Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results

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Plan Title Plan Stage Plan Lead Region (FWS) Plan Lead Office (FWS) Species Common Name Species Scientific Name Action Priority Action Number Action Description Action Status Estimated Initiation Date Estimated Completion Date Action Lead Agencies Responsible Parties Work Types Labor Types Comments Implementation Activity Number Implementation Activity Description Implementation Activity Status Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date Implementation Activity Labor Types Implementation Activity Work Types Implementation Activity Responsible Parties Implementation Activity Comments Implementation Activity Species
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 1 1.1.1 Acquire surface water rights and convert them to in-stream uses or apply for rights anew and defend them in a court of law. Not Started U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Land and Water Trust, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Continuous through recovery. Cost for acquisition of surface water rights is ~$1,000 / acre foot.
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 1 1.1.2 Acquire conservation easements to protect larger lands from being subdivided into smaller lots with increased residential pumping per acre. Not Started U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Land and Water Trust, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Acquire conservation easements (~$1,500 / acre).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 1 1.1.3 Encourage incentive programs to reduce water use across the range of L. schaffneriana ssp. recurva. Partially Complete Prior to FY 1995 Fort Huachuca U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, Nongovernmental Organizations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Private citizens Research: Climate Change, Management: Other, Management: Land Use, Research: Habitat Requirements Contract Implement existing programs, promote and implement new water saving incentive programs (~195,000 / year).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 1 1.1.4 Upgrade wells and check for leaks to reduce water loss. Unknown U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Land and Water Trust, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Continuous through recovery. Cost for promoting and implementing well upgrades and repairs is ~25,000 / year.
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 1 1.1.5 Promote storm water recapture projects. Unknown Fort Huachuca, State or local governments and municipalities Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Implement existing programs, promote and implement new storm water recapture programs. Cost estimated at ~$110,000 / year.
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 1 1.1.6 Promote use of treated effluent to offset outdoor irrigation. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Fort Huachuca, State or local governments and municipalities Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Implement existing programs, promote and implement new effluent treatment programs. Cost estimated at~$110,000 / year.
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 1 1.2.1 Remove invading trees and shrubs in upland grasslands; reduce heavy fuel loads in upland forests; create in-channel structures in upland tributaries and; introduce beaver where appropriate. Partially Complete U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Land and Water Trust, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Continuous through recovery. Cost based on existing management and restoration projects of similar scale (San Pedro ($396,409) and Babocomari ($118,125) River projects funded by the Arizona Water Protection Fund in 2014).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 1 1.2.2 Maintain disturbance regimes that reduce competing vegetation and allow for L. schaffneriana ssp. recurva establishment and growth in lotic and lentic systems. Partially Complete U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Land and Water Trust, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Continuous through recovery. Cost based on existing management and restoration projects of similar scale (San Pedro ($396,409) and Babocomari ($118,125) River projects funded by the Arizona Water Protection Fund in 2014).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 1 2.1.2 Acquire conservation easements to protect larger lands from being subdivided into smaller lots with increased residential pumping per acre. Planned U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Land and Water Trust, State or local governments and municipalities Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Acquire conservation easements (~$1,500 / acre). Costs are included in Action Number 1.1.2 above.
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 2.1.1 Acquire private lands and associated surface water rights which support occurrences and manage for the protection of the taxon. Not Started U.S. Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Continuous through recovery. Cost based on cost of similar property (452.58 acre property which includes 6 miles of the San Pedro River for $1,035,000).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 2.2 Augment existing and establish new L. schaffneriana ssp. recurva occurrences in appropriate habitat using appropriate genetic stock to increase the redundancy / resiliency of the taxon. Ongoing Current FY 2008 U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Land and Water Trust, State or local governments and municipalities Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Cost based on propagation of the taxon in greenhouses. Planting with volunteer assistance, as well as direct planting (no green-house time), will reduce cost. BLM, the Fort, and others continue to introduce plants to new areas. DBG,the zoo, and others continue to maintain plants in captivity for transplant.
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 2.3 Maintain plants in captivity at botanical gardens and other Service approved facilities and seeds at seed storage facilities. Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, The Desert Botanical Garden Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Maintain existing and future specimens. Cost based on estimates from two botanical gardens to care for 40 plants; costs to care for seeds are ~$100 / year and are incorporated into the 20 year total. DBG, the Phoenix Zoo, and others maintain populations in captivity.
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 3.2 Control invasive non-native plants and prevent their spread in L. schaffneriana ssp. recurva habitat. Ongoing Not Current U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Land and Water Trust, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Continue implementing existing control measures. Cost based on a FS estimate of treating exotic invasive plants with herbicide ($200 / ac) and ~ 3,236 acres of land surrounding known occurrences of the taxon in the U.S. Volunteer labor for hand pulling efforts may also be necessary for maintenance.
