Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results

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Plan Title Plan Stage Plan Lead Region (FWS) Plan Lead Office (FWS) Species Common Name Species Scientific Name Action Priority Action Number Action Description Action Status Estimated Initiation Date Estimated Completion Date Action Lead Agencies Responsible Parties Work Types Labor Types Comments Implementation Activity Number Implementation Activity Description Implementation Activity Status Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date Implementation Activity Labor Types Implementation Activity Work Types Implementation Activity Responsible Parties Implementation Activity Comments Implementation Activity Species
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 1 111 Limit expansion and prevent further development Not Started Other Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 4 Acquisition: Easement Internal Administrative
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 1 112 Develop cooperative agreements Ongoing Current Conservation Organizations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, Other Conservation Organizations, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 4 Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected In 2023, the Service established a cooperative initiative with Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, the NGO Envirosurvey, Inc., and Para La Naturaleza to protect suitable habitat for listed species, augment the known natural population of these species, and to enhance the habitat connectivity between remaining patches of Guilarte commonwealth mature native forests and surrounding agricultural landscape (F23AC01631).
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 1 113 Prohibit use for military training maneuvers Obsolete Other Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 4 Management: Land Use Internal Administrative
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 1 114 Coordinate and develop management plan Not Started Other Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 4 Management: Planning Internal Field Assistance
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 1 121 Monitor all known populations Ongoing Current Botanical Gardens, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, Other Botanical Gardens, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 4 Research: Population Assessment, Research: Population Surveys Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance A trip was made on July 5, 2011, by experts from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, to Cerro de Punta (the only known location of the species) and a search was conducted for the species. Some plants believed to be I. cookii were collected, but their identity is unconfirmed. The plants were sterile, so only vegetative characters were available, and their reliability is uncertain. An examination of the specimens suggests that they are not I. cookii (that is, they are not conspecific with the type specimen), but it is unclear to which species they may belong. On February 29, 2012 Service biologist visited Monte Jayuya in Toro Negro. Dicember 2016 species population was monitored by Fairchild in Cerro Punta and Monte Jayuya. On February 2017, population at Monte Guilarte and Cerro Punta were montiored and surveyed. 2014-2019: Fairchild worked with seven federally listed Puerto Rican fern species (including P. calderonense and C. dryopteroides) in 2014-2019, with funding and significant technical support from the USFWS, Caribbean Ecological Services Office under Cooperative Agreement F14AC01201. As a result of that work, additional plants were discovered, microhabitats were characterized, propagation techniques were developed, ex situ collections were established, spores were cryogenically stored, and taxonomic uncertainties were made clearer (through work by subcontracted University of Florida scientists). 2020-2022- Known habitat of I. cookii and C.dryopteroides at Cerro Punta and Monte Jayuya have been visited by PRDNER, FWS, and Fairchild. Individuals of both species were found. 2022- PRDNER found around 72 individuals at Cerro Jayuya, 31 individuals at Cerro Punta, and 14 individuals between Cero Punta and Cerro Jayuya. Fairchild and FWS visited C. drypteroides populations at Cerro Jayuya and Cerro Punta.. were unable to access MOnte Guilarte population . FY20- More than 24 C. dryopteroides are being cared for in the nursery at Fairchild 2021-2024 - New populations have been found by PRDNER. They are still assessing the species habitat to see if more individuals are found within Toro Negro Commonwealth Forest
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 1 122 Enforce existing regulations Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 FY 2020 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 4 Other: Law Enforcement Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance PRDNER rangers mostly perform this activity.
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 1 123 Educate the public Ongoing Current U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 4 Other: Information and Education Internal Administrative Species is included in public education programs. Species profile and data shared to the public thorugh FWS webpages and social media 2023- ongoing- New initiative seeks to safeguard natural habitat and populations and one of the goals is increase awareness of the species within Silla de Calderon land owners.
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 1 21 Continue to search for new populations Ongoing Current Botanical Gardens, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, Other U.S. Forest Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species Research: Population Assessment, Research: Population Surveys Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance Service biologist found a second population in Monte Jayuya area in Toro Negro Commonwealth Forest. 2020-2022- PRDNER has been actively looking for the species through species known habitat. 2022-2024- PRDNER has been actively looking for the species through species known habitat.
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 1 31 Evaluate feasibility of artificial propagation Ongoing Current U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Botanical Gardens, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species Research: Propagation Species Expert, Contract 2020-2021- Collect spores and evaluate potential habitat for reintroduction. Install planting of less than 5 Cyathea at garden/university setting. COntinue to propagate from spores collected in 2014. 2021-2022- Collection of spores by Fairchild and installation of dataloggers on wild population sites and possible reintroduction sites 2023-2024- Although efforts have been completed for an ex-situs population, cultivation of the elfin tree fern has been difficult and unsuccessful. A goal of this initiative is to opportunistically reintroduce 50 individuals of the elfin tree fern within prime habitat, this will be done by close collaboration with Fairchild and their propagated material. Currently efforts are being concentrated in the propagation of elfin tree ferns and shipping the material to Puerto Rico
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 1 31 Evaluate feasibility of artificial propagation Ongoing Current Work type not yet selected Labor type not yet selected A goal of this initiative is to opportunistically reintroduce 50 individuals of the elfin tree fern within prime habitat, this will be done by close collaboration with Fairchild and their propagated material. Currently efforts are being concentrated in the propagation of elfin tree ferns and shipping the material to Puerto Rico
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 1 323 Evaluate seed viability and germination requirements Ongoing Current Other Botanical Gardens, Universities, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species Research, Research: Propagation Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract 2014- A student is making inventory of Cyathea. Cyathea population was monitored by Fairchils 2014-2016 - Cyathea gametophytes and sporophyte growth was assessed by Fairchild 2022- Fertile fronds of C. dryopteroides were collected at Cerro punta and Cerro Jayuya. 2020-2022- Determine whether C. dryoptoides produce viable seeds Spore germination research was completed by Fairchid 2023-2024- Although efforts have been completed for an ex-situs population, cultivation of the elfin tree fern has been difficult and unsuccessful.
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 2 32 Investigate reproductive biology and ecology Not Started Botanical Gardens, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, Other Universities, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species Research: Population Assessment Labor type not yet selected 2023-2024 Although efforts have been completed for an ex-situs population, cultivation of the elfin tree fern has been difficult and unsuccessful.
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 2 321 Assess periodicity and pollination mechanisms Not Started Other Universities, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species Research: Propagation Graduate Student, Species Expert
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 2 322 Assess fruit/spore and seed dispersal Not Started Other Universities, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species Research Graduate Student, Species Expert
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 2 324 Evaluate seedling Not Started Other Universities, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species Research Graduate Student, Species Expert
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 2 325 Evaluate role of vegetative regeneration Not Started Other Universities, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species Research Graduate Student, Species Expert
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 2 33 Define habitat requirements Not Started Other Botanical Gardens, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species Research: Habitat Requirements Graduate Student, Species Expert 2021-2022- Environmental dataloggers were installed in potential reintroduction sites for C. drypteroides 2023-2024- A goal of this initiative is to opportunistically reintroduce 50 individuals of the elfin tree fern within prime habitat, this will be done by close collaboration with Fairchild and their propagated material. Currently efforts are being concentrated in the propagation of elfin tree ferns and shipping the material to Puerto Rico
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 2 341 Assess site suitability Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species Research: Habitat Status Species Expert
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 2 342 Assess site protection Not Started U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Conservation Organizations, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species Management Internal Technical Assistance
Ilex cookii and Cyathea dryopteroides Recovery Plan F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Elfin tree fern Cyathea dryopteroides 2 4 Refine recovery goals Ongoing Not Current FY 2014 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 4 Management Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance