Recovery Plan Ad Hoc Report results
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Document ID=774Plan Title | Plan Stage | Plan Lead Region (FWS) | Plan Lead Office (FWS) | Species Common Name | Species Scientific Name | Action Priority | Action Number | Action Description | Action Status | Estimated Initiation Date | Estimated Completion Date | Action Lead Agencies | Responsible Parties | Work Types | Labor Types | Comments | Implementation Activity Number | Implementation Activity Description | Implementation Activity Status | Implementation Activity Estimated Initiation Date | Implementation Activity Estimated Completion Date | Implementation Activity Labor Types | Implementation Activity Work Types | Implementation Activity Responsible Parties | Implementation Activity Comments | Implementation Activity Species |
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 1 | 1.1 | Deauthorize Lukfata Reservoir | Complete | Other | Corps of Engineers | Other | Labor type not yet selected | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 1 | 1.21 | Glover River protection plan | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Inc., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Forest Service, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Corps of Engineers, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture, Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Commission | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | 2010 Fish passage | 1.21-1 | We are working with the county and Oklahioma Department of Wildlife Conservation to remove a old decomissioned bridge which currelty acts as fish passage barrier and is affection GLover River flows and morphology. | Ongoing Current | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | |||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 1 | 3.1 | Determine genetic variation | Ongoing Current | Other | Academic institutions, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office | Research: Genetics | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | Effective popoulation size study completed - tributaries found to be relatively unique with Cossatot River having a dangerously low effective population size. Artificial immigration plan being considered. | 3.1-1 | Effective population size study completed | Complete | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | Study suggest genetice diversity between tributaries and significanly low effective population size in the Cossatot draiinage. Recommendations to implement artificial immigration plan for leopard darter | ||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.22 | Land ownership map | Partially Complete | Other | Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Inc., Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, The Nature Conservancy | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: General | Volunteer, Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.231 | Private sector habitat protection - Upper Little River | Ongoing Current | Other | Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Inc., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | 2010 - Fish passage work | ||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.232 | Private sector habitat protection - Robinson Fork River | Not Started | Other | Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Inc., Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, The Nature Conservancy | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.233 | Private sector habitat protection - Upper Mountain Fork | Ongoing Current | Other | Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Inc., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, The Nature Conservancy | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | 2010 - Fish passage work | ||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.234 | Private sector habitat protection - tributaries | Not Started | Other | Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Inc., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.24 | Complete habitat protection | Not Started | Other | U.S. Forest Service, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Corps of Engineers, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, The Nature Conservancy, Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Commission | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.251 | Point source discharge | Ongoing Current | Other | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use, Other: Information and Education, Other: Law Enforcement, Other: Regulations, Research: Environmental Contaminants | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.252 | Non-point source discharge | Ongoing Current | Other | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use, Other: Information and Education, Other: Law Enforcement, Other: Regulations, Research: Environmental Contaminants | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.261 | Monitor clearcutting | Ongoing Not Current | Other | Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Inc., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Corps of Engineers, Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use, Other: Information and Education, Other: Law Enforcement, Other: Regulations | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.262 | Evaluate poultry and swine operations | Ongoing Current | Other | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.2621 | Determine location, number, ownership, and production of poultry and swine operations | Partially Complete | Other | Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.2622 | Landowner contact and assistance program | Partially Complete | Other | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.263 | Assess impacts of existing stream crossings | Partially Complete | Other | Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Inc., U.S. Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Forest Service, Corps of Engineers, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Department of Transportation | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 1.264 | Monitor compliance with pesticide use restrictions | Ongoing Not Current | Other | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 2.1 | Determine extent of suitable habitat | Partially Complete | Other | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory | Research: Habitat Status | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 2.2 | Determine movement and survivorship patterns | Partially Complete | Other | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory | Research: Demographic Studies, Research: Migration, Research: Predation, Research: Competition | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 2.3 | Permanent Monitoring | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Forest Service, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Research: Population Assessment, Research: Population Surveys, Research: Habitat Requirements, Management: Population Monitoring | Volunteer, Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | 2.3-1 | Completed annual surveys in July | Complete | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected | ||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 2.4 | Assess importance of small tributaries as spawning sites | Not Started | Other | Academic institutions, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory | Research: Ecosystem Studies, Research: Habitat Status, Research: Habitat Requirements, Research: Demographic Studies | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 3.2 | Determine minimum viable population size | Not Started | Other | Academic institutions, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory | Research: Demographic Studies, Research: Genetics | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 4.1 | Complete brochure | Ongoing Current | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office | Other: Information and Education | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 4.2 | Erect displays | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism , Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Corps of Engineers, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Other: Information and Education | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 2 | 5.1 | Re-establish populations in the Cossatot and Robinson Fork Rivers | Ongoing Current | FY 2014 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Weyerhaeuser Corporation, Inc., Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Management: Propagation, Management: Reintroduction, Management: Planning, Research: Management Techniques, Research: Propagation, Management: Population Monitoring | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | Dr. Tony Echelle at OSU is drafting an Artificial Immigration Plan for the leopard darter. Because of the contruction of reservoirs in the 1940s to 1960s, the leopard darter is no longer able to move between tributarites, resulting in a signifant loss of genetivc variation in the population, and in particular the Cossatot River. Additionally, the leopard darter has not been seen in the Robinson Fork River since 2005. An eDNA study is also being considered for the Robinson Fork population, to detect potential presence. | |||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 3 | 1.2623 | Prepare habitat conservation plan | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Oklahoma State Department of Agriculture, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 3 | 1.265 | Determine magnitude of threat from acid rain precipitation | Partially Complete | Other | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office | Research: Climate Change, Research: Habitat Status, Research: Habitat Requirements, Research: Environmental Contaminants | Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 3 | 2.5 | Determine distribution, abundance, and extent of habitat on Ouachita National Forest | Partially Complete | Other | U.S. Forest Service, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office | Research: Habitat Status | Volunteer, Graduate Student, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 3 | 5.2 | Initiate habitat enhancement projects | Ongoing Current | Other | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Corps of Engineers, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Management: Identify/Protect Foraging, Breeding and Mig Habitats, Management: Habitat Maintenance and Manipulation, Management: Planning, Management: Land Use | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | 2010 fish passage projects | ||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 3 | 5.3 | Re-establish populations downstream of Gillham Reservoir | Not Started | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Corps of Engineers, Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Management: Propagation, Management: Reintroduction, Research: Propagation, Research: Reintroduction, Management: Population Monitoring | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | |||||||||||||
Draft Revision, Leopard Darter Recovery Plan | RD(1) | 2 | Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office (918) 581-7458 | Leopard darter | Percina pantherina | 3 | 6 | Develop monitoring plan | Partially Complete | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation , Oklahoma Ecological Services Field Office, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Research: Population Assessment, Management: Planning, Research: Population Surveys, Management: Population Monitoring | Volunteer, Species Expert, Contract, Internal Technical Assistance, Internal Field Assistance, Internal Administrative | 6-1 | The Service's annual monitoring plan continues to be updated based on current science and new knowledge about the leopard darters distribution. We've added survey sites below Pine Creek Reservoir on the Little River, where the leopard darter was thought to be extirpated but where we collected two in 2010. These fish where found in the Little River just downstream of the Glover River confluence where they likely came from. We will continue to monitor this and other Lower Little River sites (below Pine Creek) to determine if self sustaining populaitons exist. | Ongoing Current | Labor type not yet selected | Work type not yet selected |