Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results

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Plan Title Plan Stage Plan Lead Region (FWS) Plan Lead Office (FWS) Species Common Name Species Scientific Name Action Priority Action Number Action Description Action Status Estimated Initiation Date Estimated Completion Date Action Lead Agencies Responsible Parties Work Types Labor Types Comments Implementation Activity Number Implementation Activity Description Implementation Activity Status Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date Implementation Activity Labor Types Implementation Activity Work Types Implementation Activity Responsible Parties Implementation Activity Comments Implementation Activity Species
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 1 214 Rehabilitate areas by minimizing erosion etc. Ongoing Current FY 2009 Naval Base Coronado Naval Base Coronado Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation Contract Info for SCI only, other islands unk. Some erosion control occuring on island, but not targeting T&E species. General erosion control measures mentioned in INRMP, erosion control specific to the Assault Vehicle Maneuver Areas is mentioned in the "SCI Erosion Control Plan"
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 1 3131 Conduct Section 7 consultations Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Naval Air Station, North Island U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Division, Naval Air Station, North Island, Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Naval Base Coronado Management: Land Use, Other: Regulations Internal Field Assistance Programmatic formal consultation on operations completed in 2008. Additional formal consultation completed on pipeline project and amphibious landing area in 2011, and 2013. Consultation also completed on "MSS testbed project", relocation of the CALA, addition of BQM sites, wind turbine replacement, Pyramid Cove training, use of MICLCC at Horse Beach and Pyramid
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 112 Establish rat trapping program around developed areas on SCI (and also around San Clemente loggerhead shrike nesting areas...not in RP, but is currently conducted as part of recovery apprach) Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Naval Air Station, North Island Naval Air Station, North Island Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Depredation Control Contract Trapping and Rodenticide are the primary means of rodent control. Work is supported by the Navy (PAC Fleet) and is conducted at shrike nesting sites by Institute for Wildlife Studies (IWS) as part of broader predator management program. Cholecalciferol (previoously "Qunitox", now "terad3" is used in bait boxes that are modified to reduce access to island fox. Foxes sometimes consume bait and some fox mortalities due to rodentide have been observed. In some instances rodentides that have higher potential for secondary impacts have been used. Ongoing education for on-island staff is ongoing. Management for this issue is likely to continue into the foreseeable future.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 113 Remove feral cats from SNI. IIsland night lizard is now delisted. Complete FY 2006 FY 2010 Other Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Montrose Trustee Council Management: Predator and Competitor Control Contract Last cat was removed in June of 2010. Ventura FWO is the lead. Martin Ruane is the Pt Mugu biologist.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 114 Remove European rabbits from SBI. Island night lizard is now delisted Complete Prior to FY 1995 Prior to FY 1995 Channel Islands National Park Channel Islands National Park Management: Predator and Competitor Control Contract complete, but when? Ventura Field Office is lead
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 115 Remove or control selected exotic plants on SCI Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Naval Air Station, North Island Naval Air Station, North Island Management: Predator and Competitor Control Contract Select non-native plant species are controlled using herbicide treatments. Work is supported by Naval Base Coronado and implemented by a contracted herbicide applicator. SDSU "SERG" program aslo assists with identifying new introductions and expansion of existing nonnatives. these actions are likely to be necessary into the foreseeable future.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 116 Remove selected exotic vegetation within essential INL habitat on SBI. Ongoing Current Channel Islands National Park Channel Islands National Park Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Island nightlizard is de-listed and post delisting monitoring is in place
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 141 Collect, propagate, and maintain native plants Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Channel Islands National Park, Naval Base Coronado, Catalina Island Conservancy Naval Air Station, North Island Management: Propagation Contract On SCI, the Navy collects seed from non-listed plant species and conducts and maintains several outplanting sites. Initially, outplanting sites require irrigation and management, but as the native plants become stablished and new recruits are identified, the outplanting sites are "retired" from active management. It is hoped that these sites will prvide propagules for the areas surrounding the outplanting sites. Also, some sites are designed with a species palette to encourage future use by San Clemente loggerhead shrikes (e.g. taller shub species are included). The outplanting does not directly benefit the listed plant taxa because the listed plant taxa are not included in the outplanting effort. The Navy fears expanding the populations while listed because they perceive that it will increase their encumbrances.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 22 Actions for night lizards once recommendations are made Complete Prior to FY 1995 Channel Islands National Park, Naval Air Station, North Island, Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Naval Base Coronado Channel Islands National Park, Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Naval Base Coronado Management: General Contract Island night lizard is delisted and post delisting monitoring plan is finalized.