Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results

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Plan Title Plan Stage Plan Lead Region (FWS) Plan Lead Office (FWS) Species Common Name Species Scientific Name Action Priority Action Number Action Description Action Status Estimated Initiation Date Estimated Completion Date Action Lead Agencies Responsible Parties Work Types Labor Types Comments Implementation Activity Number Implementation Activity Description Implementation Activity Status Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date Implementation Activity Labor Types Implementation Activity Work Types Implementation Activity Responsible Parties Implementation Activity Comments Implementation Activity Species
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 A-1.2 Provide flow regimes (as determined under Task A-1.1) that are necessary for all life stages of razorback sucker to support recovered populations in the Green River, upper Colorado River, and San Juan River subbasins. Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Acquisition: General, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation Contract, Internal Technical Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 A-2.1 Continue to provide fish passage over Redlands Diversion and Grand Valley Diversion to allow adequate movement of razorback sucker in the upper Colorado River and Gunnison River (see section 4.1 for a discussion on barriers to fish passage). Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation Contract, Internal Technical Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 A-2.2 Modify Price-Stubb Dam and Government Highline Dam to allow adequate movement of razorback sucker in the upper Colorado River. Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 FY 2008 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 A-2.3 Identify, evaluate, and modify (as necessary) barriers on the San Juan River (e.g., Cudei Diversion, Hogback Diversion and PNM Weir) to allow adequate movement of razorback sucker. Complete Prior to FY 1995 FY 2006 San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Research: Habitat Requirements, Research: Management Techniques Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance Passage structures are complete at Hogback and PNM Wier. Investigations are currently ongoing at the natural waterfall blocking upstream access from Lake Powell
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 A-3.1 Investigate the feasibility of modifying releases from Aspinall Unit dams to increase water temperatures in the Gunnison River that would allow for upstream range expansion of razorback sucker in the Gunnison River (see section 4.1 for discussion on warm-water releases). Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Research: Management Techniques Contract, Internal Technical Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 A-3.2 Modify releases from Aspinall Unit dams to increase water temperatures in the Gunnison River, if determined feasible and necessary to achieve demographic criteria for the upper Colorado River subbasin. Obsolete FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 A-4.1 Identify measures (e.g., screens, baffles) to minimize entrainment of subadult and adult razorback sucker at problematic diversion structures, such as the Green River Canal, Grand Valley Irrigation Canal, Government Highline Diversion Project, and the Redlands Canal Company Diversion (see section 4.1 for discussion on entrainment). Complete Prior to FY 1995 FY 2019 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 A-4.2 Install devices and/or implement other measures (as determined under Task A-4.1) to minimize entrainment. Complete FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 2019 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation Contract, Internal Technical Assistance The Green River Canal screen was completed in 2019.
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 A-4.3 Identify measures (e.g., screens, baffles) to minimize entrainment of subadult and adult razorback sucker at problematic diversion structures on the San Juan River. Planned FY 2020 Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 A-5.1 Identify appropriate bottomland sites and assess opportunities for land acquisition or easements. Complete FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Acquisition, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Research: Management Techniques Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 A-5.2 Acquire or procure easements (as determined under Task A-5.1) for bottomland sites where determined necessary and feasible. Complete FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Acquisition: Easement Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance Continued work may be necessary for recovery.
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 B-1.1 Reevaluate and, if necessary, identify actions to ensure adequate protection from overutilization of razorback sucker for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; not currently identified as an existing threat. Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management Internal Technical Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 B-1.2 Implement identified actions (as determined under Task B-1.1) to ensure adequate protection of razorback sucker populations from overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management Internal Technical Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 C-1.1. Reevaluate and, if necessary, identify actions to minimize adverse effects of diseases and parasites on razorback sucker populations; not currently identified as an existing threat (see sections 4.3.1 and A.11 for discussion of diseases and parasites). Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Disease Control Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 C-1.2 Implement identified actions (as determined under Task C-1.1) to ensure adequate protection of razorback sucker populations from deleterious diseases and parasites. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Disease Control Internal Technical Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 C-2.1 Develop, implement, evaluate, and revise (as necessary through adaptive management) procedures for stocking nonnative fish species in the Upper Colorado River Basin (including the San Juan River subbasin) to minimize negative interactions between nonnative fishes and razorback sucker. Complete FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 2009 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Predator and Competitor Control Internal Technical Assistance All States in the Upper Basin have revised stocking procedures in place.
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 C-2.2 Finalize and implement procedures (as determined under Task C-2.1) for stocking nonnative fish species in the Upper Colorado River Basin to minimize negative interactions between nonnative fishes and razorback sucker. Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 2023 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Predator and Competitor Control Internal Technical Assistance Efforts continue to encourage harvest of problematic nonnative fish.
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 C-3.1 Develop control programs for small-bodied nonnative fishes (e.g., cyprinids and centrarchids) in backwater and flooded off-channel nursery habitats in river reaches occupied by young razorback sucker to identify levels of control that will minimize negative interactions (e.g., competition and predation; see sections 4.3.2 and A.7 discussion of effects of nonnative fishes). Complete Prior to FY 1995 FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Predator and Competitor Control Contract, Internal Field Assistance Mechanical control of small-bodied nonnatives deemed ineffective, report currently out on nonnative cyprinid management (Project 158)
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 C-3.2 Implement identified levels (as determined under Task C-3.1) of nonnative fish control in backwater and flooded off-channel nursery habitats in river reaches occupied by young razorback sucker. Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Predator and Competitor Control Contract, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 C-3.3 Develop channel catfish control programs in river reaches occupied by razorback sucker to identify levels of control that will minimize negative interactions. Complete FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Predator and Competitor Control Contract, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 C-3.4 Implement identified levels (as determined under Task C-3.3) of channel catfish control in river reaches occupied by razorback sucker. Obsolete FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Predator and Competitor Control Contract, Internal Field Assistance Experimental management continues to identify level of control needed.
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 C-3.5 Develop northern pike control programs in reaches of the Green River occupied by razorback sucker to identify levels of control that will minimize negative interactions. Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 2024 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Research: Predation Contract, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 C-3.6 Implement identified levels (as determined under Task C-3.5) of northern pike control in reaches of the Green River occupied by razorback sucker. Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 2023 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Predator and Competitor Control Contract, Internal Field Assistance Experimental management continues to identify level of control needed.
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 D-1.1 Determine mechanisms for legal protection of adequate habitat through instream-flow rights, contracts, agreements, or other means. Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Acquisition, Management, Other: Regulations Contract, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 D-1.2 Implement mechanisms for legal protection of habitat (as determined under Task D-1.1) that are necessary to provide adequate habitat and sufficient range for all life stages of razorback sucker to support recovered populations. Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 FY 2023 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management Contract, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 D-2.1 Identify elements needed for the development of conservation plans that are necessary to provide for the long-term management and protection of Colorado pikeminnow populations; elements of these plans may include (but are not limited to) provision of flows for maintenance of adequate habitat conditions for all life stages of razorback sucker, regulation and/or control of nonnative fishes, minimization of the risk of hazardous-materials spills, and monitoring of populations and habitats. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Planning Volunteer, Contract, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 D-2.2 Develop and implement conservation plans and execute agreements among State agencies, Federal agencies, American Indian tribes, and other interested parties to provide reasonable assurances that conditions needed for recovered razorback sucker populations will be maintained. Ongoing Current FY 2017 FY 2023 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Planning Volunteer, Contract, Internal Field Assistance Discussions about post-program actions began in FY2017 with stakeholders.
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 E-1.1 Reevaluate levels of hybridization with white sucker, assess effects on razorback sucker populations, and, if necessary, develop white sucker control programs in river reaches occupied by razorback sucker to identify levels of control that will minimize h Ongoing Current FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Research: Genetics Contract, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 E-1.2 Implement identified levels (as determined under Task E-1.1) of white sucker control in river reaches occupied by razorback sucker. Ongoing Current FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Reintroduction Contract, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 E-2.1 Review and recommend modifications to State and Federal hazardous-materials spills emergency-response plans to ensure adequate protection for razorback sucker populations from hazardous-materials spills, including prevention and quick response to hazardous-materials spills. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Planning Contract, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 E-2.2 Implement State and Federal emergency-response plans that contain the necessary preventive measures (as determined under Task E-2.1) for hazardous-materials spills. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Planning Contract, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 E-2.3 Identify locations of all petroleum-product pipelines within the 100-year floodplain of critical habitat and assess the need for emergency shut-off valves to minimize the potential for spills. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Planning Contract, Internal Field Assistance USFWS Ecological Services addresses this through Section 7 consultation.
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 E-2.4 Install emergency shut-off valves (as determined under Task E-1.3) on problematic petroleum-product pipelines within the 100-year floodplain of critical habitat. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Land Use Contract, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 E-3.1 Identify actions to remediate groundwater contamination from the Atlas Mills tailings pile located near Moab, Utah, in order to restore water quality of the Colorado River in the vicinity of the pile in accordance with the State of Utah and Environmental Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 FY 2005 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Land Use, Other: Regulations Contract, Internal Field Assistance
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 E-3.2 Implement actions (as determined under Task E-2.1) to remediate groundwater contamination from the Atlas Mills tailings pile. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Land Use, Other: Regulations Contract
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 E-4.1 Reevaluate the effects of selenium contamination on razorback sucker reproductive success and survival of young, and, if necessary, identify actions to reduce deleterious levels of selenium contamination. Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Research: Environmental Contaminants Contract, Internal Field Assistance Report from UCREFRP, State of Utah, USFWS and Texas A&M expected in 2018. USBR continues to fund selemium remediation in the Gunnison and Uncompahgre.
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 E-4.2 Implement identified actions (as determined under Task E-3.1) to reduce deleterious levels of selenium contamination. Ongoing Current FY 1995 - FY 1999 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation Contract, Internal Field Assistance Stewart Lake (Green River) and "Hot spots" on Colorado River are flushed with river flows to minimize selenium concentrations
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB A-1.1 Identify, implement, evaluate, and revise (as necessary through adaptive management) flow regimes that are necessary for the establishment and maintenance of razorback sucker populations in the mainstem and/or tributaries. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB A-1.2 Provide flow regimes (as determined under Task A-1.1) that are necessary for all life stages of razorback sucker to support recovered populations in the mainstem and/or tributaries. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB A-2.1 Identify measures (e.g., screens, baffles) to minimize entrainment of subadult and adult razorback sucker at problematic diversion and/or out-take structures. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB A-2.2 Install devices and/or implement other measures (as determined under Task A-2.1) to minimize entrainment. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB A-3.1 Identify appropriate riverside sites and assess opportunities for land acquisition or easements. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected Land/habitat is actively being developed by LCR MSCP for razorback sucker.
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB A-3.2 Acquire or procure easements (as determined under Task A-3.1) for riverside sites where determined necessary and feasible. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB B-1.1 Reevaluate and, if necessary, identify actions to ensure adequate protection from overutilization of razorback sucker for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; not currently identified as an existing threat. Complete FY 2018 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB B-1.2 Implement identified actions (as determined under Task B-1.1) to ensure adequate protection of razorback sucker from overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes. Complete FY 2018 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB C-1.1 Reevaluate and, if necessary, identify actions to minimize adverse effects of diseases and parasites on razorback sucker populations; not currently identified as an existing threat. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB C-1.2 Implement identified actions (as determined under Task C-1.1) to ensure adequate protection of razorback sucker populations from deleterious diseases and parasites. Ongoing Current FY 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB C-2.1 Develop, implement, evaluate, and revise (as necessary through adaptive management) procedures for stocking and to minimize escapement of nonnative fish species into the mainstem, floodplain, and tributaries to minimize negative interactions between nonnative fishes and razorback sucker. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB C-2.2 Finalize and implement procedures (as determined under Task C-2.1) for stocking and to minimize escapement of nonnative fish species into the mainstem, floodplain, and tributaries to minimize negative interaction between nonnative fishes and razorback sucker. Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB C-3.1 Develop control programs for problematic nonnative fishes in the mainstem, floodplain, and tributaries to identify levels of control that will minimize negative interactions between nonnative fishes and razorback sucker. Not Started FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB C-3.2 Implement identified levels (as determined under Task C-3.1) of nonnative fish control in the mainstem, floodplain, and tributaries. Not Started FY 2000 - FY 2004 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB D-1.1 Determine mechanisms for legal protection of adequate habitat through instream-flow rights, contracts, agreements, or other means. Partially Complete FY 2020 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB D-1.2 Implement mechanisms for legal protection of habitat (as determined under Task D-1.1) that are necessary to provide adequate habitat and sufficient range for all life stages of razorback sucker to support recovered populations. Ongoing Current FY 2023 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB D-2.1 Identify elements needed for the development of conservation plans that are necessary to provide for the long-term management and protection of razorback sucker populations; elements of these plans may include (but are not limited to) maintenance of genetic diversity in Lakes Mohave, provision of flows for maintenance of adequate habitat conditions for all life stages of razorback sucker, regulation and/or control of nonnative fishes, and monitoring of populations and habitats. Partially Complete FY 2000 - FY 2004 FY 2020 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 LB D-2.2 Develop and implement conservation plans and execute agreements among State agencies, Federal agencies, American Indian tribes, and other interested parties to provide reasonable assurances that conditions needed for recovered razorback sucker populations will be maintained. Ongoing Current FY 2000 - FY 2004 FY 2023 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Native Fish Work Group, USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries, USFWS Region 6, Endangered Species & Fisheries, San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected
Razorback Sucker - Recovery Goals RF(1) 6 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (303) 236-9881 Razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus 1 UB A-1.1 Identify, implement, evaluate, and revise (as necessary through adaptive management) flow regimes to benefit razorback sucker populations in the Green River, upper Colorado River, and San Juan River subbasins. Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS - Region 2, Endangered Species & Fisheries Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Research: Habitat Requirements, Research: Management Techniques Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance