Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results
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Document ID=1004191Plan Title | Plan Stage | Plan Lead Region (FWS) | Plan Lead Office (FWS) | Species Common Name | Species Scientific Name | Action Priority | Action Number | Action Description | Action Status | Estimated Initiation Date | Estimated Completion Date | Action Lead Agencies | Responsible Parties | Work Types | Labor Types | Comments | Implementation Activity Number | Implementation Activity Description | Implementation Activity Status | Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date | Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date | Implementation Activity Labor Types | Implementation Activity Work Types | Implementation Activity Responsible Parties | Implementation Activity Comments | Implementation Activity Species |
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 1 | 3.1 | Develop and implement management plans on Federal and State-owned core habitat areas. | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Arizona Game and Fish Department | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Costs are primarily for development of plans and projects. Implementation costs are unknown. | ||||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 1 | 3.2.1 | Acquire secure water rights for Sonny Bono Salton Sea NWR. | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Will require extensive negotiation and development of agreements with the final costs unknown. | ||||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 1 | 3.2.2 | Acquire secure water rights for IWA at Salton Sea. | Ongoing Current | Other | California Department of Fish and Game | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Same as 3.2.1 | ||||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 2 | 2.1.1 | Refine suitable habitat parameters for summer, winter, and relation to home range sizes. | Ongoing Current | FY 2009 | FY 2011 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Work type not yet selected | Graduate Student | Rails are known to use habitats differently over the course of a year. | ||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 2 | 2.1.2 | Obtain additional information on selenium concentrations in habitat, prey base, and individuals. | Ongoing Current | FY 2018 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | This builds off existing information and results from study in 2006-2009. Research may take 2-4 additional years. | |||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 2 | 2.1.3 | Obtain information on other potential contaminants and invasive species. | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | The spread of giant salvinia, quagga mussels, and other invasives may affect habitat. | ||||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 2 | 2.2.1 | Evaluation of patch size and physical configuration of habitats. | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Work type not yet selected | Graduate Student | Funded by Showing Success Grant from USFWS. | 2.2.1-1 | Draft report on patch size, density, and detection probability was reviewed and returned to author. | Complete | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 2 | 2.2.3 | Evaluation of rail dispersal and seasonal movements between habitats. | Ongoing Current | FY 2018 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | This project is overseen by Dr. Conway with the USGS Cooperative Unit. There has already been data showing migration and dispersal patterns of rails going to Mexico. The study is ongoing and will continue to show the importance of core areas and dispersal patterns. | 2.2.3-1 | Dr. Conway and Mr. Eamon Harrity have been conducting dispersal studies since 2018. Their findings have led to greater understanding of migration and dispersal patterns of rails throughout the range. | Ongoing Current | 2018 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | This study has produced several annual reports which have described that years findings. | ||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 2 | 3.2 | Document water rights for core habitats on the LCR. | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Ensure adequate water is available to provide for suitable habitat. | ||||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 2 | 3.3 | Provide protection for other breeding habitats and movement corridors in the U.S. | Ongoing Current | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Game and Fish Department, California Department of Fish and Game, Nevada Department of Wildlife, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation , Utah Division of Wildlife Resources | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Same as 3.2.1. Likely to be part of second five year implementation schedule. | ||||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | 1.1.1 | Assess rationale for setting recovery goal of 700-1,000 breeding birds in the 1983 recovery plan. | Ongoing Current | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | If completion of this task validates the existing number, no work under task 1.1.2 would occur. | ||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | 1.1.2 | Determine the minimum number of breeding birds in the U.S. needed for recovery. | Ongoing Current | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Population analysis to be done by I&M program. Decision made based on information provided in and | ||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | | Review existing biological information for data to support determination of minimum viable population. | Not Started | FY 2019 | FY 2019 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | This review is part of 1.1.1 and may provide sufficient information to make a reasonable estimate for minimum population size. If not, additional work under would be needed. | ||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | | Identify and implement research to fill data gaps from task | Not Started | FY 2019 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Research: Population Assessment | Labor type not yet selected | Needs to research genetics, and dispersal. However, because the extent of this research is unknown at this time, the amount of effort and costs cannot be estimated. | |||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | 1.2.1 | Continue annual surveys on Federal and State core habitat areas. | Ongoing Current | FY 2015 | FY 2021 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Research: Population Surveys | Volunteer, Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | Each cooperating agency including FWS will provide funds for staff field work. | 1.2.1-1 | 2013 Survey report was completed and sent to participants | Complete | 2013 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | 1.2.1 | Continue annual surveys on Federal and State core habitat areas. | Ongoing Current | FY 2015 | FY 2021 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Research: Population Surveys | Volunteer, Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | Each cooperating agency including FWS will provide funds for staff field work. | 1.2.1-2 | Annual population surveys for 2015 conducted by Service and partners | Complete | 2015 | 2015 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | 1.2.1 | Continue annual surveys on Federal and State core habitat areas. | Ongoing Current | FY 2015 | FY 2021 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Research: Population Surveys | Volunteer, Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | Each cooperating agency including FWS will provide funds for staff field work. | 1.2.1-3 | Annual Surveys | Complete | 2016 | 2022 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | Surveys have been consistently conducted by partners and results conveyed to both Arizona Game and Fish and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | ||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | 1.2.1 | Continue annual surveys on Federal and State core habitat areas. | Ongoing Current | FY 2015 | FY 2021 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Recovery Implementation Team | Research: Population Surveys | Volunteer, Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | Each cooperating agency including FWS will provide funds for staff field work. | 1.2.1-4 | Annual Surveys | Complete | 2023 | 2023 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | | Review existing survey routes to ensure 90% of core areas are covered during survey. | Not Started | FY 2019 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Arizona Game and Fish Department | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Review of existing routes against new marsh habitat maps to determine if routes should be adjusted. | |||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | 1.2.2 | Continue or implement official surveys in other occupied habitat areas outside the core areas. | Ongoing Current | Other | Arizona Game and Fish Department | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | This will enable these non-core routes to be added to the official survey. | ||||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | 1.2.3 | Coordination of annual survey effort and modifications to routes, protocols, and reporting. | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Population Surveys | Labor type not yet selected | AESFO will continue to coordinate surveys and distribute results to cooperators. See Action 1.2.1. | 1.2.3-1 | Worked with new surveyors in California and Nevada to gain additional information from those states. | Ongoing Current | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | | Provide survey training for personnel from official survey cooperating agencies. | Ongoing Not Current | Other | Recovery Implementation Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Arizona Game and Fish Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Refuge Branch has provided this training for agency cooperators in the past and will coordinate to continue to provide this training. | | SJV provided funding for survey training for 2014 | Complete | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | | Initiate revision to annual report to include estimated population size. | Not Started | FY 2019 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Will require research into rail densities and response rates to calls in habitat types included in annual surveys. | |||||||||||
Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail | RD(1) | 2 | Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 | Yuma Ridgway's rail | Rallus obsoletus yumanensis | 3 | 1.2.4 | Provide standardized section 10(a)(1)(A) permits for compliance surveys for section 7 requirements. | Ongoing Current | FY 2014 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Includes actions under,, and to be completed. | 1.2.4-1 | Working with CA and NV FWS to finalize a presence/absence survey for project clearances. | Ongoing Current | 2014 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected |