of native species with natural sounds and suggest their use as background visuals or sounds during credits for local or other programming Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Use local "heroes", entertainers, sports figures, or other role models, to promote local pride in common native and endangered species Planned Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Support conservation outreach organizations to promote conservation at a grass roots level Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Support the use of volunteers in projects on State, Federal and private lands that will contribute to the enhancement of native habitat and increase the level of awareness and pride in native species within the local populace Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Natural Area Reserve system, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 2 Develop and maintain partnerships with Kamehameha Schools, The Nature Conservancy of Hawai`i, Hawai`i Audubon Society, Pig Hunters of Hawai`i, Hawai`i Conservation Association and other NGO's to promote environmental awareness and broaden the spectrum of a local environmentally educated populace Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 1.3.28 Secure recovery area: Kipahulu Forest Reserve, Kukui`ula, TMK 216001007 Not Started Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, J. Haili Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected J. Haili. Small parcel at lower edge of recovery area. By partnership with LHWRP.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 1.3.29 Secure recovery area: Kipahulu Forest Reserve, Kukui`ula, TMK 216001006 Not Started Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, Kalalau (private land owner), Cleveland (private land owner) Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Cleveland Kalalau. Small parcel at lower edge of recovery area. By partnership with LHWRP.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 1.3.31 Secure recovery area: Kipahulu Forest Reserve, TMK 217001032 Not Started Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, A. Kaapana et al. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected A. Kaapana et al. Small parcel at lower edge of recovery area. By partnership with LHWRP.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 1.3.33 Secure recovery area: Nu`u, TMK 218001001 Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, Kaupo Ranch Ltd. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kaupo Ranch Ltd. Degraded former forest land in need of active management. By continuing partnership with LHWRP, safe harbor agreement, conservation easement, change of land use designation, or purchase from willing seller. Acquisition being negotiated by NPS.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 1.3.34 Secure recovery area: Nu`u, TMK 218001002 Not Started Other East Maui Watershed Partnership, James Campbell Estate Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected James Campbell Est. Degraded former forest land in need of active management. By continuing partnership with LHWRP, safe harbor agreement, conservation easement, change of land use designation, or purchase from willing seller. Acquisition being negotiated by NPS.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.1.35 Reforest areas of Nu`u, TMK 218001001 Not Started Other Kaupo Ranch Ltd. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kaupo Ranch Ltd. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.1.36 Reforest areas of Nu`u, TMK 218001002 Not Started Other James Campbell Estate Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected James Campbell Est. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.1.43 Reforest areas of Ka`ono`ulu, TMKs 222007002 222006009 222007010 222006032 Not Started Other Ka`ono`ulu Ranch Co. Ltd. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Ka`ono`ulu Ranch Co. Ltd. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.1.44 Reforest areas of Waiakoa, TMK 222008001 Not Started Other Lucky Shoji USA Inc. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Lucky Shoji USA Inc. et al. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.1.45 Reforest areas of Kamehame Nui/Kealahou, TMK 223005002 Not Started Other John Zwaanstra Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected John Zwaanstra. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.1.57 Reforest areas of Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Makolelau, TMK 255001015 Not Started Other Ashton Pitts Jr. Trust Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Ashton Pitts Jr. Trust. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.1.59 Reforest areas of Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kawela, TMK 254003001 Not Started Other Kawela Plantation Homes Association Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kawela Plantation Homes Association. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.1.61 Reforest areas of Moloka`i Forest Reserve, Kaunakakai, TMK 253003005 Not Started Other Molokai Ranch Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Moloka`i Ranch Ltd. Restore montane mesic forest and shrubland. Replace nonnative trees.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.2.29 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Kipahulu Forest Reserve, Kukui`ula, TMK 216001007 Not Started Other J. Haili Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected J. Haili. Encourage ungulate control and fencing.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.2.30 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Kipahulu Forest Reserve, Kukui`ula, TMK 216001006 Not Started Other Kalalau (private land owner), Cleveland (private land owner) Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected C. Kalalau. Encourage ungulate control and fencing.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.2.32 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Kipahulu Forest Reserve, TMK 217001032 Not Started Other A. Kaapana et al. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected A. Ka`apana et al. Encourage ungulate control and fencing.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.2.34 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Nu`u, TMK 218001001 Not Started Other Kaupo Ranch Ltd. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Kaupo Ranch Ltd. Encourage ungulate control and fencing.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 2.2.35 Reduce or eliminate the detrimental effects of ungulates on vegetation within Nu`u, TMK 218001002 Not Started Other James Campbell Estate Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected James Campbell Est. Encourage ungulate control and fencing.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Kula Forest Reserve, TMK 222007001 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Potential long-term site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in Haleakala Ranch (Pýlehu Nui/Kalialinui), TMK 223005003 Not Started Other Haleakala Ranch Co. Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Haleakal~ Ranch Co. Adjacent to current range. Likely site of near-term range expansion for AKOH and MAPA.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in West Maui NAR, Lihau, TMK 248001002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Potential long-term site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Control alien mammalian predators by trapping, poisoning and other means in West Maui Forest Reserve, Pana`ewa, TMK 246025002 Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Hawai`i State, DLNR, DOFAW. Potential long-term site for reintroduction.
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 4.7.3 Evaluate the relative costs of habitat suitability analysis vs. experimental translocation or reintroduction Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Research Institutions, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Develop interpretive kiosk in parking area and brochures and signs for the Waiakoa Loop Trail at Polipoli State Park, Maui Planned Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Develop access, trails, and interpretive displays at Pu`u Kukui, Maui Ongoing Current FY 2006 Other Maui Land and Pineapple Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Develop an interpretive display at Waihe`e Ridge Trail, Maui Planned Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Develop an interpretive display at Kahakuloa NAR, Maui Planned Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Develop an interpretive trail to the rim of Pepe`opae Bog at Hanalilolilo Trail, Moloka`i Planned U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Develop scenic overlook and interpretive displays at Pu`u Ali`i NAR, Moloka`i Planned Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Develop interpretive signs for the nature trail at Hosmer Grove Haleakala National Park, Maui Planned Other Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Promote increased access and interpretation programs on lands where native species are found: Maui, Waikamoi Preserve, The Nature Conservancy Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Promote increased access and interpretation programs on lands where native species are found: Maui, Makawao Forest Reserve Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Promote increased access and interpretation programs on lands where native species are found: Maui, Hanawi NAR Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Natural Area Reserve system Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Promote increased access and interpretation programs on lands where native species are found: Maui, Haleakala National Park Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Promote increased access and interpretation programs on lands where native species are found: Moloka`i, Kamakou Preserve, The Nature Conservancy Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 6.1.5 Support the Na Ala Hele Trail System Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Fund the development and distribution of educational materials: Develop forest bird posters for schools, emphasizing each of the native forest birds and keyed to each islands endemic species Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 FY 2006 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Fund the development and distribution of educational materials: Keauhou Ranch/Kilauea Forest Reserve. Assist Kamehameha Schools with ongoing development of environmental learning opportunities Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Kamehameha Schools, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Promote the use of prize-winning contests, with sponsors, on local radio, television stations and newspapers to promote native species awareness Not Started Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Sponsor and support contests such as: Forest bird website contest among high school students, forest bird essay contest in Hawaii's schools with prizes for different grade levels, forest bird photo contest, or a song writing contest with the song to be used for a theme song for a locally produced nature program Not Started Other Hawaii Department of Education Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Develop a weekly column provided to all newspapers in Hawai`i providing information on native species and ecosystem issues, with the writing shared by conservation organizations throughout the state Planned Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Develop a weekly program for radio stations on all islands providing information on native species and ecosystem issues, with the writing shared by conservation organizations throughout the State. Planned Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Develop a half hour weekly or monthly television nature program about Hawaii's native species and their habitat Planned Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Promote the use of the `i`iwi or a caricature of `i`iwi as the Poster Child for native species in advertising and in education Ongoing Current FY 2005 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Provide native species images and promote the use of these images in advertising by advertising agencies, local and national fast food corporations for use in advertising on tray-liners, milk cartons, and other heavily used advertising media Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Promote the hosting of special events in cooperation with major local hotels and corporations as partners for funding, and to champion native species and ecosystem awareness Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Develop a mentor program, where natural science based professionals provide field opportunities for young people in learning about Hawaii's native species Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service University of Hawaii, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Revised Hawaiian Forest Birds Recovery Plan RF(1) 1 Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Melamprosops phaeosoma 3 Support the development of a volunteer clearinghouse to provide volunteers for resource management, education, and outreach Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 Other To be determined Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected