Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results
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Document ID=400308Plan Title | Plan Stage | Plan Lead Region (FWS) | Plan Lead Office (FWS) | Species Common Name | Species Scientific Name | Action Priority | Action Number | Action Description | Action Status | Estimated Initiation Date | Estimated Completion Date | Action Lead Agencies | Responsible Parties | Work Types | Labor Types | Comments | Implementation Activity Number | Implementation Activity Description | Implementation Activity Status | Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date | Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date | Implementation Activity Labor Types | Implementation Activity Work Types | Implementation Activity Responsible Parties | Implementation Activity Comments | Implementation Activity Species |
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 111 | Locate, verify and delineate all extant wild populations | Ongoing Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, National Park Service, Ola`a Kilauea Management Group | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | This is an ongoing action, as the status of the species and their threats change constantly. NOTE: For all tasks in this recovery plan, only the 13 species in the Big Island addendum are being addressed. The other 22 are addressed in the original Big Island plan. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 112 | Delineate management units for preservation | Partially Complete | Prior to FY 1995 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources | Management: Planning | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | This task has been intiated through the development of essential plant habitat by the HPPRCC and CH designations, but needs to be refined for each species and its full recovery needs. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 1132 | Continue and enhance protection on other public lands | Partially Complete | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Ola`a Kilauea Management Group | Acquisition | Internal Administrative | This task is complete for Olaa-Kilauea Management Group, partially complete for DLNR's Puu Waawaa area and several small DLNR exclosures throughout the Big Island for individual species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 121 | Develop management plans for each management unit | Partially Complete | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service, Private landowners, Ola`a Kilauea Management Group | Management: Planning | Contract | OKMG and NPS have strategic plans, DOD is in the process of developing one for Pohakuloa Training Area, and DLNR is in the process of developing one for Puu Waawaa. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 12211 | Construct and maintain fencing | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service, Private landowners, Ola`a Kilauea Management Group | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Contract | This task is ongoing for OKMG, NWR, NPS, DOD, and DLNR. Additional fencing is planned for all of these lands. However, there are still areas of suitable habitat needed for recovery that are not fenced or planned. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 12213 | Consider eradication programs for control of ungulates | Discontinued | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Contract | This task has been abandoned because the political climate in Hawaii at this time will not support island-wide eradication of nonnative ungulates, which are hunted for food. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 12221 | Control rodents | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service | Management: Predator and Competitor Control | Contract | Rodent control is currently only conducted within the immediate vicinity of those species which are known to be impacted by rodents, including species of the genera Cyanea, Cyrtandra, Pritchardia, and Zanthoxylum. Large-scale rodent control will not be possible until aerial pesticide application is registered for use in the state of Hawaii. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 12231 | Establish impacts of alien plants and determine species necessary to control | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, National Park Service | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Contract | Identity of alien plants needing control is an ongoing task that will never be complete, as new pest plant species are continually introduced to Hawaii and can become established in natural areas. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 12232 | Determine effective control method(s) and implement alien plant control program | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service, Private landowners | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Contract | Control of alien plants is an ongoing task that may be reduced to low maintenance and monitoring levels, but will never be completely eradicated, especially as new pest plant species are continually introduced to Hawaii and can become established in natural areas. Effective control methods are continually being developed by the Invasive Species Committees on each island and the results are applied to other natural areas. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 1224 | Control diseases, as necessary | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii Department of Agriculture | Management: Disease Control | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | This task has not been started because no disease threat has been detected for any of these species. | ||||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 12251 | Determine impacts of wildfire on taxa | Complete | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Contract | The negative impacts of fire on Hawaiian ecosystems is now well understood, and efforts are necessary to control wildfire in any dry habitats. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 12252 | Develop and implement fire protection and response plan(s) | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service, Private landowners, Ola`a Kilauea Management Group | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Contract | Fire plans have been developed and are being implemented for Puu Waawaa (DLNR), Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (NPS) and Pohakuloa Training (DOD). Some of the species do not inhabit high fire risk habitats. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 12261 | Determine impacts of and manage hunting and other recreational actifities | Partially Complete | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources | Research: Predation | Contract | The negative impacts of maintaining a population of nonnative ungulates for public hunting purposes is well understood, and therefore the only acceptible level of nonnative ungulates in an area managed for endangered species recovery is zero. The impacts of other recreational uses are not as well understood, and research continues on these threats. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 123 | Monitor status of wild populations | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, National Park Service, Private landowners, Ola`a Kilauea Management Group | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | This task is ongoing, but does not occur as frequently as it should - at least once each year, and more frequently for extremely rare species (<50 individuals in the wild). | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 124 | Revise management plans, as necessary | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service, Private landowners | Management: Planning | Contract | Management plans include adaptive management, and therefore are changed whenever monitoring indicates alternative methods may be needed to fully implement a particular task of if a particular task is no longer needed. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 13 | Maintain genetic stock of each taxon ex situ | Partially Complete | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Botanical Gardens, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources | Management: Propagation | Contract | This task is complete for Hibiscadelphus giffarianus and H. hualalaiensis, which are now both extinct in the wild, but for the other species in this recovery plan the existing ex situ collections are not genetically adequate. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 1 | 44 | Maintain, monitor and evaluate new populations | Ongoing Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Contract | This task is ongoing whenever new populations are located. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 12212 | Evaluate alternative means for control of ungulates | Complete | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service, Private landowners | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Contract | Studies on the control of feral ungulates have been conducted for numerous other areas, and the results of these studies are being used to determine the best method of ungulate control in suitable habitats for these species. | ||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 21 | Establish ecosystem history and collect diagnostic data on associated ecosystem components | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Habitat Status | Contract | Critical habitat, and the suitable habitat from which critical habitat was derived, has been identified for all species in this recovery plan. Additional studies are needed to develop more precise microclimate needs for each species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 22 | Define habitat requirements for each taxon | Partially Complete | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Habitat Status | Contract | Critical habitat, and the suitable habitat from which critical habitat was derived, has been identified for all species in this recovery plan, but needs to be refined for each species and its full recovery needs. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 23 | Determine population characteristics for each taxon | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | The current knowledge has been gathered mainly from incidental observations during field surveys and monitoring. More detailed experimental research is needed to fully understand these aspects of the species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 24 | Determine the reproductive potential of each taxon | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | The current knowledge has been gathered mainly from incidental observations during propagation, field surveys and monitoring. More detailed experimental research is needed to fully understand these aspects of the species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 251 | Study pollen and seed formation | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Botanical Gardens, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | The current knowledge has been gathered mainly from incidental observations during propagation, field surveys and monitoring. More detailed experimental research is needed to fully understand these aspects of the species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 252 | Study pollination ecology | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Botanical Gardens, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | The current knowledge has been gathered mainly from incidental observations during field surveys and monitoring. More detailed experimental research is needed to fully understand these aspects of the species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 253 | Study germination and seedling establishment | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Botanical Gardens, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | The current knowledge has been gathered mainly from incidental observations during field surveys and monitoring. More detailed experimental research is needed to fully understand these aspects of the species. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 31 | Identify populations for augmentation | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service, Private landowners | Management: Planning | Contract | Any population of a short-lived perennial with fewer than 50 mature indivudals and a long-lived perennial with fewer than 25 mature individuals that do not exhibit increased reproduction after the major threats are managed is considered for augmentation. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 32 | Propagate material for augmentation | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Botanical Gardens, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense | Management: Propagation | Contract | Volcano Rare Plant Facility propagates many species for augmentation by NPS, OKMG, DLNR, and various private landowners with grants from ES or DLNR. DOD has their own facilities to propagation material for augmentation. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 33 | Prepare sites and augment wild populations | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service, Private landowners | Management: Reintroduction | Contract | Augmentations are occurring for some species on NPS, OKMG, DLNR, and various private landowners lands, and are planned on DOD lands. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 2 | 34 | Maintain, monitor and evaluate outplantings | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service, Private landowners | Management: Reintroduction | Contract | This is an ongoing action, as the status of the species and their threats change constantly, and is currentlly not occurring as frequently as it should - at least once a year. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 3 | 41 | Select new population sites, and obtain approval and long-term protection for site | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service | Management: Planning | Internal Administrative | Sites have been selected on NPS, NWR, OKMG, DLNR, DOD, and various private landowners lands for reintroduction. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 3 | 42 | Control threats to plants at new sites | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Contract | Threat control is occurring on NPS, NWR, OKMG, DLNR, DOD, and various private landowners lands for reintroduction. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 3 | 43 | Transplant selected material | Ongoing Not Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service | Management: Reintroduction | Contract | Reintroduction is occurring on NPS, NWR, OKMG, DLNR, DOD, and various private landowners lands for reintroduction. However, more reintroductions are needed to recover most of the species in this plan. | |||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 3 | 51 | Validate the number of individuals and populations necessary for recovery of each taxon | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division | Research: Population Surveys | Contract | |||||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 3 | 52 | Refine/revise downlisting and delisting criteria, as necessary | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division | Management: Planning | Contract | |||||||||||||
Recovery Plan for the Big Island Plant Cluster | F | 1 | Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office (808) 792-9400 | Hau kuahiwi | Hibiscadelphus hualalaiensis | 3 | 53 | Evaluate species for downlisting and delisting | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division | Management: Planning | Internal Technical Assistance |