Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results

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Plan Title Plan Stage Plan Lead Region (FWS) Plan Lead Office (FWS) Species Common Name Species Scientific Name Action Priority Action Number Action Description Action Status Estimated Initiation Date Estimated Completion Date Action Lead Agencies Responsible Parties Work Types Labor Types Comments Implementation Activity Number Implementation Activity Description Implementation Activity Status Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date Implementation Activity Labor Types Implementation Activity Work Types Implementation Activity Responsible Parties Implementation Activity Comments Implementation Activity Species
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 2 1.1 Survey existing population to determine density and distribution. Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 FY 2019 Other Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program, Other Research: Population Surveys Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance Project to assess snake fungal disease was completed. There is a graduate student that completed surveys in populations associated to caves.
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 2 1.2 Survey Puerto Rico for location of unknown populations. Complete Prior to FY 1995 FY 2014 Other Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program Research: Population Surveys Species Expert, Internal Field Assistance, Graduate Student, Contract There are no targeted surveys to search for the PR boa in new areas. This species has been reported in all municipalities of PR, considered to have a wide range and be a habitat generalist. We continually check with our partners and social media for any potential new records.
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 2 1.3 Conduct periodic surveys to determine population trends. Complete FY 2019 Other U.S. Forest Service, Federal Agencies, Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program Work type not yet selected Internal Field Assistance, Internal Technical Assistance, Contract, Species Expert, Graduate Student, Volunteer Several surveys have been completed in the past. An SSA for this species has been completed which suggested a slow decline into the future. There is a graduate student concentrating surveys in populations associated to caves that may help inform on actual trends for a particular area. Species was proposed for delisting in 2022.
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 2 2.1 Determine habitat requirements. Complete FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 2014 Other Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program Research: Habitat Requirements Graduate Student, Species Expert Has been studied by PhD student.
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 2 2.2 Determine reproductive biology in the wild. Complete FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 2012 Other Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program Research Graduate Student, Species Expert Has been studied by PhD student.
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 2 2.3 Determine movements and behavior. Complete FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 2016 Other U.S. Forest Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program Work type not yet selected Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance Has been studied by graduate students.
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 2 2.4 Determine feeding ecology. Complete FY 1995 - FY 1999 FY 2012 Other Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program Research Graduate Student, Species Expert Has been studied by PhD student.
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 2 2.5 Determine intensity of non-human predation on various class sizes. Not Started Other U.S. Forest Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program Work type not yet selected Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 2 3 Update Recovery Plan. Complete U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Agencies, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program Work type not yet selected Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Administrative Recovery plan was amended with delisting criteria.
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 2 4 Determine degree of human persecution. Ongoing Not Current U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program Work type not yet selected Species Expert, Contract, Internal Field Assistance Anecdotal reports are mainly seen through social media platforms. No specific study on this has been conducted recently.
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 2 5.1 Provide disturbance-free areas in federal and state forest lands. Complete Other U.S. Forest Service, Federal Agencies, Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, USFWS Regional Office 4, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program Acquisition: Lease Internal Administrative, Internal Technical Assistance, Species Expert The species occurs within several protected areas managed by federal, state and private partners.
Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Boa F 4 Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office (939) 320-3135 Puerto Rican boa Chilabothrus inornatus 3 5.2 Conduct education campaign. Ongoing Current Prior to FY 1995 FY 2014 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Forest Service, Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Endangered Species Program Other: Information and Education Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance Species is included in environmental education programs conducted by partners.