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 4.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of the standardized monitoring approach Partially Complete FY 2022 FY 2022 U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Land and Water Trust, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Cost based on time for interagency personnel to evaluate ($32 / hour, 20 people, 1 day total)
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 4.1 With the aid of affected parties, develop a range-wide standardized monitoring approach based on existing approaches that will be adopted by all land managers which will enable an understanding of the current status and knowledge of when recovery criteria have been met. Ongoing Current U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Land and Water Trust, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Monitoring approach will be developed during years 1-5. Cost based on interagency attendance at meetings and time in the field to develop methodology; also will need input of statistician ($32 / hour, 20 people, 2 days total).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 4.2 Monitor historical and current natural and augmented occurrences. Ongoing Not Current U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Monitoring will be conducted periodically/at least every 3 years. Cost based on personnel and travel to monitor occurrences on a rotating basis, with at least some occurrences being monitored each year ($32 / hour, 10 hours / day, 3 people, $50 gas per trip, 10 days / year). BLM, the Fort, and others monitor regularly
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 4.3 Monitor water availability through time. Partially Complete U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, State or local governments and municipalities Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Monitoring will be conducted periodically/every 5 years. Cost based on personnel and travel to monitor groundwater pumping and drought ($32 / hour, 10 hours / day, 3 people, $50 gas per trip, 10 days / year).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 4.4 Review the status of the taxon periodically to assess the effectiveness of management and recovery actions. Ongoing Current FY 2009 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Arizona State University, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, Nongovernmental Organizations, University of Arizona, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, The Nature Conservancy, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Arizona Land and Water Trust, The Desert Botanical Garden, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens, Universidad de Sonora Research: Habitat Status, Management: Population Monitoring Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract Monitoring will be conducted periodically/every 5 years. Cost based on time for interagency personnel to analyze data and attend meetings to discuss management effectiveness ($32 / hour, 20 people, 1 8-hour day / review, $50 gas / every 2 people / review).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 5.1 Identify information gaps, compatible land uses, and appropriate management actions that promote the conservation of the taxon. Planned Arizona State University, U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, University of Arizona, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, The Nature Conservancy, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Arizona Land and Water Trust, The Desert Botanical Garden, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens, Universidad de Sonora Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected One study per 5-year period for the first 15 years. Cost based on previous scientific studies of Arizona?s rare plants that have been funded through our section 6 program. (~ $30,000 per study).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 5.2 Conduct surveys in appropriate habitat to better understand the range of the taxon. Ongoing Not Current FY 2006 Arizona State University, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, Nongovernmental Organizations, University of Arizona, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, The Nature Conservancy, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Arizona Land and Water Trust, The Desert Botanical Garden, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens, Universidad de Sonora Arizona State University, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, Nongovernmental Organizations, University of Arizona, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, The Nature Conservancy, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Arizona Land and Water Trust, The Desert Botanical Garden, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens, Universidad de Sonora Research: General, Research: Habitat Requirements Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract One study per 5-year period for the first 10 years. Cost based on previous scientific studies of Arizona?s rare plants that have been funded through our section 6 program (~$30,000 per study).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 5.3 Conduct research into biology, ecology, and genetics of the taxon. Partially Complete Arizona State University, U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, University of Arizona, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, The Nature Conservancy, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Arizona Land and Water Trust, The Desert Botanical Garden, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens, Universidad de Sonora Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Two studies in the first 5-year period, one study per 5-year period thereafter. Cost based on scientific studies of Arizona?s rare plants that have been funded through our section 6 program (~$30,000 per study). Some genetics work has been completed.
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 6.1 Work with others to increase public outreach regarding stressors, threats, and conservation measures relating to L. schaffneriana ssp. recurva in both the United States and Mexico. Partially Complete FY 2010 U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, Nongovernmental Organizations, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Arizona Land and Water Trust, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Continue implementing existing programs, pursue new outreach projects. Cost based on creation of outreach materials, conservation agreements and management plans, as well as developing relationships through presentations and field trip participation ($32 / hour, 8 hour days, 10 / year, 1 person, printing, gas, and other costs).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 2 6.2 Develop collaborative partnerships and agreements with private land owners that result in management plans or that otherwise encourage L. schaffneriana ssp. recurva conservation in the United States and Mexico. Partially Complete U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, Nongovernmental Organizations, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Arizona Land and Water Trust, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Continuous through recovery. Cost based on creation of outreach materials, conservation agreements and management plans, as well as developing relationships through presentations and field trip participation ($32 / hour, 8 hour days, 10 / year, 1 person, printing, gas, and other costs).
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 3 2.1.3 Develop and monitor conservation mitigation banking to promote the protection of high quality L. schaffneriana ssp. recurva habitat. Not Started The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Land and Water Trust, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Continuous through recovery. Cost based on private conservation bank development and monitoring for the Pima pineapple cactus (Coryphantha scheeri var. robustispina) of southern Arizona.
Recovery Plan for Lilaeopsis schaffneriana ssp. recurva (Huachuca water umbel) F 2 Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210 Huachuca water-umbel Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva 3 6.3 Develop a recovery implementation team comprised of taxon experts, agency and non-government agency partners, landowners, and stakeholders to meet regularly, review progress, discuss problems, and revise this plan as needed. Not Started U.S. Forest Service, Fort Huachuca, Nongovernmental Organizations, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Land and Water Trust, The Desert Botanical Garden, State or local governments and municipalities, Private citizens Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Monitoring will be conducted periodically/every 5 years. Cost based on interagency attendance at meetings to discuss recovery (costs include travel to central location, hotel rooms, and per diem).