Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results
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Document ID=400276Plan Title | Plan Stage | Plan Lead Region (FWS) | Plan Lead Office (FWS) | Species Common Name | Species Scientific Name | Action Priority | Action Number | Action Description | Action Status | Estimated Initiation Date | Estimated Completion Date | Action Lead Agencies | Responsible Parties | Work Types | Labor Types | Comments | Implementation Activity Number | Implementation Activity Description | Implementation Activity Status | Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date | Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date | Implementation Activity Labor Types | Implementation Activity Work Types | Implementation Activity Responsible Parties | Implementation Activity Comments | Implementation Activity Species |
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 111 | Identify and map all extant wild populations | Ongoing Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | This is an ongoing action, as the status of the species and their threats change constantly. NOTE: For all tasks in this recovery plan, only the 37 species in the original Kauai plan are being addressed. The other 20 are addressed in the Kauai addendum. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 112 | Identify areas for preservation | Partially Complete | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii | Management: Planning | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | This task has been initiated through the development of essential plant habitat by the HPPRCC and CH designations, but needs to be refined for each species and its full recovery needs. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 113 | Ensure long-term protection of habitat | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, Alexander & Baldwin, City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii, Hawaiian Home Lands, Campbell Estate, Bishop Estate, Grove Farm Co., Inc., Knudsen Trust, Lihue Plantation Co., Ltd., William Hyde Rice, Ltd., National Park Service, Kauai Watershed Alliance | Acquisition: General | Internal Administrative | Species and where they are protected: Brighamia insignis - none; Chamaesyce halemanui - all are within the Kauai Watershed Alliance, and 4 populations are within Kuia Natural Area Reserve; Cyanea asarifolia - both populations are within the KWA; Cyrtandra limahuliensis - all but 2 populations are within the KWA; Delissea rhytidosperma - 1 of the 2 remaining populations is within Kuia NAR; Diellia pallida - 2 inds are in Kuia NAR, the other 10 are just outside, but within the KWA; Dubautia latifolia - 3 populations are within Kuia NAR, 2 within Alakai Wilderness Preserve, and all are within the KWA; Exocarpus luteolus - all are within the KWA; Hedyotis cookiana - 1 of 2 populations is within the Hono o Na Pali NAR, both are in the KWA; Hedyotis st.-johnii - all populaitons are within the KWA; Hibsicus clayi is not within any protected habitat; Lipochaeta fauriei - 1 of the 4 populations is within Kuia NAR, the other 3 are also within the KWA; Lipochaeta micrantha - the 2 extant populations of var. exigua are not protected, the 2 extant populations of var. micrantha are within the KWA; Lipochaeta waimeaensis is not within a protected area; Lysimachia filifolia is not within a protected area; Melicope haupuensis - all 4 extant populations are within the KWA; Melicope knudsenii - 1 population is within Kuia NAR, all populations are within the KWA; Melicope pallida - the 3 extant populations are within KWA; Melicope quadrangularis - the 1 known population is extirpated, but the area where it was last observed is within the KWA; Munroidendron racemosum - 2 populations are within Hono o Na Pali NAR, all populations are within the KWA; Nothocestrum peltatum - 1 population is in Kuia NAR, all populations are within the KWA; Peucedanum sandwicense - on Kauai, 1 population is within Hono o Na Pali NAR, and all but 1 population are within the KWA, on Oahu and Maui none are in protected areas, on Molokai 1 population is in TNCH's Pelekunu Preserve and 2 are in Kalaupapa National Historical Park; Phyllostegia waimeae - the 1 known population is within the KWA; Poa mannii - 2 populations are in Kuia NAR, 1 is in Alakai Wilderness Preserve, and all are within the KWA; Poa sandvicensis - 2 populations are in Alakai Wilderness Preserve and all are within the KWA; Poa siphonoglossa - 1 population in Kuia NAR, 1 population in Alakai Wilderness Preserve, and all within the KWA; Pteralyxia kauaiensis - all populations are within the KWA; Remya kauaiensis - 3 populaitons are in Kuia NAR, 2 are in Alakai Wilderness Preserve and all are within the KWA; Remya montgomeryi - 1 population in Kuia NAR, 1 in Alakai Wilderness Preserve and all within the KWA; Schiedea apokremnos - all within the KWA; Schiedea spergulina var. leiopoda - none are within protected areas; Schiedea spergulina var. spergulina - all are within the KWA; Solanum sandwicense - 1 population is in Kuia NAR, all are within the KWA; Stenogyne campanulata - both populations are within the KWA; Wilkesia hobdyi - 1 population is in Hono o Na Pali NAR, all are within the KWA; Xylosma crenatum - 2 populations are in Kuia NAR, all are within the KWA. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 121 | Develop management plans for protected areas | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Management: Planning | Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | Plans were developed in the late 1980s for the natural area reserves, but need to be revised and developed in more detail. The Kauai Watershed Alliance is in the process of developing a plan. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 1211 | Control other threats, as necessary | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Predator and Competitor Control, Management: Disease Control | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | This task has not been started because no other threats have been detected for any of these species. | ||||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 1221 | Determine fencing strategy | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, National Park Service | Management: Planning | Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | This is part of the planning discussed in task #121. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 1222 | Construct and maintain fencing | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Predator and Competitor Control | Volunteer, Contract, Internal Field Assistance | To date small scale fences have been erected and are maintained on Kauai by DLNR to protect wild populations of Solanum sandwicense, Xylosma crenatum, Poa siphonoglossa, Wilkesia hobdyi, Pteralyxia kauaiensis, Diellia pallida, Lipochaeta fauriei, Nothocestrum peltatum, Delissea rhytidosperma, and in partnership with ES for Exocarpus luteolus. Larger scale fences will be initiated in 2006 in Kuia NAR. KWA plans strategy fences within the Alakai Wilderness Preserve to prevent additional ingress of pigs and goats. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 1223 | Remove ungulates from fenced areas | Ongoing Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Management: Predator and Competitor Control | Volunteer, Contract, Internal Field Assistance | This task is ongoing, as ungulates occasionally get into fenced areas and is current for all existing fences. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 1224 | Monitor for ungulates in fenced areas | Ongoing Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Predator and Competitor Control | Volunteer, Contract, Internal Field Assistance | This task is current for existing fences. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 123 | Conduct essential alien plant control | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, National Park Service, Kauai Watershed Alliance | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Predator and Competitor Control | Volunteer, Contract, Internal Field Assistance | Currently, the small fenced areas are weeded, and large scale control of Kahili ginger is occurring throughout the island. Incipient weeds are eradicated by the Kauai Invasive Species Committee and the Kokee Resource Conservation Program controls weeds within the Kokee and Na Pali state parks. Weed control of targeted species is planned by the KWA for the most invasive weed species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 1253 | Control insects | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Management: Predator and Competitor Control | Contract | Effective control methods for most insects in Hawaii are not yet developed for use in natural forest habitats. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 126 | Control disease, if necessary | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Management: Disease Control | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | This task has not been started because no disease threat has been detected for any of these species. | ||||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 127 | Ensure availability of pollinators if necessary | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Other | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | This task has not been started because little is known about the pollinators of these species. | ||||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 128 | Protect areas from direct threats from humans | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Contract | ||||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 129 | Maintain genetic stock ex situ | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, National Tropical Botanical Garden, Botanical Gardens, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources | Management: Propagation | Contract | The existing ex situ collections are not genetically adequate for these species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 1 | 13 | Monitor status of wild populations | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | This is an ongoing task, as the status of the species changes constantly, but it does not occur as frequently as it should - annually, and more frequently for genetic safety net species (fewer than 50 individuals in the wild). | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 1210 | Prevent introduction of new alien species | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Law Enforcement Division | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Contract | Incipient weeds are eradicated by the Kauai Invasive Species Committee. In addition, the Hawaii Invasive Species Committee and the Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species are working to prevent additional species from entering the state. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 1225 | Consider ungulate eradication | Discontinued | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Internal Administrative | This task has been abandoned because the political climate in Hawaii at this time will not support island-wide eradication of nonnative ungulates, which are hunted for food. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 22 | Identify material to be used for expansion | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Management: Reintroduction | Contract | This task is limited based on material available in existing collections. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 23 | Determine propagation methods and propagate ex situ | Partially Complete | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, National Tropical Botanical Garden, Botanical Gardens, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources | Management: Propagation | Contract | This task is complete for some species, but is more difficult for other species which do not produce viable seeds in the wild and/or cannot be grown from cuttings. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 24 | Prepare sites and plant | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Botanical Gardens, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Management: Reintroduction | Contract | Augmentations are occurring for some species in small scale fenced areas by DLNR. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 25 | Monitor and maintain new individuals | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Management: Reintroduction | Contract | This is an ongoing action, as the status of the species and their threats change constantly, and is currently not occurring as frequently as it should - at least once a year. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 31 | Study associated ecosystem components | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Habitat Status | Contract | Critical habitat, and the suitable habitat from which critical habitat was derived, has been identified for all species in this recovery plan. Additional studies are needed to develop more precise microclimate needs for each species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 32 | Map alien vegetation | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, National Park Service | Research: Habitat Status | Contract | This task is being conducted in detail for Kahili ginger and for incipient weeds. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 33 | Study growth | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | The current knowledge has been gathered mainly from incidental observations during propagation, field surveys, and monitoring. More detailed experimental research is needed to fully understand this aspect of these species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 34 | Study reproductive viability | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | The current knowledge has been gathered mainly from incidental observations during propagation, field surveys, and monitoring. More detailed experimental research is needed to fully understand this aspect of these species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 35 | Determine parameters of viable populations | Ongoing Not Current | FY 2014 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Other: Regulations | Contract | This action has been initiated for Kauai endemics as part of the draft Kauai islandwide recovery plan. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 36 | Determine threat from introduced organisms and disease | Ongoing Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Predation | Contract | This is an ongoing task, as new threats are constantly entering the state and becoming established in natural areas. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 37 | Determine effective control methods for threats | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services (formerly Animal Damage Control) | Research: Management Techniques | Contract | Control of alien plants is an ongoing task that may be reduced to low maintenance and monitoring levels, but will never be completely eradicated, especially as new pest plant species are continually introduced to Hawaii and can become established in natural areas. Effective control methods are continually being developed by the Invasive Species Committees on each island and the results are applied to other natural areas of similar habitat. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 2 | 38 | Evaluate research results and use in future management | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, National Park Service | Management: Reintroduction | Contract | ||||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 3 | 51 | Determine number of populations needed for long term survival | Ongoing Not Current | FY 2014 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | This task has begun with draft recommendations by HPPRCC | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 3 | 52 | Determine number of individuals needed for long term survival | Ongoing Current | FY 2011 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | This task has begun with draft recommendations by HPPRCC | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 3 | 53 | Refine / Revise downlisting and delisting criteria | Ongoing Current | FY 2010 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources | Management: Planning | Internal Technical Assistance | ||||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Kaua'i Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Olulu | Brighamia insignis | 3 | 6 | Design and implement an education program | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources | Other: Information and Education | Contract |