Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results
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Document ID=600184Plan Title | Plan Stage | Plan Lead Region (FWS) | Plan Lead Office (FWS) | Species Common Name | Species Scientific Name | Action Priority | Action Number | Action Description | Action Status | Estimated Initiation Date | Estimated Completion Date | Action Lead Agencies | Responsible Parties | Work Types | Labor Types | Comments | Implementation Activity Number | Implementation Activity Description | Implementation Activity Status | Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date | Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date | Implementation Activity Labor Types | Implementation Activity Work Types | Implementation Activity Responsible Parties | Implementation Activity Comments | Implementation Activity Species |
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 1 | 1.35, 1.36 | Conduct hydrological review | Ongoing Not Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Research: Other Information | Graduate Student, Contract | ||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 2 | 1.31-1.34 | Manage habitat | Ongoing Current | Prior to FY 1995 | Other | Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Acquisition: Fee Title, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Labor type not yet selected | 1.31-1.34-1 | Over the years, the Leon Springs pupfish habitat in the Diamond Y Spring system has been overrun with invasive bulrush, which has encroached upon the important shallow water breeding areas, leaving only the deep water habitats and in some cases cutting off flow from one pool to another. A section 6 grant was awarded to Dr. Murry Itzkowitz which includes removal of bulriush and restoration of the shallow water breeding habitats. | Ongoing Current | 2012 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 2 | 1.38 | Monitor existing populations | Ongoing Current | FY 2007 | Other | Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Management: Population Monitoring | Graduate Student, Contract, Internal Field Assistance | 1.38-1 | Dr. Murray Itzkowitz has been awarded a section 6 grant and is currently monitoring the population size of the Leon Springs pupfish in the Diamond Y Spring system. | Ongoing Current | 2012 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 2 | 4.2 | Provide Section 7 consultation | Ongoing Current | Prior to FY 1995 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Division, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Other: Regulations | Internal Technical Assistance | Austin ESFO | |||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 1.11 | Study competition with coexisting species | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Research: Competition | Graduate Student, Contract | Tasks 1.11 thru 1.16 could be best accomplished if funded & conducted as one 3 year study | ||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 1.12 | Study reproduction variables | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Research: Other Information | Graduate Student, Contract | |||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 1.13 | Investigate predation | Obsolete | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Work type not yet selected | Labor type not yet selected | 1.13-1 | Dr. Murray Itzkowitz, under a section 6 grant, has been monitoring breeding success of Leon Springs pupfish and the influence of egg predation by Pecos gambusia, which also occurs in the Diamond Y Spring system. The completion of this study will allow accurate quantification of habitat use and mating sucess, and whether habitat restorations need fine tuning. | Ongoing Current | 2012 | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 1.14 | Determine survivorship | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Research: Demographic Studies | Graduate Student, Contract | |||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 1.15 | Investigate disease and parasites | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Research: Disease | Graduate Student, Contract | |||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 1.16 | Study impacts by exotics | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Research: Other Information | Graduate Student, Contract | |||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 1.21 | Determine abundance at different locations | Ongoing Current | FY 2007 | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Management: Population Monitoring | Graduate Student, Contract | ||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 1.22 | Investigate impact of other fishes | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Research: Other Information | Graduate Student, Contract | |||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 1.23 | Obtain physiological data | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Research: Other Information | Graduate Student, Contract | |||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 1.37 | Prepare management plans | Not Started | Other | Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation | Labor type not yet selected | |||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 2.1 | Culture Leon Springs pupfish at Dexter NFH | Ongoing Current | Prior to FY 1995 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fisheries Resource Division, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Management: Propagation | Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | Dexter NFHTC | |||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 2.2 | Reintroduce fish into Lake Leon | Not Started | Other | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fisheries Resource Division, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Management: Reintroduction | Labor type not yet selected | |||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 3.1 | Prepare information pamphlet | Not Started | Other | Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Other: Information and Education | Contract | |||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 3.2 | Produce motion picture | Not Started | Other | Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Other: Information and Education | Contract | |||||||||||||
Leon Springs Pupfish Recovery Plan | F | 2 | Austin Ecological Services Field Office (512) 937-7371 | Leon Springs pupfish | Cyprinodon bovinus | 3 | 4.1 | Provide status information | Ongoing Current | Prior to FY 1995 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species, USFWS Regional Office 2 | Other: Information and Education | Internal Administrative | Austin ESFO |