Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results
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Document ID=200009Plan Title | Plan Stage | Plan Lead Region (FWS) | Plan Lead Office (FWS) | Species Common Name | Species Scientific Name | Action Priority | Action Number | Action Description | Action Status | Estimated Initiation Date | Estimated Completion Date | Action Lead Agencies | Responsible Parties | Work Types | Labor Types | Comments | Implementation Activity Number | Implementation Activity Description | Implementation Activity Status | Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date | Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date | Implementation Activity Labor Types | Implementation Activity Work Types | Implementation Activity Responsible Parties | Implementation Activity Comments | Implementation Activity Species |
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 1 | 111 | Develop a management plan which provides for the protection and recovery of Mitracarpus maxwelliae, M. Polycladus and Eugenia woodburyana, for the Guanica Commonwealth Forest | Partially Complete | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | FY 2023 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Management | Volunteer, Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | The Guanica Commonwealth Forest has a Master Plan which states that all species within this forest should be protected, including Mitracarpus maxwelliae, M. polycladus and Eugenia woodburyana. However, a management plan which provides specifics tasks for the protection of these species is not in place. No cost anticipated | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 1 | 113 | Protect privately-owned land. | Ongoing Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | FY 2030 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources | Acquisition: General, Management: General | Volunteer, Species Expert, Internal Administrative | The Service is working on conservation projects on private lands to benefit M. polycladus, M. maxwelliae and E. woodburyana. These projects include Refuge and the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust. The Service through a CRI project is working with private land owners in Sierra Bermeja to protect E. woodburyana populations. Private land where M. polycladus occurs in Guayanilla is in a process to be transferred to PRDNER for its conservation. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 1 | 121 | Monitor known populations. | Ongoing Current | FY 2008 | FY 2030 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Research: Population Assessment, Research: General, Research: Population Surveys, Research: Habitat Status | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | USFWS, PRDNER and volunteers performed this action. The Service with CRI funds is conducting a comprehensive assessment of the populations of E. wodburyana in Sierra Bermeja. PRDNER is leading this task in the Guánica Commonwealth Forest. At present the Service is supporting the PR Conservation Trust to conduct surveys and manage habitat within the range of these species in southern PR. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 1 | 122 | Enforce existing Commonwealth and Federal endangered species regulations. | Ongoing Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | FY 2030 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Other: Law Enforcement, Other: Regulations | Internal Field Assistance | PRDNER performs this task in Commonwealth Lands. USFWS Law Enforcement performs this task in Refuges or Federal Lands. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 123 | Educate the public on plant conservation values and regulations. | Ongoing Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | FY 2030 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Other: Information and Education | Volunteer, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | Species are included in public education programs | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 221 | Identify and inventory potential sites. | Partially Complete | FY 2007 | FY 2030 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Management: Other | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | The Service through CRI funds is conducting a comprehensive assessment of the populations of E. wodburyana in Sierra Bermeja. PRDNER is leading this task in the Guánica Commonwealth Forest. At present the Service is supporting the PR Conservation Trust to conduct surveys and manage habitat within the range of these species in southern PR. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 31 | Define habitat requirements. | Partially Complete | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | FY 2023 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Research: Habitat Requirements, Research: Reintroduction | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Administrative | Action Duration 2-4 yrs. Knowledges on habitat requirements for the species have been acquired through efforts to establish new populations. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 321 | Assess periodicity of flowering. | Complete | FY 2007 | FY 2016 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Research: Demographic Studies, Research: Propagation | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | 6K/year includes 321, 322, 323, 324, and 325. Action Duration 2-4 yrs. This action is performing by USFWS and PR-Rio Piedras. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 322 | Assess seed production and dispersal. | Complete | FY 2007 | FY 2016 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Research: Habitat Requirements, Research: Propagation, Research: Competition | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | Action Duration 2-4 yrs. The Service is conducting a preliminary seed production assessment . | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 323 | Evaluate seed viability and germination requirements. | Complete | FY 2007 | FY 2016 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Research: General, Research: Habitat Requirements, Research: Propagation | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance | Action Duration 2-4 yrs. The Service through the CRI funds is conducting a preliminary assessment on seed germination. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 325 | Determine genetic structure of the species. | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Research: Genetics | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Administrative | Action Duration 2-4 yrs. | ||||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 331 | Assess methods of propagation. | Complete | FY 2007 | FY 2016 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Botanical Gardens, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Research: Habitat Requirements, Research: Propagation | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance | Action Duration 2-4 yrs. This task is ongoing for E. woodburyana. For M. maxwelliae and M. polycladus has not started. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 332 | Develop artificial propagation program. | Ongoing Not Current | FY 2008 | FY 2030 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources | Botanical Gardens, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Management: Propagation | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | USFWS and DNER lead this effort. Both Agencies have propagated the Eugenia woodburyana successfully in their green houses. Both Mitracarpus species are also feasable to propagate from seeds. However, at present the Mitracarpus polycladus and Mitracarpus maxwellieae are not been propagated. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 412 | Ensure site protection. | Partially Complete | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | FY 2023 | Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division, Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Acquisition: Management Agreement, Acquisition: Exchange, Management: Other, Other: Law Enforcement, Other: Regulations | Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | Action Duration 2-4 yrs. The species occurs in Commonwealth Lands, Federal Lands and privately owned lands. The private lands where the species occurs are subjected to rural development and agriculture. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 413 | Introduce plants. | Ongoing Current | FY 2008 | FY 2030 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Acquisition: Lease, Management: Propagation, Management: Reintroduction | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | The Service has established an experimental population of E. woodburyana at the Cabo Rojo NWR. As well, PRDNER has planted the species in several sites along the southern karst area in Puerto Rico. At present there are agreements under the Coastal and Partners programs to propagate material form selected populations and to reintroduce the species within its habitat. This collaboration engages the PR Conservation Trust (Para La Naturaleza) and other NGO. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 441 | Select sites and assess habitat suitability. | Complete | FY 2008 | FY 2016 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Research: General, Research: Habitat Status, Research: Habitat Requirements, Research: Management Techniques | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | USFWS and DNER lead this effort. Action Duration 2-4 yrs. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 51 | Determine number of individuals and populations to ensure stability and self-perpetuation. | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Research: Population Assessment, Acquisition: Exchange, Research: Propagation, Research: Other Information | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | This task has not started yet | ||||||||||||
Recovery Plan Mitracarpus maxwelliae, Mitracarpus polycladus, and Eugenia woodburyana (3 spp.) | F | 4 | Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 | No common name | Mitracarpus maxwelliae | 2 | 52 | Determine what additional actions are needed to achieve recovery objectives. | Ongoing Not Current | FY 2008 | FY 2023 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge Division | Management: General, Other: Administration, Research | Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | 5 year review for these species recommends additional actions that are needed to achieve recovery objectives.5 year reviews for Mitracarpus maxwelliae and M. polycladus were approved in 2010 and 2018. |