Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results
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Document ID=400328Plan Title | Plan Stage | Plan Lead Region (FWS) | Plan Lead Office (FWS) | Species Common Name | Species Scientific Name | Action Priority | Action Number | Action Description | Action Status | Estimated Initiation Date | Estimated Completion Date | Action Lead Agencies | Responsible Parties | Work Types | Labor Types | Comments | Implementation Activity Number | Implementation Activity Description | Implementation Activity Status | Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date | Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date | Implementation Activity Labor Types | Implementation Activity Work Types | Implementation Activity Responsible Parties | Implementation Activity Comments | Implementation Activity Species |
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 1 | 1.1 | Protect existing populations | Ongoing Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, Bureau Land Management | Management: Land Use | Internal Technical Assistance | 1.1-1 | In 2007, BLM installed protective fencing around an occupied site on the Stornetta Public Lands. | Complete | 2007 | 2008 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 1 | 1.1 | Protect existing populations | Ongoing Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, Bureau Land Management | Management: Land Use | Internal Technical Assistance | 1.1-2 | CDPR moved 28 campsites, 4 pit toilets, and 1 trail out of occupied habitat at Manchester State Park. | Complete | 2005 | 2008 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 1 | 1.1 | Protect existing populations | Ongoing Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, Bureau Land Management | Management: Land Use | Internal Technical Assistance | 1.1-3 | In 2008, BLM installed protective fencing around Mud Flat. | Partially Complete | 2008 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 1 | 1.2 | Develop and implement management plans | Ongoing Current | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Fish and Game, Bureau Land Management , Others | Management: Land Use | Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | 1.2-1 | In 2002, CDPR developed a management plan. | Complete | 2002 | 2003 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 1 | 1.2 | Develop and implement management plans | Ongoing Current | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Fish and Game, Bureau Land Management , Others | Management: Land Use | Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | 1.2-2 | In 2006, BLM developed an interim management plan for Stornetta Public Lands. | Complete | 2006 | 2007 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 1.3 | Develop and implement management guidelines | Ongoing Current | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, Unknown, Mendocino County, California, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection | Management: Land Use | Internal Technical Assistance | 1.3-1 | FWS developed standard protective measures to preclude take on private lands. | Complete | 2002 | 2003 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 1.4.1 | Identify habitat for restoration | Ongoing Current | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, Bureau Land Management , Others | Management: Land Use | Internal Field Assistance | To date, implementation limited to Manchester State Park and BLM's Stornetta Public Lands. | |||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 1.4.2 | Develop and implement site-specific restoration strategies | Ongoing Current | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, Bureau Land Management , Others | Management: Land Use | Internal Field Assistance | To date, implementation limited to Manchester State Park and BLM's Stornetta Public Lands. | |||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 1.4.3 | Monitor restoration | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Habitat Status | Internal Field Assistance | |||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 1.5.1 | Develop monitoring protocol | Complete | FY 2007 | FY 2008 | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Population Surveys | Species Expert | 1.5.1-1 | In 2007, developed non-invasive DNA method to determine number of animals, density, and sex ration. | Complete | 2007 | 2008 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 1.5.2 | Conduct qualitative monitoring of populations | Not Started | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game | Research: Population Surveys | Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | |||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 1.5.3 | Conduct quantitative monitoring of populations | Ongoing Current | FY 2006 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Population Surveys | Species Expert | 1.5.3-1 | In 2006, 2 permanent hair snare monitoring grids established in Manchester State Park. | Complete | 2011 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 1.5.3 | Conduct quantitative monitoring of populations | Ongoing Current | FY 2006 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Population Surveys | Species Expert | 1.5.3-2 | 2007 annual monitoring of 2 grids. | Complete | 2007 | 2008 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 1.5.3 | Conduct quantitative monitoring of populations | Ongoing Current | FY 2006 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Population Surveys | Species Expert | 1.5.3-3 | 2008 annual monitoring of 2 grids | Complete | 2008 | 2009 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 1.5.3 | Conduct quantitative monitoring of populations | Ongoing Current | FY 2006 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Population Surveys | Species Expert | 1.5.3-4 | 2009 annual monitoring of 2 grids | Complete | 2009 | 2010 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 1.5.3 | Conduct quantitative monitoring of populations | Ongoing Current | FY 2006 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Population Surveys | Species Expert | 1.5.3-5 | Population wide trend monitoring | Ongoing Current | 2013 | 2016 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | Being conducted by Redwood Sciences Lab. Initial report released 25 June 2014. | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 2.1 | Develop a survey protocol | Complete | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | FY 2008 | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Population Surveys | Species Expert | 2.1-1 | Non-invasive methods developed to evaluate presence-absence using hair snares and fern bundles. | Complete | 2007 | 2008 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 2.2 | Identify suitable habitat for surveying | Complete | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | FY 2005 | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Habitat Status | Contract | 2.2-1 | In 2006, rangewide vegetation was mapped using 2005 NAIP 1m color orthoimagery. The accuracy has not been ground checked. | Ongoing Not Current | 2006 | 2007 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 2.3 | Obtain landowner's permission to survey | Ongoing Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game | Other | Internal Field Assistance | A limited number of landowners have granted permission to have surveys conducted on their land. | 2.3-1 | In 2009, an outreach effort to obtain access to private lands will be initiated. | Ongoing Current | 2009 | 2010 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 2.4 | Survey for additional populations | Ongoing Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Bureau Land Management | Research: Population Surveys | Species Expert, Contract, Internal Field Assistance | 2.4-1 | In 2007, BLM surveyed Stornetta Public Lands. | Ongoing Current | 2007 | 2008 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 3.1 | Identify corridors to protect | Not Started | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game | Research: Habitat Status | Graduate Student, Internal Field Assistance | |||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 3.2 | Protect identified corridors | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Acquisition | Internal Field Assistance | |||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 4.2 | Design Studies to gather biological/ ecological data | Ongoing Current | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Population Surveys, Research: Habitat Status, Research: Habitat Requirements, Research: Demographic Studies | Species Expert | 4.2-1 | 2004-2006, research conducted to collect data on home range, breeding season dates, and den site characteristics. | Ongoing Not Current | 2004 | 2007 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 4.3.1 | Develop indirect monitoring techniques | Complete | FY 2005 | FY 2008 | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Population Surveys | Species Expert | 4.3.1-1 | Non-invasive methods developed to determine presence using hair snares and fern bundles. | Complete | 2005 | 2008 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 4.3.2 | Develop safe live-trapping / handling techniques | Complete | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | FY 2006 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Other Information | Species Expert, Contract, Internal Field Assistance | 4.3.2-1 | Funded research to develop safe trapping and handling techniques. | Complete | 2003 | 2006 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 4.3.3 | Develop radiotelemetry studies | Complete | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | FY 2006 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | California Department of Parks and Recreation, Unknown | Research: Population Surveys, Research: Other Information | Species Expert, Contract, Internal Field Assistance | 4.3.3-1 | Two-year study completed. | Complete | 2003 | 2006 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 4.4 | Study effects of scent | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Other Information | Species Expert | |||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 4.5 | Study effects of disturbance | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Acquisition: General | Graduate Student, Species Expert | |||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 4.7 | Determine habitat requirements | Ongoing Current | FY 2005 | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game | Research: Habitat Requirements | Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | 4.7-1 | Date collected on den site characteristics. | Complete | 2005 | 2010 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 2 | 4.9 | Study food habits | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Habitat Requirements | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | |||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 2.5 | Update CNDDB | Ongoing Current | FY 1995 - FY 1999 | Others | California Department of Fish and Game | Other | Internal Field Assistance | ||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 2.6 | Develop GIS map | Ongoing Current | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Other | Species Expert, Contract, Internal Field Assistance | GIS map of known sites is complete; but needs attributing and updating. | |||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 4.1 | Establish library | Ongoing Current | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Other | Internal Field Assistance | Annual literature searches to keep library current. | |||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 4.10 | Develop protocol for necropsies | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Other Information | Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | |||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 4.11 | Conduct population viability analyses | Not Started | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game | Research: Demographic Studies | Species Expert | |||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 4.6 | Conduct genetic analyses | Complete | FY 2006 | FY 2011 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Genetics | Species Expert, Contract | 4.6-1 | In 2006, 9 polymorphic loci were identified. Rangewide hair samples collected to determine genetic variation within and among occupied sites. | Complete | 2006 | 2011 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 4.6 | Conduct genetic analyses | Complete | FY 2006 | FY 2011 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Genetics | Species Expert, Contract | 4.6-2 | Rangewide samples collected. | Complete | 2007 | 2011 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 4.6 | Conduct genetic analyses | Complete | FY 2006 | FY 2011 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Genetics | Species Expert, Contract | 4.6-3 | Rangewide samples collected. | Complete | 2008 | 2011 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 4.6 | Conduct genetic analyses | Complete | FY 2006 | FY 2011 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Genetics | Species Expert, Contract | 4.6-4 | Rangewide samples collected. Samples have been collected from 134 individuals, results are expected in 2010. | Complete | 2009 | 2011 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 4.8 | Study relationship of successional habitat | Not Started | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game | Research: Habitat Status | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | |||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 5.1 | Determine feasibility of relocation | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Reintroduction | Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | |||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 5.2 | Plan and conduct relocations | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Research: Reintroduction | Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance | **if feasible and needed | ||||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 6.1.1 | Develop an implement incentives for recovery | Ongoing Not Current | FY 2000 - FY 2004 | Others | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Internal Field Assistance | Contacted landowners about possible Partners for Wildlife Projects. | |||||||||||
Point Arena Mountain Beaver Aplodontia rufa nigra (Rafinesque) Recovery Plan | F | 8 | Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office (707) 822-7201 | Point Arena mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa nigra | 3 | 6.1.2 | Produce outreach materials | Complete | FY 2009 | FY 2012 | Others | California Department of Parks and Recreation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Other: Information and Education | Volunteer | 6.1.2-1 | In 2009, draft outreach letter developed to send to landowners. | Complete | 2009 | 2011 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected |