Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results
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Document ID=1005727Plan Title | Plan Stage | Plan Lead Region (FWS) | Plan Lead Office (FWS) | Species Common Name | Species Scientific Name | Action Priority | Action Number | Action Description | Action Status | Estimated Initiation Date | Estimated Completion Date | Action Lead Agencies | Responsible Parties | Work Types | Labor Types | Comments | Implementation Activity Number | Implementation Activity Description | Implementation Activity Status | Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date | Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date | Implementation Activity Labor Types | Implementation Activity Work Types | Implementation Activity Responsible Parties | Implementation Activity Comments | Implementation Activity Species |
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 1 | 2.1 | Prioritize habitat for protection | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Management: Planning | Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | Based on travel time for Team, help from GIS person, & an annual review. FY01 @ $20K & $10K every year after. Update Aug 2019: This effort is an on-going priority. We are woking on both permanent and temporary protections (land purchase, Safe Harbors, etc.) Aug. 2020 update- same as 2019 --------------- August 2021, on-going priority for the Recovery Partners. Once SITLA Safe Harbor is final, this will be a big conservation gain for Awapa and Pauns areas. August 2022 and 2023-- on-going (and will be continual for this species) priority-- 2nd Mound TNC / Iron County property is latest in this effort. Still working though SITLA SHA ------------------ August 2024: State of Utah (UDWR) was awarded RLA section 6 funds to acquire lands for the species. Still in beginning phases of search for landowners to work with. Great opportunity! | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 1 | | Permanently protect habitat on non-Federal lands through conservation easements & fee acquisition from willing sellers | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Utah Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Panoramaland and Color Country Resource Conservation and Development Councils, Utah Farm Bureau, Utah Counties | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Involve partnerships with private grant organizations & environmental groups. $2,000K/year for 30 years. Update as of 8/2016, we currently have 5 properties via HCEP and 1 TNC property. Total acres is approx. 1,063. Update for 9/2017, 2 properties in Garfeild County completed 7/13/17 -(1,040 acres) with a match from the County and 1 property in Iron County with a match from TNC. Update for 2018: A 291-acre Iron County property was recorded on Friday, 5/25/2018. Iron County holds title to the property with an easement retained by TNC. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the State of Utah and TNC provided $1M for the acquisition. Update 9/2019 This TNC property is called the Williams Property and a management plan is being developed for it currently to get funding for projects. -August 2020 update, working a new potential opportunity with BLM, Iron County, and TNC for habitat protection. In the early stages, currently. ------------ August 2021 update: no new habitat protection projects in the works currently. Hope to be able to move forward with more 2021-22. --------- August 2022 and 2023-- Williams Property / 2nd Mound is complete, next focus is SITLA Safe Harbor and working on identifying other good habitat areas (especially) private lands connected to federal lands for UPD protection. Slow process to get willing landowners. ------------------------------------- August 2024: State of Utah (UDWR) was awarded RLA section 6 funds to acquire lands for the species. Still in beginning phases of search for landowners to work with. Great opportunity! | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 1 | | Expand market-based & other financial incentives for private landowners who enter into permanent agreements to manage or restore habitat | Ongoing Current | Other | Environmental Defense, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Panoramaland and Color Country Resource Conservation and Development Councils, Utah Farm Bureau, Utah State University Extension | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Total cost at $6,000,000 with 200k annually for 30 years. --------------- August 2021- this is not moving forward in current local climate. The Range Wide GCP also fills this need for folks who want to develop and the cost is not very high. Prior to GCP, there was more motivation for this effort. --------------- August 2022 and 2023-- similar situation as 2021 info ------------------------ No change to status here for 2024 | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 1 | | Establish an endowment fund to administer and manage protected property. | Ongoing Current | Other | Panoramaland and Color Country Resource Conservation and Development Councils, Utah Counties | Acquisition: General, Acquisition: Management Agreement, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | $1,500,000 total cost. 100k each year starting in FY1 to FY10, then 25k annually thereafter. This includes salaries and admin costs. ----------------- August 2021- no update for this effort at this point. Not enough interested parties to sell or contribute funds. --------------------- August 2023- There is now money from GCP development fees. TBD on what to do next with $ and/or if best to wait for more $ ------------------- August 2024- Possibility to combine GCP fees with section 6 RLA funding,but not sure if OK or not? | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 1 | 2.2.2 | Enroll private lands in temporary voluntary agreements using Federal & state conservation programs | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Utah Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Panoramaland and Color Country Resource Conservation and Development Councils, Utah Farm Bureau | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | $200K for FY01 to FY05, then 50K annually thereafter Update for 2018- working with SITLA on a Safe Harbor Agreement for their lands on the Awapa RU. Update 8/2019- Progress is still moving on SHA with SITLA and now looking at expanding to Pauns (and Awapa). Still working on draft doc, but hope to get to RO by end of Sept. 2019 -August 2020 update- SHA is not yet final but have now included both the Awapa and Pauns. ---------------------- August 2021 update- SHA moving forward still and with both Awapa and Pauns (not West Desert) -------------------------- August 2022 and 2023 update-- focusing again on SHA with state partners, good local support at well.. moving through the process ------------------------ August 2024-- the current draft SHA will now be converted to a CBA (Conservation Benefit Agreement). This doc combines both a SHA and a CCAA into one doc. | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 1 | 2.3.1 | Plan & implement vegetation treatments in strategic locations (including translocation sites) that benefit species & its habitat | Ongoing Current | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Research: Management Techniques | Species Expert, Contract | This is based on 1,000 acres/year at cost of about $500/acre + planning costs. $500K annually for 30 years. Update as of 8/2016 various projects have occured with BLM, USFS, and NPS (approx. 6 projects and 1,000 acres). Update as of 9/2017, a total of 12,330 acres of habitat improvement occurred on land administered by the USDA Forest Service, 529 acres were improved on BLM land, and an additional 20 acres on State lands, respectively in 2016. Update in 2018- we do not have the total numbers from the Federal agencies, but USFS DIxie is working on the Mud Springs projects which is focused on habitat improvement for UPDs. Update 2019- We have been working on updated to the 5-Yr MU Plans to have all these veg. treatments etc. in 1 place. This is still in progress I do not have the updated info at this time. Update 2020- similar to 2019 and many projects underway with Fed. agencies efforts ------------------------- August 2021 Update- Both BLM (Cedar City, mainly) and USFS (Dixie) have been working on translocation projects- both research and development of new sites. Full into and reporting in BLM and FS Annual Reports. --------------------------- August 2022 and 2023- habitat treatment work continues on both BLM, USFS, and some NPS- Bryce Canyon work. For Cedar City BLM-- There is 906 acres of vegetation treatment planned to be conducted this fall in CCFO (Buckhorn North) that will improve UPD habitat For Cedar City USFS- They have treated approximately 3 acres by hand around UPD colonies and will be doing approximately 3.5 acres of wet mowing around UPD colonies and will be brush mowing approximately 24 acres for UPD restoration. An additional approximately 8 acres will be mowed in historic habitat and could benefit UPDs, the closest colony to this portion is on private property is about 250 meters away and we are hoping the prairie dogs will utilize this area after mowing. 48 acres of wet mowing will occur at a distance of 350 feet from prairie dog colonies, opening up habitat that we hope they will expand into and utilize. Kanab BLM- working on new translocations sites in 2023 and 2024 2024- Work continues with this effort and our partners. | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 1 | 2.3.2 | Develop & implement guidelines to minimize adverse impacts to species & its habitat from various activities on Federal lands | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Management: Planning, Research: Management Techniques | Species Expert | NPS has grant in place. $40K @ FY01 & FY02, $30K @ FY03, & $20K annually thereafter. Total money would be $650,000 8/2019 These guidelines are often included upfront in Sec. 7s on a continual basis. Aug. 2020 update- guidelines still continue to be included in Sec. 7s --------------------------- August 2021 update: Currently doing very few formal consultations for UPDs. Usually able to have enough upfront conservation measures to do informally. ----------------------------- August 2022, 2023, 2024-- currently similar situation as in previous years-- good upfront working with partners to have projects planned with adequate conservation measures to do informally and have low impacts on species and habitat | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 1 | 2.3.3 | Amend or update Federal Land Use Plans to include these guidelines (to minimize impacts to UPDs) when appropriate | Ongoing Current | Other | National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service | Management: Planning, Management: Land Use, Other: Regulations | Species Expert | No $ for FY01 to FY04, then $150k @ FY05 & FY06, then $40k every 5th year thereafter. Update as of 8/2016: BLM LUP ammendments and USFWS plans agreed to co-manage UPDs with sage grouse. -------------------- August 2021 Federal Land Use Plans and RMPs have measures to conserve UPDs woven into documents. -------------------- August 2022 and 2023-- no new updates here. Cedar City RMP is still in a holding pattern, but should have solid conservation measures for UPDs. ------------------- August 2024- no new updates. Many TMPs in the works within Utah, however. | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 1 | 3.1 | Develop & implement a plague prevention & response plan. This should include prioritizing focal areas and timeframes for preventative treatments. | Ongoing Current | FY 2012 | FY 2042 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | $150K annually for 30 years. Update as of 8/2016, although an official plan has not yet been developed- plague vaccine research continues and thousands of acres on BLM and USFS are dusted annually. As of 9/2017,of those agencies reporting, approximately 7,908 acres were dusted (applying Delta Dust to active burrows) including the Dixie and Fishlake National Forests, the Cedar City BLM Field Office, and county properties. Update 8/2019- this is still a top priority for the Rec. Team to get all this info better organized etc. The 5 Year MU Plans will hopefully help to consolidate all. We plan to have that finalized this fall/winter. ----------------------------- August 2021 Update: In 2020, a total 4,515 acres of Utah prairie dog habitat was dusted range-wide. BLM (Color Country and Kanab districts) dusted 429 acres including County lands, USFS (Powell Ranger and Fish Lake Districts) dusted 3,853 acres, and the Division dusted 333 acres (protected easements/USFS-Fish Lake lands). UDWR also has sylvatic plague vaccine (SPV) baits in cold storage (enough to treat 3k acres with 40 baits/acre). These baits maybe used in conjunction with dusting in the future. MU Plan updates and info are still a work in progress. ---------------------------- August 2023-- Plague response is not part of a formal plan, but is done as much as possible on Federal lands-- dependent on staff and supplies. We are also trying to have some areas that are dust-free so they can be part of new plague research on using Fipronil for plague (FipBit study)-- early stages here. *Cedar City BLM BLM CCFO 2023 Dusting: Total Acres: 633.82 (BLM = 366.21; SITLA = 100.56; Iron County = 167.05 *Kanab BLM dusted ~300 acres in 2023 summer *Cedar City FS- no dusting ------------------------------------ August 2024: FitBit work continues, do not yet have totals on acres treated for plague via either method for this season | ||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 1 | 3.2 | Develop & implement a monitoring strategy & database for plague | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | No $ @ FY01, then $50K each year thereafter See updates for 3.1 -------------------- August 2023-- this is reported annually in UDWR report, but is not within a formal tracking system-- see 3.1 updates ------------------- August 2024-- same update as 2023 | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 2 | 1.1 | Continue surveys & annual population monitoring using existing protocols, throughout designated RUs. | Ongoing Current | Other | National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources | Management: Population Monitoring | Species Expert | $30K annually for 30 years The total rangewide spring count for 2016 was 11,484 prairie dogs with 2,579 Utah prairie dogs on public/protected lands. New in 2018, UDWR is mapping the active portion of the mapped habitat to better assess how much total occupied habitat is in each RU. ------------------------------------- Aug 2019 Update, UDWR is continuing to map occuppied portions of the mapped habitat. We do not have exact numbers yet, however. 9/2019 Final numbers from spring counts in 2019 are not yet in, but the numbers have been in decline over the past 2 years. ------------------------------------------------ August 2020 update, mapping the occupied portions of colonies (active areas) is continuing again this year. Final nubers for counts are not yet available. -------------------------------- August 2021 update (2020 data) Utah prairie dog recovery efforts in 2020 consisted of conducting annual spring counts, administering the translocation and control programs, assisting in translocation research efforts, and implementing the Range-wide General Conservation Plan for the Utah Prairie Dog in Residential and Commercial Development Areas. 6,217 adult Utah prairie dogs were counted range-wide in 2020, a decrease of 556 animals from 2019 figures. Counts on public and protected lands increased from 2,271 adults (2019) to 2,781 adults (2020), and counts on private lands decreased from 4,502 adults (2019) to 3,436 adults (2020). The percentage of Utah prairie dogs found on private lands decreased from 66% to 55%. Counts in the West Desert decreased 19% in 2020, while counts on the Awapa Plateau Recovery increased 28%, and counts on the Paunsaugunt held steady. West Desert 2020 count was 3140, Pauns was 2201, Awapa was 876. ----------------------------------------------------------- August 2022 (2021 data) Similar to last year's update-- Utah prairie dog recovery efforts in 2021-22 consisted of conducting annual spring counts, administering the translocation and control programs, assisting in translocation research efforts, and implementing the Range-wide General Conservation Plan --------------------------------------------------- August 2023 (2022 data) Annual efforts consisted of conducting annual spring counts, administering the translocation and control programs, assisting in translocation research efforts, and implementing the Range-wide General Conservation Plan Also, final 2023 numbers are not in, but preliminary numbers are up. Due to wet winter and spring-- good numbers this season. Here are numbers for 1 of the RUs- 2023 Spring Count West Desert Recovery Unit: BLM = 630 Easement = 508 SITLA = 79 USFS = 54 Private = 3,571 ------------------------------------------------------------ August 2024: Annual efforts consisted of conducting annual spring counts, administering the translocation and control programs, assisting in translocation research efforts, and implementing the Range-wide General Conservation Plan Also, final 2024 numbers are not in, but preliminary numbers are up. Due to wet winter and spring-- good numbers this season, similar to 2023. | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 2 | 1.2 | Expand surveys to unmapped but potential habitat to document species distribution. See updates to 1.1 where occupied portion of mapped habitat is being assessed in 2018. August 2020, this work is continuing. | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Panoramaland and Color Country Resource Conservation and Development Councils, Utah Farm Bureau | Research: Population Assessment, Management: Population Monitoring | Species Expert | $30K for FY01 to FY05 then no $ thereafter ------------------------------- August 2020 the occupied areas of mapped habitat is still being tracked and recorded. -------------------- August 2023- mapped habitat is still tracked annually and continues to grow as colonies move around on the landscape. This is a measure of where prairie dogs have occupied over the years since the 1970s. The change to now map the occupied portion of the mapped colonies is now standard protocol and a very helpful way to see where the occupied habitat is year to year. ------------------------- August 2024: same update as 2023 | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 2 | 5.1 | Select & prioritize translocation sites across range of species | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Management: Reintroduction | Species Expert | $50K annually for 30 years. Update as of 8/2016- a 5 year translocation plan was finalized for BLM in the West Desert in 2015. Other areas have not had a comprehensive plan developed. Update 8/2019 UPD Team had a field tour in the July 2019 to look at sites on the W.Desert and Pauns. The WD had not much available (and NEPA ready) that was of any decent quality. The Pauns looked great with loads of decent spots. Still working with BLM and USFS to get a good future plan together and find new places. We will also go to visit the Awapa in Sept. to see opportunities there. Aug 2020- BLM Cedar City has completed a programmatic EA for translocations. This will greatly enhance the ability to make progress with this program and get more sites on the ground. ---------------- August 2021: A total 880 Utah prairie dogs was translocated from private lands to 4 different sites in the West Desert and Paunsaugunt Recovery units in 2020. Four-hundred fifty (450) prairie dogs were translocated from the Cedar City area and released in the West Desert RU. The majority of these animals (384) were released into a large historically occupied complex in Buckskin Valley that had experienced a plague-caused die-off in 2018. The remaining 66 prairie dogs were released into a site designated to receive underweight animals from areas considered human health and safety concerns. Two-hundred thirty-seven prairie dogs were also redistributed on BLM lands in an effort to avoid plague effects in a large public land colony. These animals were trapped from BLM land and a county easement and translocated roughly 5 miles away to newly created sites in an attempt to decrease prairie dog density. Four-hundred thirty (430) prairie dogs were removed from private properties in the Panguitch and Hatch valleys and translocated to two sites in Garfield County. One new translocation site (Rollermill) was established in the Paunsaugunt RU on Garfield County lands. BLM Cedar City is also doing a lot of translocation research to move the program forward and figure out what is holding sites back- limiting factors. ------------------------- August 2023 Updates from BLM Cedar City translocation study-- BLM CCFO Translocation Study: 187 UPD translocated (156 from M3 and 31 from Buckskin) to 6 different translocation sites at Jackrabbit, Gap Fire, and Long Hollow. Cedar City BLM also- established 2 new translocation sites (Gap Fire) and expanded 4 existing translocation sites (2@Jackrabbit and 2@Long Hollow) with the assistance of Iron County ** final numbers of all across the 3 RUs will be in UDWR 2023 reporting (~March 2023) -------------------------- August 2024-- do not have 2024 updates yet from BLM, UDWR, or other partners. Info will be in annual reports, but overall numbers are up across the range. | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 2 | 5.3 | Implement translocations in accordance with Recommended Translocation Procedures to increase number of colonies throughout range | Ongoing Current | Other | National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service, Environmental Defense, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Panoramaland and Color Country Resource Conservation and Development Councils, Utah Farm Bureau | Management: Reintroduction | Species Expert | This is based on establishing more burrows & dogs at 2 sites per year. $80K annually for 30 years. Update for 9/2017, a total of 1,939 UPDs were translocated in 2016. Update 9/2019 (2018 info is here, 2019 info will be final this winter)-- Translocations were made to 8 approved translocation sites in 2018. 866 UPDs were trapped in Iron County. 142 UPDs were trapped in Garfield County. Update 8/2020- I do not have updated numbers currently. but translocations have occured across the range of the species and this continues to be an important tool for conservation. ----------------------------------- August 2021: A total 880 Utah prairie dogs was translocated from private lands to 4 different sites in the West Desert and Paunsaugunt Recovery units in 2020. Four-hundred fifty (450) prairie dogs were translocated from the Cedar City area and released in the West Desert RU. The majority of these animals (384) were released into a large historically occupied complex in Buckskin Valley that had experienced a plague-caused die-off in 2018. The remaining 66 prairie dogs were released into a site designated to receive underweight animals from areas considered human health and safety concerns. Two-hundred thirty-seven prairie dogs were also redistributed on BLM lands in an effort to avoid plague effects in a large public land colony. These animals were trapped from BLM land and a county easement and translocated roughly 5 miles away to newly created sites in an attempt to decrease prairie dog density. Four-hundred thirty (430) prairie dogs were removed from private properties in the Panguitch and Hatch valleys and translocated to two sites in Garfield County. One new translocation site (Rollermill) was established in the Paunsaugunt RU on Garfield County lands. BLM Cedar City is also doing a lot of translocation research to move the program forward and figure out what is holding sites back- limiting factors. August 2023-- see previous translocation info-- all info will be in UDWR reporting ---------------------------------------- August 2024-- see previous translocation info-- all info will be in UDWR reporting | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 2 | 6.1 | Develop funding strategies to implement outreach program | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Total cost is $280,000. This is $10K annually beginning FY03 8/2019 We started an "Outreach Team" at the Utah FO and hope to begin some species-specific (UPD) projects/events. Aug 2020- Outreach Team at UTES is still moving forward, but no UPD events have been developed yet. -------------------------------- August 2021- ~$15,000 was awarded to Nicki Frey (USU) from SUU grant to do (in part ) outreach and an intern in support of UPD. No details on that work yet, however. Updates to come. ---------------------------- August 2023- Nicki and USU did have some UPD videos produced to support UPD understanding-- great effort and need more of this. Also focusing on working with media (pro-actively) on UPD stories, as well as storytelling effort with USFWS comms folks. Want to also do story mapping to tell our stories on veg treatments etc. -------------------------- August 2024- UPD Day at Bryce Canyon was held again this spring, same as in 2023-- but this is the 1st 2 years this has happened in many years. Very exciting outreach opportunity with many partners (USFS, BLM, FWS, NPS, UDWR), as well as school groups. New upcoming opportunity is working with UDWR and Nat Geo to do photo ark for UPD. Also, UDWR will have a few dogs taxidermied for display and education soon (permitting letter to come). | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 2 | 7.1 | Develop & implement research priorities to improve translocation efforts | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Total cost at 140,000. Starting FY01 with 20k & every 5th year thereafter. Update as of 8/2016- a family group translocation research project was finalized in 2014. Other projects are in the works from UDWR. Update for 2018, BLM Cedar is working on a study on a translocation sites to see where dogs disperse from the sites. Update 8/2019, BLM Cedar is continuing the telemetry study for UPDs. A report and data is still in progress. Aug. 2020: More BLM research is continuing. Reports and details to come. August 2021- same update... research continues with telemetry, and predator controls. Reports and more details to come. August 2022 and 2023-- BLM research continues and expands annually. Updates in UDWR reporting. August 2024- same updates as 2022 and 2023 | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 2 | 7.2 | Develop & implement research priorities to minimize impacts from plague or disease | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Total cost is $210,000. Develop in FY02 & update every 5th year thereafter. UDWR is assisting with on-going plague vaccine research with USGS. Also, evaluation of systemic plague control was published in 2012- but was not successful. Sylvatic plague vaccine (SPV) field trials in southern Utah continued for a fourth year in 2016 marking the conclusion of the phase 2 field efficacy trials. Phase 3 trials testing wide scale distribution as well as bait manufacturing are on going. The UDWR prepared an annual report that includes a summary of the current plague trails. ------------------ August 2023- Fipronil project initiated this summer. In early stages, but hope to have another tool for plague prevention. ESMF dollars in support of this effort with UDWR, USGS, FWS, and other partners ----------------- August 2024- Fipronil (FitBit) research continues with additional funding support. UDWR had 2 dedicated techs work on this project this summer. More reporting / info to follow. | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 2 | 7.5 | Develop & implement research priorities to assess impacts of various actions to species & its habitat | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Total cost at 140,000. Starting FY01 with 20k & every 5th year thereafter. 8/2019 A PVA is in progress via BYU and UDWR. No final results yet. 8/2020 PVA is still in progress and we have not gotten any written report as of yet. August 2023-- the "PVA" is a retrospective analysis and does have some info on efficacy on dusting and importance.. does not have enough detail to address this rec action, however. More work is needed here. See full BYU paper for info (Randy Larsen work) -------------------- August 2024- same update as 2023, also unsure if Larsen paper is final / published | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 2 | 8.1 | Maintain technical working group of researchers to regularly review status of species & track effectiveness of recovery actions | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Maintaining technical working group includes meeting annually & researcher time/travel, beginning FY02 Update as of 8/2016- we have not gotten a group of academics together, but we have met with the Recovery Team groups and discussed the species statua and recovery actions. Additionally, in 2016 UPDOG began work with BYU on a PVA for the species which may provide insight into the effectiveness of some recovery actions and how they impact species abundance. Update 8/2019- PVA is still in progress. Rec. Team meetings occur in Fall, Spring, and Summer to review the species and needs. A 5 Year Review will likely occur for the species in 2020. Update 8/2020- same as 2019 with PVA still on-going and continued Rec. Team meetings several times per year. 5-Year plan is now scheduled for 2021 or 22. ---------- August 2021: UPD Rec Team Meetings occur generally in the Fall and the Spring (2 times per year). Other sub-group meetings also occur. Also trying to have 2 field visits per year as well. ------------------------ August 2023 / 2024- starting to have large recovery meeting alongside GCP meeting in February of each year. As time allows, also a Fall meeting-- as well as 1-2 field tours per year across the RUs. Would be good to have another researchers summit with other experts from USGS, etc. Maybe can coordinate for 2024 or 2025 | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 2 | 8.2 | Develop monitoring protocols to assess effectiveness of recovery actions | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Develop in FY01 & update every 5th year thereafter August 2023 / 2024-- We need to have this more part of the process for vegetation treatments pre/post monitoring, and all Fed lands and other research | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 2 | 8.3 | Identify recovery applications of research results | Ongoing Current | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Research: Other Information | Contract | Applicable every 3rd FY thereafter August 2020- This will be a good exercise to start once BLM translocation research results are analyzed. Relevant work in this area includes BLM translocation research and the Retrospective Analysis work with Randy Larsen at BYU. ------------------------- August 2021 Update- Retrospective Analysis is in draft still ------------------------------ August 2023 / 2024-- need more results and analysis to have recovery applications and info that is relevant to species' needs. In development... | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 1.3 | Review & if necessary, revise boundaries of three RUs. | Complete | FY 2019 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Management | Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | FY01 & every 5th year thereafter Update 9/2019- there has been no revisions of the RU boundaries done and none is planned for the near future. Update 8/2020- there has been no revisions of the RU boundaries done and none is planned for the near future. ---------- August 2021- no changes to RU boundaries -------------- August 2022 and 2023 and 2024 no changes to RU boundaries | |||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 2.3.4 | Where appropriate conserve species & its habitat through special Federal designations promoting conservation of species on Federal lands | Not Started | Other | National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | FY01 @ $50K & $30K every 5th year thereafter ------------------------- August 2021- no change, not started. I believe this would not move forward more until we are closer to recovery. ----------------------------- August 2022 and 2023-- this will be a focus closer to recovery and how best to work with and manage on Federal lands | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 2.4 | Work with State and local governments to provide regulatory and habitat protection for the species pre and post de-listing. | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Other: Regulations | Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | Total cost is $150,000 with FY1 at 5k and every year thereafter Update as of 9/2017, the Final Management Framework to outline needs for the species was completed 7/2017. Update 8/2019- the Final Management Framework Doc. still has the most recent info on this topic. Aug 2020- State of Utah has a RFP out to have a consevation strategy drafted -------------- August 2021 update: State of Utah (UDWR and UDNR) still working on Conservation Strategy (CS) with consultants. FWS will review once draft avaliable to us. ------------------- August 2022 and 2023: the CS is final-- yet in review by SOL prior to signatures. FWS is not a signatory party and have not been heavily involved recently. TBD on what will happen next with this effort. ----------------------- August 2024 CS is final, FWS evaluation TBD | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 3.3 | Identify other diseases that may impact species | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Total cost at 1,300,000. Starting FY05 with 50k & every year thereafter ---------------------------- August 2023-- main focus still plague ----------------------------- August 2024-- main focus still plague | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 4 | Develop & implement capability to respond to natural disturbances (e.g., drought, fire) | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Begin FY05 @ $50K annually thereafter --------------------------- August 2021 Update: While not officially started within the UPD Recovery Program, the Federal agencies work hard to balance fire with species conservation. ----------------------- August 2023-- This is being accomplished via continual habitat treatments on Federal lands and from the translocation program.. working to expand and maintain occupancy on the landscape to ensure the 3 Rs in the face of these natural issues.. ------------------------- August 2024-- same update as 2023 | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 5.2 | Review & as necessary, amend Recommended Translocation Procedures document | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Management: General, Management: Reintroduction | Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | FY01 @ $20K (recently revised) & $40K every 5th year thereafter Update 8/2019 Some minor edtis were made to this when the GCP was finalized. Aug 2020- Edits are needed for this document to be in line with field work. In our Fall/Winter meeting 2020-21, we will get a new version finalized. -------------------------- August 2021 Update: Still need updates to be finalized on Translocation Guidelines. Been focused on GCP Protocol.. but that is next up. ---------------------- August 2023-- UDWR is focusing on this effort in Fall / Winter 2023-24. Protocol should be updated by next field season. --------------------- August 2024- UDWR and partners worked to update the translocation protocol in 2023-24. It now revised, but will keep this action as on-going for future adjustments. | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 6.2 | Establish species' viewing sites & educational kiosks | Ongoing Current | Other | National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service, Environmental Defense, Southern Utah University, Utah State University Extension | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | FY04 @ $100K & $50K annually thereafter -------------------------- 2022-2023 Work is planned at Bryce with Fed infrastructure dollars (highway work)-- will have underpasses to support UPDs and also educational signs. Wonderful project in the works! --------------------------- August 2024- the Bryce project was not funded originally, but will be submitted again. Our office will draft a letter in support of the effort. | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 6.3 | Publish & distribute habitat mgmt guidelines for private lands | Ongoing Not Current | Other | Environmental Defense, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Panoramaland and Color Country Resource Conservation and Development Councils, Utah Farm Bureau | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | $100K in FY01 for development & distribution of pamphlets; $30K annually for pamphlets, with $80K in FY02; & every 5th year thereafter for printing & mailing. Update as of 8/2016, no activity is currently underway with this recovery action. August 2023-- no activity is currently underway with this recovery action August 2024-- no activity is currently underway with this recovery action | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 6.4 | Establish species' demonstration site balancing species' needs with agricultural needs | Not Started | Other | Panoramaland and Color Country Resource Conservation and Development Councils, Utah Farm Bureau, Southern Utah University | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | Total cost is $700,000 with 100k in FY1 and then 100k every 5th year. August 2023 / 2024-- not started yet, but would be great to have this and work with SUU and USU | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 6.5 | Initiate volunteer stewardship program to inform & educate citizens | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | $20K @FY01 & $10K annually for program support thereafter August 2023/2024- not started | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 7.3 | Develop & implement research priorities to improve population estimates | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Research: Population Assessment, Research: Population Surveys, Management: Population Monitoring | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance | Total cost is $140,000 with $20k alloted every 5th year starting in year 1 2018 UDWR began mapping occupied portion of mapped habitat within RUs Aug. 2020: UDWR is now mapping the active portion of colonies. August 2021- the mapping of occupied (active) colony areas is continuing. Very helpful to have a better estimate of population and habitat. -------------------- August 2023 /2024- active portion of colony mapping now is standard across all 3 RUs | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 7.4 | Develop & implement research priorities to understand genetics | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Research: Genetics | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance | Total cost is $140,000 with $20k alloted every 5th year starting in year 1. Update as of 8/2016- a large genetic study was published in 2015. Showed low genetic diversity levels and connectivity across the landscape. 8/2019 A PVA is in progress via BYU and UDWR. No final results yet. August 2021 Update: The PVA morphed into more of a retrospective analysis of the species- so do not have more genetics info. at this time. ----------------- August 2024- no updates here | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 7.6 | Develop and implement research priorities to improve our understanding of dispersal habitat. | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Research: Habitat Requirements | Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance | Total cost is $140,000 with $20k alloted every 5th year starting in year 1 BLM Cedar has started a study of monitoring dispersal behavior of dogs leaving translocaiton sites. Aug. 2020 BLM research is continuing and we are hoping to have some monitoring reports this winter. August 2021- more research with BLM Cedar City- details to come. --------------- August 2023 / 2024- BLM research continues. See reporting from CCFO | ||||||||||||
Utah Prairie Dog (Cynomys parvidens) Revised Recovery Plan | RF(1) | 6 | Utah Ecological Services Field Office (801) 975-3330 | Utah prairie dog | Cynomys parvidens | 3 | 7.7 | Review research and monitoring plans annually. | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Utah prairie dog Recovery Team | Research: Other Information, Management: Population Monitoring | Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | $30k annually for 30 years August 2024- no active work here or focused efforts currently |