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 241 Modify existing General Mgt. Plan for SBI to reflect recovery actions for INL Unknown Other Channel Islands National Park Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 242 Incorporate recovery actions for INL into mgt. plan for SNI Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Other Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation Contract Island night lizard is further discussed in the SNI INRMP. Periodic monitoring occurs, focusing in part to determine the longevity of the species.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 243 Incorporate other recovery actions in Natural Resources Mgt. Plan (SCI, SNI, SBI) Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other Channel Islands National Park, Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Naval Base Coronado Management: General Contract The Navy conducts an annual review of the INRMP to inform others of the level of implementation. Conservation measures for species are identified in the INRMP
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 311 Promulgate / enforce Naval instructions re: environmental review Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Naval Air Station, North Island Naval Air Station, North Island Management: Land Use Internal Administrative The Navy conducts a site approval process and associated NEPA review in effort to minimize impacts of projects. The INRMP includes avoidance measures for some of the listed taxa that can be incorporated into projects during review to reduce project impacts.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 321 Ban transport of exotic organisms Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other Channel Islands National Park, Naval Air Station, North Island, Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu Other: Law Enforcement Internal Field Assistance The Navy generally bans transport of organisms, however Mice and crickets are transported to SCI for food for captive shrikes as part of shrike recovery program.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 322 Inspect equipment going to SCI and SNI Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Channel Islands National Park, Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Naval Base Coronado Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Naval Base Coronado Other: Law Enforcement Internal Field Assistance Provision in BOs and measure in INRMP requires vehicle washing prior to transport to SCI. Unsure the degree to which requirement is being implemented. The Navy is now including these measures in the Biosecurity Plan, which is under development
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 323 Monitor new construction for exotic plants Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Naval Base Coronado Management: Predator and Competitor Control Contract Island is monitored annually for non-native plants, and post construction monitoring and treatment for non-native plants is typically required by Navy for new construction projects.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 47 Determine Island night lizard essential habitat, habitat requirements, distribution, etc. Complete Prior to FY 1995 Channel Islands National Park, Naval Air Station, North Island, Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu Channel Islands National Park, Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, California Department of Fish and Game, Naval Base Coronado Research: Habitat Requirements Contract Island night lizard is delisted. Post delisting monitoring plan is complete. Bill Mautz is species expert for SCI. Limited information available from NPS vertebrate monitoring on SBI. Charles Drost and Gary Fellers are species experts for SBI and SNI.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 48 Study effects of fire and/or controlled burning on SCI Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 Naval Air Station, North Island Naval Base Coronado Research: Management Techniques Contract Mapping conducted, project to assess effects is underway.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 52 Monitor INL biennially Complete Prior to FY 1995 Channel Islands National Park, Naval Air Station, North Island, Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Other, Naval Base Coronado Channel Islands National Park, Naval Air Station, North Island, Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, U.S. Geological Survey, California Department of Fish and Game Research: Population Surveys Contract INL is now de-listed. Post de-listing monitoring plan is complete and expected to be implemented.
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 612 Educate island personnel re: introduction of exotics Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 Other Channel Islands National Park, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Division, Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Naval Base Coronado, Catalina Island Conservancy Other: Information and Education Contract, Internal Field Assistance Ongoing current SCI, SNI, SBI. Additional work necessary on Catalina. CFWO- SCI, Catalina; VFWO- San Nic and SBI. Navy in process of re-doing their educational video for island visitors/tenants
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 71 Evaluate success of law enforcement Not Started Other U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Law Enforcement Division, California Department of Fish and Game Other: Law Enforcement Internal Field Assistance
Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of the California Channel Islands F 8 Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office (760) 431-9440 Island night lizard Xantusia riversiana 2 72 Propose new regulations revisions Not Started FY 2010 Other U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Division Work type not yet selected Internal Field Assistance Proposed to downlist two SCI plant initiated in 2010. (start date approximate). Island night lizard de-listed.